Search Results for god creator ever*

Found 1486 Results for god creator ever*
Psalm 111:10

?EXPOSITION Verse 10. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. It is its first principle, but it is also its head and chief attainment. The wo...

Sermon IX

SERMON IX. THE CREATURE HAS NO ABSOLUTE MERIT. Luke xvii. 10.?When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded yon, say, We are unprofit...

Psalm 74:16

?EXPOSITIONVerse 16. The day is thine, the night also is thine. Thou art not restricted by times and seasons. Our prosperity comes from thee, and our ...

The Living God

XIII. THE LIVlNG GOD.* Many of you have been struck with the frequent recurrence in Scripture of the phrase the living God. If you look carefully yx...

Chapter VIII

IT is universally admitted that man and every moral creature to be responsible for his acts, must be a free agent. But would God give to His creature...

Psalm 90:11

?EXPOSITION Verse 11. Who knoweth the power of thine anger? Moses saw men dying all around him: he lived among funerals, and was overwhelmed at the te...

Psalms 145

Chapter?145The five foregoing psalms were all of a piece, all full of prayers; this, and the five that follow it to the end of the book, are all of a ...

John 8

Chapter?8 The Pharisees and the adulteress. (1-11) Christ's discourse with the Pharisees. (12-59) Verses 1-11 Christ neither found faul...

Psalms 89

Chapter?89Many psalms that begin with complaint and prayer end with joy and praise, but this begins with joy and praise and ends with sad complaints a...

John 17:23

John 17:23 I in them Christ is in his saints; not as he is in all the world, being the omnipresent God; or as he is in every man, communicating the li...

Chapter VI

CHAPTER VI. PROPHECY AND CHOKMA IN THE FIRST EPOCHS OF THE DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM. ?23. The Prophets after the Division of the Kingdom until the Re...

Revelation 5

Chapter?5 A book sealed with seven seals, which could be opened by none but Christ, who took the book to open it. (1-7) Upon which all honour is ascr...

Revelation 19:12

Revelation 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire Which denotes the perspicuity and penetration of them, the omniscience of Christ to look into and di...

Exodus 10

Chapter?10 The plague of locusts threatened, Pharaoh, moved by his servants, inclines to let the Israelites go. (1-11) The plague of locusts. (12-20)...

The Divine Liturgy of James

The Divine Liturgy of JamesThe Divine Liturgy of James the Holy Apostle and Brother of the Lord.I I. The Priest:(1) O sovereign Lord our God, condemn ...

The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles.

The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles.The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles.Composed by St. a.d.aeus and St. Maris, Teachers of the Easterns.(1) I.(2) Fi...

Psalm 136:8

?EXPOSITION Verse 8. The sun to rule by day. We cannot be too specific in our praises; after mentioning great lights, we may sing of each of them, and...

Acts 15

John Darby commentary for Acts 15Acts Chapter 15Chapter 15 contains the account of this. Certain persons come from Jerusalem, where all was still goi...

Genesis 2

Chapter?2This chapter is an appendix to the history of the creation, more particularly explaining and enlarging upon that part of the history which re...

Sermon LXVII. [CXVII. Ben.]

Sermon LXVII. [CXVII. Ben.]Sermon LXVII. [CXVII. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, John i. 1, In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God...