Search Results for michael

Found 413 Results for michael
Illustration: Strength, Providence

What first appears to be a curse God can turn into a manifold blessing....


Michael Shaara died thinking he was a failure. His great love was writing....


Michael Lebouf recounts an anecdote about the great football coach, Bear Bryant. Bryant is reported to have said, "There are several kinds of football players. There are those who have it and know it,...


According to the book, The Twentieth Century, the invention of typing correction fluid was the product of necessity. Betty Nesmith (incidentally, the mother of former “Monkee” Michael Nesmith) had ma...

Destructive Sin

A word of warning from dermatologist Michael Kalman: "Today's deeply tanned beauties are tomorrow's wrinkled prunes." As I read that warning, I thought about sin. Sin is kind of like getting a tan. It...

Sermon Illustration about Treasures

Two divers found a strange treasure in the River Wear near Durham Cathedral. They found a stash of coins, medals and religious objects. To whom did this treasure belong? They were the possessions of t...


Someone once advised mothers that if they have a lot of tension and get headaches, to do exactly what it says on an aspirin bottle: “Take two aspirin,” and “Keep away from children...

Sin & Temptation

In a Dennis the Menace comic panel, Dennis articulates a problem all of us have. He said to his mother as he was being put in time out, “I’m not good at being bad, I’m just bad at...

Aging & Peer Pressure

A respected woman in the community was being interviewed by a TV reporter in honor of her 104th birthday. The reporter asked, "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" She simply r...


H. G. Wells once said, "If there is no God, nothing matters. If there is a God, nothing else matters!" That ought to highlight our need to walk in God's ways, to talk in a fashion that pleases Him,...

Illustration: Service

In his sermon “Blowing Your Horn,” Richard Love shares this: "Sir Michael Costa, the celebrated conductor, was holding a rehearsal. As the mighty chorus rang out, accompanied by scores of instruments,...

The Future Impacted by Today

Many Kentuckians grew up believing that the name of their state meant "Dark bloody Ground." It was that, of course, for the hunting ground of native Americans that became the battle ground between the...

White Robes

In a university town a self-styled "truth student, healer, teacher and facilitator" invited the public to a special program when he would channel a Day with the Masters including "Kwan Yin, Lord Sanan...

Humility and the Knowledge of God

In an interview in the March-April 2003 issue of The Door, preacher/author Calvin Miller observed, "Michael Card and I are kind of amateur astronomers, and he's much better at it than I am. We were in...


H.G. Wells once said, "If there is no God, nothing matters. If there is a God, nothing else matters!"...


Blaine Morris is only 2 years old, and his vocabulary is limited....


The cartoon This Funny World once showed a couple leaving church. The wife said to her husband, "I'll tell you why it's always the same old sermon. The only time you come is on Easter Sunday, that's w...


The great racehorse Native Dancer won every race he ever entered except one...


A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect." "Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?"......