Search Results for father of lights

Found 61 Results for father of lights
How Can We "Let Our Light Shine"?

Blair Parke

"This little light of mine" is a popular Sunday school song with children that draws inspiration from Matthew 5:16. When Jesus instructs His disciples to "let your light so shine before men," what exa...

Jesus Is Our Light, Not Only at Christmas, but Always

Dawn Wilson

Light is one of the many symbols of Christmas. Whether we light candles or place lights on a Christmas tree, glowing lights have a special place in our hearts during the holiday season. For Christ-fol...

40 Prayers for First Responders for Safety and Protection

Melissa Henderson

Prayers for first responders for safety and protection are appreciated and needed. Have you heard the sound of sirens approaching or seen the red lights of a fire truck or ambulance flashing? ...

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "I Am the Light of the World" (John 8:12)?

Meg Bucher

Jesus consistently focused on linking Himself to the Father. The Greek word for light in this verse is phos, defined as the light; anything emitting light; light, i.e. brightness. God profoundly state...

What Does the Bible Say about Complaining?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Turn on the news, scroll through social media, or sit down at lunch and it doesn’t take long before someone starts complaining. What does the Bible say about avoiding this unhealthy activity?...

10 Ways to Reach Out to Your Neighbors This Halloween

Allie Boman

A candle shines brightest when it’s dark in the room. Halloween is a strange mixture of fall festivities and seemingly harmless kids’ costumes, all mixed in with horror movies and the ce...

When We Face Trials, God Provides for Us as He Provided for Mary

Frank Santora

There are so many traditions at Christmas time, from picking out a fresh tree, hanging lights and decorations, baking cookies and drinking hot chocolate, to Christmas movie marathons and going to gran...

How Should Christians Make the Most of Every Opportunity?

Vivian Bricker

There are many ways Christians can make the most of every opportunity. Simple things throughout your day can be turned into opportunities for service to God. Being patient, kind, and caring for others...

And Be Thankful: A Thanksgiving Meditation

What does God think of our thanksgiving?...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Ed Jarrett

Christmas, at its heart, is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. But it is true that some of what we see at Christmas is pagan in origin. Christmas trees also have a pagan origin, as do some of the de...

How Can We as Christians Choose People over Tasks?

Emma Danzey

Good deeds (tasks) are not a bad thing in and of themselves. Matthew teaches us that the purpose of them is to praise God and to let our lights shine so others would be witnessed to. The ultimate hope...

What Is the Christian's Place in Society?

Michael Jakes

It's something we have all likely been struggling with this year. We know we are to be in the world, but not of it. However, God did still place us in our communities for a reason. So how are Christia...

3 Ways We Grow in Seasons of Waiting

Rev. Kyle Norman

Like waiting at the check-out, waiting for the realization of God’s promises can feel frustrating at times. Have you ever asked yourself “Why must I wait for the good things of God?” If so, you are no...

5 Unexpected Ways Grace Looks Amazing on You

Amy Seiffert

Sometimes grace looks amazing on us in the least glamorous places. But grace has never been about glam. In fact, grace is all about the grime. There are beautiful examples of this throughout the Bible...

How Can We Stay Salty in a World That Rejects Scripture?

Frank Santora

But let’s face it. It’s not so easy to let our lights shine in our current culture, where any truth (but especially biblical truth), is constantly mocked and challenged by lies. Indeed, there are peop...

What Is the Doxology and Why Do We Sing It?

Jessica Brodie

In essence, a doxology is a praise song, usually a very specific one that is meant to express full, unadulterated, complete, and perfect worship and adoration for the Lord God Almighty....

What Does the Bible Mean by 'My God Will Supply All My Needs'?

Tammy Kennington

Since scripture tells us that 'my God will supply all my needs,' why do Christians still struggle?...

How Is the Word a Lamp to Our Feet and a Light to Our Path?

Jessica Brodie

Just like a person might take a bright lamp or lantern and shine it to guide their steps, aiding them so they cannot stumble and fall, God’s word serves as a light so we don’t stumble in our walk to b...