Search Results for god created

Found 56 Results for god created
Illustration: Making Wise Choices

We often think of the thou-shalt-nots, but God more often says yes to His children....


Jesus did not liken the kingdom of God to a diamond, but to a pearl. Of all precious stones, the pearl has the humblest origin. It begins with a wound and is created out of God's resources for heali...


They have found a previously undiscovered royal tomb in Egypt. It is from the era of the famed King Tut. The inscription says that the tomb was created forThe Woman Who Nourished the Body of God. ...


A.W. Tozer describes the impact of the Fall on worship in a poetic and poignant way: "Man was made to worship God. God gave to man a harp and said, 'Here above all the creatures that I have made and c...


They have found a previously undiscovered royal tomb in Egypt. It is from the era of the famed King Tut. The inscription says that the tomb was created for The Woman Who Nourished the Body of God. Sin...

Faith And Confidence

A little girl named Mary was in bed one night preparing for lights-outs. Prayers had been said and Mom had hugged her. Perhaps in an effort to put-off sleeptime, Mary asked her mother why God created ...


Crater Lake in Oregon is uniquely beautiful. Created by a volcanic eruption, the lake is crystal clear, and set in a goblet of mountains. The first Europeans to see it were two prospectors searching f...

All Gifts Are Needed

Created from Georgia marble and Florida coquina stone, and ornamented with the forms of plants and animals, the Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida was built to house a 57-bell carillon. Visitors sit ami...

Illustration: God and His Extravagance

God in His extravagant love for us created a wide variety of things for us to enjoy in this world--and no eye has seen what He's done in the next!...

Illustration: Value, Self-Worth

In a recent post on his blog, Mike Glenn wrote: “The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard told a story of thieves who broke into a jewelry store and didn’t steal anything; they simply rearranged the p...

God - Creator

No Strings Eugene Cernan, one of the astronauts who enjoyed the exciting adventure of walking on the moon said with wonder, "Our world appears big and beautiful, all blue and white! You can see from t...

Eternal God

A mother was approached by her young son, who asked, "Mommy, did God make Himself?" Realizing that such questions by children are very important and must be answered, she dropped what she was doing an...

God's Creation

A. D. Correll is the CEO of Georgia-Pacific, the leading forest-products company in the country. Recently Sky magazine quoted Correll on the value of trees. He said that a growing tree is "the most wo...

Result Of Sin

Ten Commandments Parents do many things because they want the best for their children in the long run. Some actions may feel restrictive or even harsh at the moment, but parents believe that fruit ...


In his weblog from April 21, 2004, R. Albert Mohler points out, "As Romans 1 makes absolutely clear, homosexuality is fundamentally an act of unbelief. As Paul writes, the wrath of God is revealed ag...

The Plan To Cleanse Our Hearts

One of the most prominent features of the Portland skyline is the Oregon Convention Center with twin towers stretching 260 feet above the complex. Shortly before the center was completed, however, its...

Quality and Excellence

Chuck Swindoll says, "Several years ago a man told me that his first contact with a Christian was so offensive he "never wanted to hear about Jesus again." He said the person who witnessed to him had ...

Illustration: Redemption

In a recent Parade Magazine article, Mitch Albom told the fascinating story of William Kamkwamba, a young man from Malawi. When William was 14, he had a vision. He wanted to make a windmill that would...