Search Results for integrity

Found 89 Results for integrity
3 Tips for Walking the Tightrope of Integrity

Frank Santora

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to l...

3 Lessons from Daniel about Living a Life of Integrity

Frank Santora

Have you ever played the game called Scruples? It's a popular board game from the 1980s that asked the players questions regarding everyday ethical and moral dilemmas. For example:- Your boss gives yo...

What Do We Know about Jesus’ Earthly Father, Joseph?

Michael Jakes

When we see Joseph, he seems to be but a minor player in the grand story of the birth and early childhood of Christ. But this is most definitely not the case. To be sure, the man to whom the God of th...

Apollos: Passionate Pastor and Father of the Early Church

Dawn Wilson

Though most Christians have heard of the apostle Paul, few have heard of his friend Apollos. However, Apollos was an important leader in the story of the early church.There are not many Scripture pass...

Why Do We Have to Let Our "Yes Be Yes, and Our No Be No"?

Michael Jakes

Christ in essence is saying here, that not only are we to be people who mean what we say, we are also to be people who keep what we say. If we have to resort to an oath to uphold or reinforce our word...

What Are the Pastoral Epistles, and Why Should We Start Reading Them Today?

Stephen Baker

The Pastoral Epistles refer to a unique group of Paul’s letters addressed to individuals: Titus and Timothy. This group consists of three letters: 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus....

3 True Ways to Build a Firm Foundation in Christ

Michael Jakes

Though I am not an architect, I am sure that we can all agree that when it comes to the building of structures, foundations are important; a building’s integrity and stability are dependent upon it. A...

15 of the Most Influential Quotes from Charles Stanley

Meg Bucher

As Charles Stanley rests peacefully in the arms of his Savior, we remember some of the iconic and inspired words of one of the greatest Christian leaders of our time. ...

Why Have We Become Okay with the Sin of Greed?

Stephen Baker

The sin of greed can be defined as the excessive desire to acquire something. The most familiar form of greed pertains to material wealth....

Deconstructing the Faith: What Exactly Does It Mean?

Mike Leake

Whether or not Christians need to deconstruct their faith really depends on whether or not it is measuring up to Christ. If something doesn’t look like Jesus, then it needs to be chiseled away and bur...

Is it Important to Know Greek and Hebrew When Studying the Bible?

Robert Hampshire

That faith also holds to the truthfulness and reliability of Scripture, because if God can do all the things that Scripture says he can, then he can certainly preserve the integrity of his Word in any...

Why Are the Promises of God "Yes and Amen"?

Pamela Palmer

This verse, which might sound a bit confusing, was written by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. It conveys that Jesus Christ is the “yes” and “amen” of all God’s promises, meaning in Jesus is the g...

What Does 'She Is Clothed with Strength and Dignity' Mean in Proverbs 31?

Dolores Smyth

Written to celebrate the blessing of women who love others with strength of character and dignity of conduct, Proverbs 31 is great wisdom for anyone wishing to put on the new self....

What Does the Bible Say about Hypocrisy, and Are Christians Hypocrites?

Mike Leake

The truth is, it’s a good thing when someone is appalled by hypocrisy. Because Jesus is also appalled by that. Rather than defending ourselves, it’s a better idea to use it as an opportunity to point ...

Resisting Temptation: An Act of Love?

Derek Brown

When we face temptation, we tend to think only of ourselves. Rarely do we consider how our actions might affect others. But temptation is an interpersonal issue that draws people into a tangled web an...

6 Essential Characteristics of a Godly Woman

Cally Logan

From kindness to others to integrity for her family to wisdom to a heart for the Lord such a life is one to pray for daily. Beauty, charm, riches, and mystery are all things that for a time can appear...

How and Why Should I Pray for Leaders?

Jessica Van Roekel

God calls us to pray for leaders because he knows that prayer moves hearts towards him and softens our hearts towards others. In government, schools, home, the workplace, and more, leaders bear loads ...

10 Warning Signs That You Are in Unhealthy Church

Emma Danzey

Do not leave a church immediately but proceed with caution as you see if the church gets back on track, or if not, then begin to search elsewhere. In order for us to be healthy and growing believers, ...

7 Proven Methods to Be an Effective “Soul Winner”

Dr. David Jeremiah

If Christ called us to preach the gospel everywhere, how can we be an effective witness for Him? Let these 7 proven methods guide you in your efforts....