Search Results for num 7

Found 659 Results for num 7

Fire [N] [T] [E] [S]One of the most arresting and suggestive metaphors in the Bible is that of fire, a phenomenon common to all cultures ancient and ...

Acts 7

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER VII. The Martyrdom of Stephen. SUMMARY.--Stephen Outlines God's Dealings with Abraham. The Christ Promised. Abraham...


Widow [N] [S]Married woman whose husband has died and who remains unmarried. The Hebrew word translated widow is almana [hn'm.l; ], and it occurs fift...

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit [N] Third person of the Trinity.Old Testament. Some have argued that Old Testament believers were saved and sanctified by the Spirit just ...

Revelation 1:10

in the Spirit All prophetic revelation has its origin in the Holy Spirit (1Pe. 1Pe. 1:20-21) and never from man (Gal. Gal. 1:12-16; Gal. 2:2). Mysteri...

Presence of God

Presence of God The Scriptures often speak of God's presence in human history. The most common Hebrew term for presence is panim [yIn'P], which is als...


Fulfillment State, process, or act by which a situation comes to a complete end, whether ultimately good or bad. While fulfillment may be extended ove...


Sabbath [N] [E] [S]The origin of the Hebrew sabbat [t'B;v] is uncertain, but it seems to have derived from the verb sabat, meaning to stop, to cease, ...

Abstain, Abstinence

Abstain, Abstinence Forbearance of certain activities as a matter of command and voluntary practice for moral and religious purposes. The word-group t...

Genesis 46

G?NESIS 46DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNASBNKJVNRSVTEVNJB(sigue al TM)Jacob se traslada a Egipto46:1-446:5-7Los que vinieron a Egipto...

Follow, Follower

Follow, Follower The noun follower is seldom used in Scripture for the people of God, possibly due to its frequent references to idol worshipers ( Deu...

Curse, Accursed

Curse, Accursed In the Old Testament being cursed includes loss of everything significant and a lowering to the most menial of positions. The serpent ...


Denial To know what is true, yet confess a falsehood; the forsaking of self in wholehearted consecration to Christ and in service to his kingdom. The ...


Beauty [N]Old Testament Significance. Appreciation for beauty is a consistent theme throughout the Bible. The Bible also has a full-orbed doctrine of ...


Law [N] [E] [S]The Nature of Biblical Law. The usual Hebrew term translated as law is tora [h'r/T]. Tora [h'r/T], used 220 times in the Old Testament,...

1 Corinthians 10

CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER X. Warnings Against Idolatry. SUMMARY.--Lights from Jewish History. Beware of a Fall. Will Not be Trials Greater than We Can ...

Lie, Lying

Lie, Lying To practice deceit, falsehood, and treachery either by word or action. It is the exact opposite of truth. The sanctity of truth is fundamen...


Delight The idea of delight occurs approximately 110 times in Scripture in various forms. Less than fifteen occurrences are found in the New Testament...

Daniel 9

DANIEL 9DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS NKJV NRSVTEVNJBLa oraci?n de Daniel por el pueblo9:1-159:16-19La profec?a de las setenta se...

Lamentations, Theology of

Lamentations, Theology of Lamentations is a soliloquy. There is no word from God, although there are words about God. The structure of the book, apart...