Our Time Together - Truth - Week 1

Our Time Together - Truth - Week 1

Purpose:  Understanding God's Word
Objective:  Learn definitions of being Truthful and learn what God says about Truth

First Day:  Pray

Read Psalm 119:160 aloud: The entirety of Your Word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

Read aloud and discuss your views and understanding of the following definitions of truth, truthful, untruthful and dishonesty:


  1. Conformity to fact or actuality
  2. A statement proven to be or accepted to be true
  3. Sincerity; integrity
  4. Reality; actuality


  1. Consistently telling the truth; honesty
  2. Corresponding to reality; true


  1. Contrary to truth
  2. Given to falsehood


  1. Disposed to lie, cheat, defraud, or deceive
  2. Resulting from or marked by a lack of honesty

In the spaces below, write down several words that best describe your family's views about these definitions of truth and dishonesty.


Second Day: Pray

Read aloud and discuss your understanding of the following paraphrased references to God's Word.

Jn 3:33  God is true.
Jer 10:10 The Lord is the true and living God.
Ps 19:9 The Lord's judgments are true and righteous.
Zech 8:8  God reigns in truth and righteousness.
Ps 119:142 God's law is truth.
Lk 20:21 Jesus taught the way of God in truth.

Which of these scripture references do you like the best?  Do you know that God's Word is without error?

Write down several words that best describe your family's understanding of God's truth and righteousness.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)


Third Day: Pray
Suggested Model Prayer for starting Our Time Together: Heavenly Father, we accept Your Word as our standard and judge for living righteously. We confess our sins so that Your Holy Spirit will teach us Your love, forgiveness, power, and Word during this family time together. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Pray (See model above):

Read aloud and discuss your understanding of the following from God's Word.


Jn 3:33 Those who receive Christ know that God is true.
Jn 4:23 Those who are true worshippers, worship the Father in spirit and truth.
Ps 85:10 Truth and loving-kindness are united together.
Eph 5:9 A fruit of God's Spirit is truth.
Ps 15:2 Those who walk with integrity speak truth.


Jn 8:44 Satan is the father of lies.
Rom 2:8 Selfish people lie.
Jer 9:3 Liars do not comprehend God.
Jer 9:5 Liars fatigue themselves doing wrong.
1 Jn 1:6 Those who say they have fellowship with Christ, yet follow the world's ways, are liars.

Which of these scriptures impacts you most? 

In the spaces below, write down several words that best describe your family's understanding about "truth" and "evil". 





Fourth Day: Pray
Read aloud and discuss your understanding of the following from God's Word.


Eph 4:25 Rid yourself of lying and speak truthfully.
Ps 86:11 Learn God's ways, so that you can live by His truths.
Jn 4:23 Worship God in your heart and in truth.
Josh 24:14 Serve God with sincerity and in truth.
1 Pet 1:22 Be obedient to God's truth by loving one another with a clean heart.
Zech 8:16 Judge others with truthfulness.
Prov 3:3 Keep God's truth securely in your heart.
Isa 38:19 Teach your children in God's truth.

Which of these references do you like the best?

In the spaces below, write down several words that best describe your family's understanding about how to live truthfully.


Used by permission of Full Armor Ministries ,© 2007, PO Box 2954 Big Bear Lake CA, 92315 Toll Free (866) 585-5810, a California Tax-exempt Corporation, IRS 501 (c) (3)
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