Search Results for follower*

Found 146 Results for follower*
How to Be a Living Sacrifice (Romans 12)

Jarrid Wilson

We all make mistakes. We all mess up. We all fall short. But in the core of your heart, do you understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus?...

5 Ways to Live as a Christ Follower in a Post-Christian Culture

Sheila Alewine

History tells us that when a nation abandons its moral and religious heritage, it quickly moves from a post-Christian culture to an anti-Christian culture. Spiritual warfare is real, and our enemy, th...

10 Ways Creating Connects People to God

Barnabas Piper

The aim of any follower of Jesus should be to draw closer to Him. We are disciples and disciples are followers, learners, and imitators. We live to be more like Jesus and share more of Jesus in all ...

3 Essential Questions for Every Jesus Follower

Deborah Nayrocker, M.Ed.

Are you following Jesus, or know someone who wants to? Even if we stumble in our journey, here are 3 essential questions to ask....

Signs of a True Disciple of Christ

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).This Scripture is commonly known as The Great Commissio...

10 Ways to Let Others See Christ in Your Life

Cindi McMenamin

I’ve been a believer for close to 50 years. But I haven’t necessarily let others see Christ in my life that whole time. When I received Christ into my heart at 4 years old, all I knew then was to bel...

5 Tips for Finding Your First Church

Pamela Palmer

Perhaps you are a new to the Christian faith, or something has happened in your life that has made you curious about God. Whatever your situation, because there are numerous local churches, it may fee...

What Is the Scariest Verse in the Bible?

Rev. Kyle Norman

Certain verses in Scripture stand out above the rest. These are the verses that are unique in some way, the kind that make for good trivia. For example, we know that “Jesus wept” (John 11:35) is the s...

50 Bible Quotes That Offer Inspiration for Each Day

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Our world is constantly changing and it seems like we face new struggles each morning. If you are feeling overwhelmed with anxious thoughts and worries about the unknown, this collection of Bible quot...

Is it Okay for Christians to Pray to Mary? Editorial Staff

The Bible is clear that Mary’s unique position as the mother of Jesus did not give her any more access to God than another believer in Christ is given. Therefore, Mary is not worthy of receiving praye...

7 Things to Do When God is Silent

Ron Edmondson

Elijah had been used of God to hold back rain from the people for over three years, because of their sins. Obviously, he was not well liked as a preacher. I can imagine the stress he experienced durin...

Mark: from Young Follower to Church Father

Ed Jarrett

While Mark likely never traveled with Jesus, he clearly was familiar with him. It is likely that Jesus visited his home while in Jerusalem. And it is certain that the early church used his home as a m...

5 Reasons to Rejoice That Our God Is Omniscient

Sheila Alewine

Omniscience is one of God’s immutable attributes, which is to say, all knowledge of all things is an inherent part of His character and being. Nothing is outside of God’s sphere of knowledge. The word...

6 Powerful Verses to Remind Us of the Father's Love

Ruth Clemence

Growing up in a fatherless home, where a father is absent physically or emotionally, can leave its mark on a family. According to the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children live without a fath...

Why Should We Bother Reading Leviticus?

Sheila Alewine

Leviticus is the third book of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, written by Moses. Together, they tell the story of the nation of Israel, the chosen people through whom the Savior wou...

6 Scriptures That Changed My Life

Ruth Clemence

Growing up, the Bible was in my bedroom but seldom opened. I believed in Jesus and cannot remember a time I felt as if God didn’t exist. God just was. However, I did not follow Him as Lord and Savior ...

How Can We Model the Love of Christ through Good Listening?

Sheila Alewine

How important is it for a follower of Jesus to be a good listener? Do our social skills matter? To answer, we start with a definition.What, Exactly, Are Social Skills?The simplest definition is “the p...

I’m a New Christian, Now What?

Leah Lively

As a new or returning believer, you may be excited but also confused and overwhelmed. Here's some guidance on the next steps toward growing in your new-found faith.  ...

What Would It Look Like for You to Take Up Your Cross and Follow Christ?

Dawn Wilson

Jesus said we must take up our cross. Our taking up is really a matter of bowing down. Jesus never hid the cost of discipleship. He calls us to bow in absolute surrender to Him. This isn’t a myst...

4 Indications That a Church Is Making Disciples

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What would you think of a mom who gave birth to her baby and then said “my job is done, you are on your own?” You would probably think that mother is irresponsible and possibly unfit to be a mother. Y...