Search Results for deuteronomy 5

Found 276 Results for deuteronomy 5
What Makes Covenant Theology So Important?

Andy Lee

There are lots of obscure religious positions that don't affect our beliefs in major ways, but also some prominent ones that make a big difference. Covenant theology is one of the big ones, so here's ...

What Does the Bible Say about the Soul?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As human beings created in the image of God, our souls were given by God when He breathed life into the first man — Adam. No breath of God, no life....

Studying Mark's Gospel: Beginnings

The long awaited time had finally come: God, in the fullness of time, came to our world in the person of His Son. ...

Are the 10 Commandments Still Relevant for Us Today?

Heather Adams

Simple and direct, this list from God has had the power to equip believers throughout the ages to live well. The Laws are echoed throughout Scripture, and woven into the truths of the Old Testament, a...

What Are the Characteristics of a Man of God in the 21st Century?

Emma Danzey

One of the main qualities described when discussing a man of God is courage. Nelson Mandela once said, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does no...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us during Hard Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Hard times are inevitable. We best suit up every day according to Ephesians 6:10-20 so we can fight whatever the world throws at us. Have a prayer arsenal, quick go-to verses, and a believing friend i...

5 Things to Know about Pestilence in the Bible

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

If you know the history of the Israelites and how they spent four hundred years in the wilderness as God dealt with them, you know that they suffered many things. Some of that had to do with pestilenc...

Yes, We Can Still See the Gospel in Lamentations

Mike Leake

It’s a tough read. At first glance it feels a bit like going on a long car ride with a Debbie downer. Page after page is filled with expressions of deep pain. At first glance a lament feels out of pla...

Does the Bible Say Anything About Being Married to an Unbeliever?

Cathy Baker

Is there no hope for a Christian married to an unbeliever? The Bible has much to say about this topic....

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

Comforting Ways to Support Families Experiencing Miscarriage

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians, share these comforting and strengthening passages with families suffering through miscarriage. We can also comfort unbelievers with the same passages, assuring our beloved ones of the hope...

How to Trace the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Many people find keeping a journal is a tool God uses to draw them into deeper intimacy with Him. A written journal is a record of your spiritual journey. It is a means to "trace the fire of the Holy ...

What is Passover - Important History and Christian Traditions

As many prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, knowing the cultural Jewish soil on which Jesus walked is important to a mature and growing Christian faith. Here are a few steps for help along...

Who Were the Sadducees?

Pamela Palmer

Scripture places the Sadducees at immense odds with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sadducees were Jewish, religious, wealthy, and held power. Many were high priests or noblemen. It is likely that alon...

Blind Faith? 6 Reasons We Can Trust a God We Can't See

Ruth Clemence

There is a difference between faith and blind faith. Blind faith is having a belief that is not rooted in true understanding. The Christian faith is evidence-based faith founded on truth and reality....

How Does God Choose to Express Himself?

Sarah E Martin

When our understanding of God’s glory doesn’t go beyond our mental pictures of thunder and lightning, we miss the deepest experiences of God’s heart. Yes, these are true, awe-inspiring images from red...

What Does New Wine in Old Wineskins Mean?

Emma Danzey

In Mark 2, we find that Jesus was questioned about fasting. He answers in a seemingly unusual way by describing examples. What does new wine in old wineskins mean? Today we are going to uncover this b...

What Is the Breakdown of the Lord's Prayer?

Dolores Smyth

The Lord’s Prayer is much more than a handy guide on what to pray when no other words come to mind. The prayer, if we meditate on each petition, serves as a moral compass that reveals the best way to ...

 "Honor Your Father and Mother": A Biblical Command We Never Outgrow

Meg Bucher

Halfway through the Ten Commandments, God instructs His people to honor their fathers and mothers. Peter repeats in Ephesians 6:1, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.&...