Search Results for jeremiah 5

Found 14 Results for jeremiah 5
Illustration: Loneliness

David Jeremiah wrote: “When missionary Amy Carmichael went to India, she suffered from acute, prolonged loneliness and homesickness. The other missionaries tried to be kind to her, but they were busy ...

Illustration: Second Coming

David Jeremiah writes: “The Diamond Wedding Gown, offered exclusively by a chic bridal salon in Beverly Hills, can be yours for only $12 million. It's the most expensive wedding dress in the world, an...


David Jeremiah points out that, "The Dead Sea is so salty it contains no fish or plant life. Why? There are absolutely no outlets! A great volume of water pours into it, but nothing flows out. Many in...

Illustration: Sin

David Jeremiah writes: "Reuters recently reported about a hunter in Belarus who shot a fox from a distance, but as he approached the wounded animal it sprang on him. As the two scuffled, the fox got i...

Illustration: Struggle, Suffering

In his Turning Point Daily Devotional for March 9, David Jeremiah says: “Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and is well-known for articulating his theory of disruptive techn...

Excellence, Commitment, Work

David Jeremiah tells about the group of men gathered one Saturday morning to help paint a friend's large, two-story home. Toward the end of the day when the job was almost complete, a small bi...

Example - Witness

David Jeremiah tells the story of a small boy who was terrified of thunderstorms at night. Whenever the lightning and thunder would begin, he would invariably end up at his parents bedside and saying,...


After the 1988 Winter Olympics, a television show featured a group of blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make ri...

Illustration: Excellence, Commitment, Work

The difference in the two approaches is the difference between working man's way and working God's way; working in light of the end of the day versus working in light of the end of life; working for i...


Moses must have seemed like an unlikely candidate for an inferiority complex. Raised in privilege as an adopted son in Pharaoh's household, he "was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and w...

Static on the Line

This week we'll learn about how to clear the static on the line when it comes to hearing God speak. ...

The Apostles’ Creed, Part Two: God the Father Almighty

Jared C. Wilson

“We believe” the creed has us say, and this belief begins where the gospel story and our worship ought to begin, with the one who has no beginning (or end): God himself. ...

How Can I Heal After an Abusive Church Experience?

Joe McKeever

With God's help, you can leave behind the painful memories of difficult church experience....

What Is the Apostles' Creed?

Jared C. Wilson

The creed, attributed to the earliest missionary followers of Jesus, distills the basic outline of what it means to be a Christian into a short summation that belies the depth and richness of what it ...