Search Results for deceit

Found 28 Results for deceit
Mark 7:22
22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.
Job 15:35
35 They conceive trouble and give birth to evil; their womb fashions deceit.”
Psalms 50:19
19 You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit.
Job 31:5
5 “If I have walked with falsehood or my foot has hurried after deceit
Proverbs 6:14
14 who plots evil with deceit in his heart— he always stirs up conflict.
Proverbs 26:24
24 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit.
1 Peter 2:22
22 “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”
Psalms 52:2
2 You who practice deceit, your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor.
Jeremiah 5:27
27 Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful
Isaiah 5:18
18 Woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit, and wickedness as with cart ropes,
Romans 3:13
13 “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.”“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”
Proverbs 12:20
20 Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.
1 Peter 2:1
1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
Jeremiah 6:13
13 “From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.
Jeremiah 9:6
6 You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.
John 1:47
47 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”
Psalms 32:2
2 Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.
Psalms 101:7
7 No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.
Jeremiah 8:5
5 Why then have these people turned away? Why does Jerusalem always turn away? They cling to deceit; they refuse to return.
Hosea 11:12
12 Ephraim has surrounded me with lies, Israel with deceit. And Judah is unruly against God, even against the faithful Holy One.