Search Results for only begotten

Found 51 Results for only begotten
Why Is It So Important That God Sent His Only Begotten Son?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse expresses God’s love for humanity and his plan for redemption. It is the gospel summed up in one sentence. God loves us the way we are, but loves us enough not to leave us the way we are. T...

What Is the Relationship between the Father and the Son?

Denise Larson Cooper

Since Scripture does not separate the Father and Son from the Spirit, we must tread carefully. Before we examine how the Son relates to the Father, we must consider the doctrine of the Trinity, the Th...

Why Do I Feel Unworthy after Years of God’s Love?

Blair Parke

Think back to the time when you first accepted Jesus into your heart and life: you might say you had a renewed sense of purpose within you, wanting to see what God had in store for your life and shari...

How's Your Love Life?

Part of godliness is loving—as He loved—sacrificially, selflessly. Loving others not just with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. ...

What Grows from a Healthy Fear of the Lord?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Unlike harmful phobias, the fear of the Lord is most sensible, most wholesome, and most desired. How so? There are at least three revealed truths that stir a godly fear of the Lord....

What Is the Dangerous Heresy of Adoptionism, and Has it Crept into the Church?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

What is adoptionism and where did it come from? Why should we know about it and is the belief still found among Christian churches today?...

What Do We Know about Jesus’ Earthly Father, Joseph?

Michael Jakes

When we see Joseph, he seems to be but a minor player in the grand story of the birth and early childhood of Christ. But this is most definitely not the case. To be sure, the man to whom the God of th...

Created for Community

Community is something we all want. How did we get this way? How did this craving, this longing, get hardwired into us? The Bible answers that question by explaining that we are created in the image o...

What Is Saving Faith? Do James and Paul Disagree?

David Paul

We are told in no uncertain terms in the Bible that if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, and that whosever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Faith is c...

What Does it Truly Mean to Be a Child of God?

Britt Mooney

What does it mean to be called children of God?  The exploration of these questions is life-changing for us, too. ...

What You Need to Know about the Apostle's Creed

Larry White

Maybe you've recited the Apostle's Creed - or something similar - in church. Maybe you've heard it put into a song on the radio. Maybe you are new to the faith and looking for a good way to sum it all...

3 Real Ways Christians Can Love Their Enemies

Dr. Michael A. Milton

In both Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27, Jesus calls for believers to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We can learn how to apply Jesus’ command in our own lives by following the fullne...

6 Crucial Reasons to Know That Jesus Was Fully Man

Sheila Alewine

I suppose it’s more difficult to believe that Jesus was fully man than it is to accept He is fully God. We read about the miracles He performed, we know He had knowledge that only God could have, and ...

What Makes the Athanasian Creed So Important?

Ben Reichert

The Athanasian Creed gives us a picture not just of what the Trinity is and why it matters, but also a picture of what worried the early church at the time it was written....

What Is Wisdom? (and How to Get It)

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The answer to the question, “what is wisdom” seems, at first hearing, to demand a rather simple answer. One could say, “Wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge,” and that is so. But upon re...

Does God Care How I Spend My Free Time?

Kristi Walker

Living a Christian life is not something we clock in and out of. It's no 9-5, and then on the weekends we can live as we please. But does God have an opinion about how we spend our free time? The Apos...

10 Things You Should Know about Church Father Augustine

Josie Siler

Augustine was one of the most important church fathers, bridging the gap between ancient and medieval Christianity. But what makes him so important?...

When Was the King James Bible Written?

Mike Leake

The King James Version of the Bible is a masterpiece of literature. It’s writing and meter makes it easier to memorize than some modern translations. It’s history alone makes it worth reading and valu...

What Does God Look Like?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

What does God look like? Perhaps, following the psalmist, we turn to poetry and hymnody to answer. When you know your sins are forgiven, and the God of all Creation is your own Father, God looks like ...

What Makes John 3:16 Such a Beloved Verse?

Pamela Palmer

This famous verse is important because it tells us about the unconditional love that God has for his creation, it teaches us about the sacrifice God made for us, and it helps us understand the eternal...