Search Results for ���� 9 : 2

Found 105 Results for ���� 9 : 2
Static on the Line

This week we'll learn about how to clear the static on the line when it comes to hearing God speak. ...

Christ, the Founder

Most bells ring nine times at 9:00 p.m., but the tower bell at Oxford's Christ Church college rings 101 times every evening at 9:00 p.m. It is to commemorate the 101 members who founded that academic ...


A list of the perk of being over fifty has been making the rounds. Here are a few of them: 1. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 2. No one expects you to run -- anywhere. ...

The Three Voices of God

How can we hear from God? And what if the counsel we're getting seems to contradict?...

Death of Christ

When silent film star Rudolf Valentino died, nine thousand people passed by his casket every hour and the viewing lasted for three days! The Lord Jesus knew no such homage. Those who passed by His cro...

Illustration: Struggle, Suffering

In his Turning Point Daily Devotional for March 9, David Jeremiah says: “Clayton Christensen is a professor at Harvard Business School and is well-known for articulating his theory of disruptive techn...

Entertainment, Holiness, Temptaion

Do we realize how entertainment crazy Americans really are? The top ten Yahoo searches of 2003 were all popular and entertainment related. 1. KaZaA 2. Harry Potter 3. American Idol 4. Britney Spears 5...

Not Really Bright

AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked "intellectual leadership". He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence......

Not Really Bright

AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked "intellectual leadership." He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence…...


Have you wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? 5 signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. 12 had their homes ransacke...


Dr. Arno Penzias is one of the two physicists who discovered the existence of cosmic background radiation. In his May 9 Breakpoint commentary, Chuck Colson points out that Penzias now says, "The creat...


What do the founders of McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken, the inventor of the light bulb, and the widow in today's story all have in common (Luke 18:1-14)? If you guessed "persistence," you're ri...

Ministry Post-9/11: Thoughts from Leading Pastors

Trevin Wax

Five well-known pastors, including two former Muslims, respond to the question: "How does living in a post-9/11 world influence the way you preach and do ministry?" ...


The Lord's Wisdom Upon first reading, these precepts gleaned from the gospels seem to defy human logic. A deeper study, however, will reveal that in them the Lord has outlined a wondrous pattern and a...


Someone has come up with a country version of the Ten Commandments. It goes like this: 1) There is only one God 2) No false gods 3) No cuss’n 4) Gather on Sunday 5) Mind your Ma and P...

Illustration: Evil, Sin

In his message the Sunday after 9/11, John Huffman said, “Accept the fact that life is not easy and that there are wicked people in this world."...

When a Story Is the Best Response

Whenever we face a communication challenge, telling a story is a good option, and sometimes it is the very best option....


Recently some keen wits have distributed some translations for phrases used at work. For instance: 1) A keen analyst: Thoroughly confused. 2) Accepts new job assignments willingly: Never finishes ...