Search Results for romans

Found 973 Results for romans
How Can We Practice Sacrificial Love?

Ruth Clemence

In the ancient Greek language, there are four types of love. There is storge love which is love that is shared between family members like that experienced between a parent and child; eros love which ...

What’s So Good about the Gospel?

Meredith N Mills

Many gospel conversations focus on life after death: All have sinned. Sin separates us from God. Jesus died to save us from hell and make heaven possible for those who believe in him. But what if this...

7 Ways to Cultivate Joy

Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day's events from eternity's perspective. ...

A Prayer for Uvalde to Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Cheryl Gilbert

YES, there are issues at hand that are imperative to address, problems that MUST be solved. And yet here, now, this very moment, we must mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15)....

Why Did Pontius Pilate Allow Jesus to Be Crucified?

Hope Bolinger

Pontius Pilate's sentence is a crucial part of the Easter story. Despite finding Jesus guiltless, Pilate still allows him to be killed. However, after washing his hands of the whole situation, Pilate ...

A Comprehensive Spiritual Gifts List to Discover Your Gifts and Calling

Melissa Henderson

There are various places in Scripture that provide a spiritual gifts list. The New Testament shares passages which mention spiritual gifts. ...

What Does It Mean to Be a "Pleasing Aroma of Christ"?

Ruth Clemence

To God, believers are a “pleasing aroma of Christ.” We bring the good news of Jesus, and we are His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). In the world, there are those who are being saved and those who ar...

Beware the Opposite Traits of the Fruit of the Spirit

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus gave further explanation of the difference between a good fruit bearer and one who produces bad fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles. A healthy tree bears good...

How 400 Years of Silence Paved the Way for the Messiah

Bethany Verrett

Just because God was not speaking at that time does not mean this was an uneventful period in Israel’s history. Though He was not speaking, God was working all things out for His glory and for the sal...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Ed Jarrett

Christmas, at its heart, is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. But it is true that some of what we see at Christmas is pagan in origin. Christmas trees also have a pagan origin, as do some of the de...

What Does It Looks Like to Be an Ambassador for Christ?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As Christians—first and foremost in relation to what the world sees—we are to be ambassadors for Christ. We are people called by God to represent Him to a lost and dying (secular) world, and as w...

Are You Accidentally Committing the Heresy of Pelagianism?

Stephen Baker

Pelagianism emphasizes a person’s responsibility over their own sin nature. According to this view, people are not lost in their sin, but rather have the ability to control themselves. ...

How Our Limits Remind Us of God’s Limitlessness

Bethany Verrett

Human beings live under many constraints, some visible and some invisible. God, on the other hand, does not exist under the same limitations. When people are reminded of what they cannot do, it is a g...

How Can We Model the Love of Christ through Being Considerate?

Sheila Alewine

The Bible does give us a pattern for how we can consider the circumstances of the people around us and respond, both in Jesus’ life and words, and the teachings of the apostles. The most inconsiderate...

What the Bible Says about the Idea of Transgenderism

Dr. Michael A. Milton

It is difficult to imagine a contemporary social movement that is more dangerously consistent with the downward spiral of Romans chapter one than transgenderism. Read these words from St. Paul an...

How Can I Pray for Forgiveness?

Bethany Verrett

When someone hurts another individual, they can go in person and ask for forgiveness. But how does one approach the God of the universe and admit to wrong doing?...

How Can Christians Weep with Those Who Weep?

Britt Mooney

What if weeping with those who weep is actually the key to helping people heal?...

20 Things to Thank God for in the Midst of Adversity

Lisa Loraine Baker

We can rest in Who He is and be thankful because we are made in His image and because throughout every adversity He allows, He is changing us from one degree of glory to another or to mold us more and...

What Does the Bible Say about Salvation?

Michael Jakes

In the simplest terms, salvation is the deliverance of one from impending danger. As stated, this salvation is prompted by His love, but it is given to us by grace. We read from the book of Ephesians:...

What Does the Bible Say Makes Someone Anathema or Cursed?

Britt Mooney

According to the Bible, what does it mean for a person to be anathema, or cursed?...