Search Results for so 2017

Found 115 Results for so 2017
Finding Contentment in the Midst of Coronavirus Fear

Allie Boman

The coronavirus pandemic that is shaking the world is unprecedented. And no matter who you are, it's scary. What is a Christian to do to spread Christ's love and joy, when we ourselves are crippled wi...

The Thanatos Syndrome: What the Bible Says about Euthanasia

Dr. Michael A. Milton

God hates the murderous taking of human life. Therefore, God abhors that wicked and deceitful deed that men call "The Good Death.” Our unequivocal statement is derived from many places in God’s Word. ...

How Will You Run Your Race This Coming Year?

Jordan Standridge

We are to consider the men and women of Hebrews 11 and think upon their faithfulness and faith in order to be propelled to run our race better. ...

Why Does the Bible Include Poetry?

Bethany Verrett

So why would God put poetry in His sacred texts? Because of the infinite and complex nature of God’s existence and character, He is capable of communicating with His creation in a myriad of ways. He i...

Living Your Faith under Pressure

Even though Daniel experienced suffering, anxiety, humiliation, and persecution as a captive of the Babylonians, God had a plan for Daniel's life. And he has one for you ... no matter what you face....

Making an Idol of Ministry

Henri Nouwen once said that the main obstacle to loving God is service for God. This is ministry idolatry—not agreeing with Jesus that he has the rightful first place in our affections...

Is Your Hope in Jesus on the 9/11 Anniversary?

Carrie Dedrick

The most important thing we can remember about 9/11 is how it points our way to Christ....

6 Intentions to Bring into This Holiday Season

Carley Marcouillier

The holidays tend to get hectic for all of us. We want to be intentional with our time and spend quiet moments reflecting on Jesus and why we celebrate, but things just seem to get away from us. If yo...

Dealing with Hidden Sin

Sin is a reality with which we all must live. No one can escape the struggles we have with rebelling against God’s call on our lives. The battle can be overwhelming, but it does not have to result in ...

Our High Priest Keeps Us Going

“Priest” is the only title given to Jesus that has virtually an entire book of the New Testament devoted to explaining it—the letter to the Hebrews....

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

Created for Community

Community is something we all want. How did we get this way? How did this craving, this longing, get hardwired into us? The Bible answers that question by explaining that we are created in the image o...

A Deeper Look at Love

It is sometimes difficult for a modern person, who associates love with uncontrollable feelings, to understand how the Bible can command love of God, neighbors, even enemies. But in the Bible the many...

What Does the Bible Say about Divorce?

DiAne Gates

A topical look at what scriptures have to say about divorce. ...

What Are the 5 Most Accurate Bible Translations?

Jason Soroski

There are other versions that are worthy of attention, but these five are universally considered great for several reasons. First, they are all translated by respected and diverse groups of theologian...

What Is the Difference Between the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus’ message conflicted with both approaches. The Pharisees and Sadducees were important figures rising to prominence in Israel after the return from exile through the first century, but Jesus’ impo...

10 Things You Should Know about Fasting

Sam Storms

If there is a single driving force in our society today it may well be what I call instant self-gratification. It is into this mindset in our society that the Bible speaks about fasting. ...

Assurance of God's Love

This is where the faith journey starts: understanding that God loves you. If you do not have an assurance of God’s love, your faith journey will not last long. ...

Does Exodus 23:25 Promise God’s Blessing if We Worship Him?

Bethany Verrett

This blessing assured the soon-to-be nation of Israel that if they loved Him and kept His ways, He would bless them with good food, an abundance of water, and health. This covenant with the nation of ...