Search Results for john 4:29

Found 213 Results for john 4:29

Persecution [N] [B] [E] Christ suffered Psalms 69:26 ; John 5:16 Christ voluntarily submitted to Isaiah 50:6 Christ was patient under Isai...

Acts 14:3

Long time therefore (ikanon men oun cronon). Accusative of duration of time (possibly six months) and note men oun. There is an antithesis in escisqh...

Luke 6:45

Overview - Luke 6 1?Christ reproves the Pharisees; 12?chooses apostles; 17?heals the diseased; 20?preaches to his disciples before the people. Treasur...

Acts 5:33

Overview - Acts 5 1?After that Ananias and Sapphira his wife for their hypocrisy, at Peter's rebuke had fallen down dead; 12?and that the rest of the ...

1 Peter 1:13

Overview - 1?Peter 1 1?He blesses God for his manifold spiritual graces; 10?shewing that the salvation in Christ is no news, but a thing prophesied of...

Harvest, the

Harvest, the Ingathering of fruits of the fields Mark 4:29 To continue without intermission Genesis 8:22 CALLED THE Appointed weeks of harves...

Acts 9:11

Overview - Acts 9 1?Saul, going towards Damascus, is stricken down to the earth, and led blind to Damascus; 10?is called to the apostleship; 18?and is...

1 Samuel 9:19

Overview - 1?Samuel 9 1?Saul despairing to find his father's asses, 6?by the counsel of his servant, 11?and direction of young maidens, 15?according ...

Knowledge of God

Knowledge of God The key biblical terms for knowledge assume a personal familiarity, even an intimateinvolvement, with the known object. Similarly, kn...

Jesus Makes His First Disciples.

3-4. JESUS MAKES HIS FIRST DISCIPLES. (Bethany beyond Jordan, Spring A. D. 27.) d?JOHN 1:35-51. ? ? ? d?35 Again on the morrow [John's direct ...

John 1

1:1? In the beginning was the Word1, and the Word was with God2, and the Word was God3.JOHN'S INTRODUCTION. John 1:1-18 The Word. A title for Jesu...


SHORE shor: (1) choph, always of the Mediterranean, variously translated haven, beach, shore, sea-shore, coast, sea coast (Genesis 49:13; Deuteronomy...

Isaiah 40:22

Overview - Isaiah 40 1?The promulgation of the Gospel. 3?The preaching of John Baptist. 9?The preaching of the apostles. 12?The prophet, by the omni...

Psalms 60:6

Psalms 60:6 God hath spoken in his holiness Or in his holy place {q}; in heaven, the habitation of his holiness and of his glory; or in the house of t...

John 2

2:1? And the third day1 there was a marriage2 in Cana of Galilee3; and the mother of Jesus4 was there:JESUS WORKS HIS FIRST MIRACLE AT CANA IN GALILEE...

Genesis 25

Chapter 2525:1? Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. Keturah As Sarah stands for the mother of us all, i.e. of those who, by grac...

Acts 9:31

Overview - Acts 9 1?Saul, going towards Damascus, is stricken down to the earth, and led blind to Damascus; 10?is called to the apostleship; 18?and is...

Matthew 4

The Book of MatthewChapter 4Verses:4:1Then - After this glorious evidence of his Father's love, he was completely armed for the combat. Thus after the...

Proverbs 1:1

Proverbs 1:1 The proverbs of Solomon Who is said to make three thousand proverbs, ( 1 Kings 4:32 ) ; but whether any of them are contained in this boo...

Seeking God

Seeking God Commanded Isaiah 55:6 ; Matthew 7:7 INCLUDES SEEKING His Name Psalms 83:16 His word Isaiah 34:16 His face Psalms 27:8 ...