And beginning at Moses
The writings of Moses, the book of Genesis particularly, ( Genesis 3:15 ) which is the first prophecy of him, and speaks of the bruising of his heel, or of the sufferings of death by him; and proceeding to open and explain the types concerning his bearing the cross, and the lifting him upon it, in the business of Isaac, and of the brazen serpent; and concerning the shedding of his blood, and the oblation of himself in the sacrifices of the law of Moses: and all the prophets;
as David, Isaiah, Daniel, and others, very likely the passages in ( Psalms 22:1-31 ) ( Isaiah 53:1-12 ) ( Daniel 9:1-27 ) . he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures
in Moses, and the Prophets, concerning himself;
especially concerning these two points, his sufferings, and his glory, which the Spirit of Christ, in the Prophets, testified before hand: besides the above places referred to, concerning the sufferings of Christ, see the following, in reference to his resurrection and glory, ( Psalms 16:10 Psalms 16:11 ) ( 68:18 ) ( Psalms 110:1 Psalms 110:7 ) .