Search Results for be ye thankful

Found 365 Results for be ye thankful
Judges 5:10

Judges 5:10 Speak, ye that ride on white asses Though in some countries, as in ours, it is reckoned disgraceful to ride on asses; so Leo Africanus F2 ...

On Nature and Grace, Against Pelagius

On Nature and Grace, Against PelagiusOn Nature and Grace, Against PelagiusContained in One Book, Addressed to Timasius and Jacobus. Written in the Yea...

Homily II.

Homily II.Homily II. 2 Thessalonians i. 1, 2.-Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy, unto the Church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jes...


BETHEL. Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. Genesis xxviii. 16. Great S. Mary's Church, 19th Sunday after Trinity, 1881. An unob...

Hebrews 12


Homily II.

Homily II.Homily II. Spoken in Antioch in the Old Church, as it was called, while he was a presbyter, on the subject of the calamity that had befallen...

Second Instruction.

Second Instruction.Second Instruction.To those about to be illuminated; and concerning women who adorn themselves with plaiting of hair, and gold, and...

Psalm 98:1

PSALM 98 OVERVIEW. TITLE AND SUBJECT. -- This sacred ode, which bears simply the title of A Psalm, follows fitly upon the last, and is evidently an i...

Homily III.

Homily III.Homily III.-------- Chapter I.-The Morning of the Discussion.Two days, therefore, having elapsed, and while the third was dawning, I Clemen...

Proverbs 18

Chapter?18 Verse 1 The original here is difficult, and differently understood. 1. Some take it as a rebuke to an affected singularity. When men take a...

Sermon III

That ye... may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth ami the length and the depth and height; and Co know the love of Christ, whi...

Book I.

Book I. Book I. -------- Chapter I.-Clement's Early History; Doubts.I Clement, who was born in the city of Rome,(1) was from my earliest age a lover o...

Homily II.

Homily II.Homily II. ROM. I. 8.-First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.An exo...


Homily LXXVIII.Homily LXXVIII.Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 1-Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 30(1) Then shall the kingdom of Heaven, He saith, be likened unto...

Book IV.

Book IV. Book IV.(1) Which Tertullian pursues his argument. Jesus is the Christ of the creator. He derives his proofs from St. Luke's gospel; that bei...

Tractate XIV.

Tractate XIV.Tractate XIV. John III. 29-36.1. This lesson from the holy Gospel shows us the excellency of our Lord Jesus Christ's divinity, and the hu...

Matthew 20

Chapter?20We have four things in this chapter. I. The parable of the labourers in the vineyard (v.?1-16). II. A prediction of Christ?s approaching suf...

Homily III.

Homily III.Homily III. 1 Timothy i. 12-14.-And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into th...

Faith the Sole Saving Act

FAITH THE SOLE SAVING ACT. John Tu 28, 29.? Thon said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said u...

The Present Life As Related to the Future

THE PRESENT LIFE AS RELATED TO THE FUTURE. Luke rri. 25.? And Abraham said, Son remember that thou in thy liletime receivedst thy good things, and li...