Search Results for neh 1-3

Found 84 Results for neh 1-3

Amen [N] [E] [S]In current usage, the term amen has become little more than a ritualized conclusion to prayers. Yet the Hebrew and Greek words for ame...


Music [T] [E] [S]Teachers of 1?Chronicles 15:22 ; 1 Chronicles 25:7 1 Chronicles 25:8 ; 2?Chronicles 23:13 Physical effect of, on man 1 Samuel ...


Government [B]Paternal functions of Genesis 41:25-57 Civil service school provided by Daniel 1:3-20 Maintains of public instruction 2?Chronicles...

Jews, Judaism

Jews, Judaism The Old Testament. Judah the Patriarch. Judah initially referred to thefourth son of Jacob (Israel) by his wife, Leah. Direct references...


Time [N] [T]It is debatable whether the Bible contains enough information to formulate a full-scale doctrine of time; nonetheless, the significance of...

Obadiah, Theology of

Obadiah, Theology of Obadiah, the shortest Old Testament book with only twenty-one verses, was probably written shortly after the fall of Judah and Je...

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies

Heaven, Heavens, Heavenlies Heaven is the created reality beyond earth. The heavens and the earth ( Gen 1:1 ) circumscribe the entire creation, or wha...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord

Cloud, Cloud of the Lord The Old Testament. The Literal Cloud. Natural phenomena involving clouds are depicted occasionally in the Old Testament, but ...

Psalms 126

Chapter?126It was with reference to some great and surprising deliverance of the people of God out of bondage and distress that this psalm was penned,...


Forgiveness [N]Terminology. There are several Hebrew terms equivalent to the English to forgive, as defined below. The three most common are verbs (u...


World [N]The biblical concept of world falls into five categories: the physical world, the human world, the moral world, the temporal world, and the c...

God, Names of

God, Names of Names are more than labels. In Old Testament times a name expressed identification, but also identity. Significant meaning often attache...

Efesios 3

EFESIOS 3DIVISI?N DE P?RRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)New Revised Standard Version(NRSV)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Biblia Jerusa...


Evil [N]As a prerequisite for any discussion of evil, moral evil must be distinguished from physical or natural evil. This essay uses the term moral e...

Family Life and Relations

Family Life and Relations The Old Testament. In Western societies individuals are often considered the societal units, brought together by some common...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Destroy, Destruction

Destroy, Destruction Destroy in the Bible usually refers to violent action causing physical death ( Num 16:33 ; Psalm 2:12 ; Heb. abad [d;b'a]). But ...


Wealth [N]The most basic English definitions of wealth are the condition of being happy and prosperous and spiritual well-being (OED). But the most co...

Genesis, Theology of

Genesis, Theology of The theology of Genesis can be studied on three levels. The first level of study focuses on its message in and of itself. This is...