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Found 196 Results for col 1:10
Acts Of The Apostles, 8-12

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 _VIII. The Speeches in Acts._ This matter is important enough to receive separate treatment. Are the numerous speeches rep...

Romanos 5

ROMANOS 5DIVISION DE PARRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valera Re...

1 Corinthians 2

Chapter?2The apostle proceeds with his argument in this chapter, and, I. Reminds the Corinthians of the plain manner wherein he delivered the gospel t...

Hebreos 9

HEBREOS 9DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJEl santuario terrenal y el celestialEl mediador del nuevo pactoEl santuario terre...

The Atonement

VI THE ATONEMENT We have reached the point of view from which we must regard the Atonement. Let us strip the doctrine of all materialistic implic...

Luke 6

John Darby commentary for Luke 6Luke Chapter 6The circumstances related in chapter 6:1-10 have reference to the same truth, and in an important aspec...

Galatians, Theology of

Galatians, Theology of More than any other book in the New Testament, including perhaps even Romans, Paul's letter to the Galatians has been the sourc...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...


Footnotes(1 )Christus Comprobator, p. 99, sq.(1 )O twn Paterwn Pathr; o twn Nussaewn fwsthr, Council. Nic. II. Act. VI. Edition of Labbe, p. 477.-Nice...

Romans 2

Chapter?2The scope of the first two chapters of this epistle may be gathered from ch.?3:9 , We have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they ar...

Romans 5

Chapter?5The apostle, having made good his point, and fully proved justification by faith, in this chapter proceeds in the explication, illustration, ...

Hebreos 10

HEBREOS 11DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJFeLa feLa fe y sus h?roesLa feModelos de fe en la Historia Sagrada11:1-3911:1-39...

Hebreos 11

HEBREOS 11DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJFeLa feLa fe y sus h?roesLa feModelos de fe en la Historia Sagrada11:1-3911:1-39...

Santiago 1

Santiago 1:1-27Divisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernas[1] Reina Valera 1960RV-1960La Biblia De Las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla HoyDHHBiblia Jer...

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit [N] Third person of the Trinity.Old Testament. Some have argued that Old Testament believers were saved and sanctified by the Spirit just ...

Hebreos 5

HEBREOS 5DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLATEVBJJes?s el Gran Sumo SacerdoteJes?s como sumo sacerdoteJes?s es el gran sumo s...

Exodus 21

Chapter?21The laws recorded in this chapter relate to the fifth and sixth commandments; and though they are not accommodated to our constitution, espe...

Working Out Salvation

WORKING OUT SALVATION Phil. 2:12, 18:?So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence...

1 Corintios 4

1 CORINTIOS 4DIVISIONES DE LOS PARRAFOSEN TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valer...

Chapter IV--The Works of God, or the Execution of the Decrees

CHAPTER IV. THE WORKS OF GOD; OR THE EXECUTION OF THE DECREES. SECTION I.?CREATION. I. Definition Op Creation. By creation we mean that free act ...