Search Results for word and of and god

Found 192 Results for word and of and god
The Year's Best Books for Preachers

The demise of the book has been predicted for years now – its doom supposedly inevitable after the advent of the digital age. Well, someone forgot to tell the reading public in general, and prea...

Illustration: Sin

David Jeremiah writes: "Reuters recently reported about a hunter in Belarus who shot a fox from a distance, but as he approached the wounded animal it sprang on him. As the two scuffled, the fox got i...

Ministry Post-9/11: Thoughts from Leading Pastors

Trevin Wax

Five well-known pastors, including two former Muslims, respond to the question: "How does living in a post-9/11 world influence the way you preach and do ministry?" ...


Meredith Willson was the famous author-composer whose most famous composition was the Broadway show The Music Man. He had grown up in the church in his boyhood home of Mason City, Iowa, but had not fo...

Heavenly Home

Safely Home Eric Barker, a missionary from Great Britain spent over 50 years in Portugal preaching the Gospel, often under adverse conditions. During World War II, the situation became so critical tha...

Illustration: Conviction of Sin for All

Everyone on earth, from leaders to the lowliest of servants, must repent of sin in order to be saved....

Illustration: Faith, Hope

In a sermon on the Sunday after 9/11, M. Craig Barnes said, "The French Philosopher Paul Ricoeur has written about the creative possibility of limit experiences. A limit experience is an experience th...

Bible Reading

When their son left for his freshman year at Duke University, his parents gave him a Bible, assuring him it would be a great help. Later, as he began sending them letters asking for money, they would ...

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Christian Teachers

One More Time In a manufacturing town in Scotland, a young lady began teaching a Sunday school class of poverty-stricken boys. The most unpromising youngster was a boy named Bob. After the first two...

Justice, Influence

With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly Discipleship is an Abingdon Press book that contains sermons by Peter Storey, former President of the Methodist Church of South Africa and Bishop of the Joha...

What Will I Serve for Dinner?

Parents ask this question on a daily basis. “Should I microwave some TV dinners or make a salad? Pastors make similar decisions for their church families on a weekly basis. Every week, every pastor wo...

Illustration: Light, Christmas

Let your light so shine that the world sees Christ in you, and the darkness is cast away from such radiance....

Preaching as Dialogue

Moving Beyond the "Speaching" of the Word...

Christian Life

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven but they don't want to believe, do or say anything to get there?...

Miley Cyrus and the Disappearance of Childhood

Sometimes I think the late Neil Postman is the prophet for out time. After reading about the Miley Cyrus photo fiasco, I am convinced of this. If you have a pre-teen daughter, you know that Miley is t...


In his book Falling in Love with Prayer (NexGen), Mike MacIntosh writes: "When I was a teenager I wanted so much to be accepted by my peers, and I decided that a foul mouth was a way to act like a man...