Search Results for signs

Found 42 Results for signs
Conversion, Name

In a recent sermon, Leith Anderson asked, "Did you see the movie Air Force One starring Harrison Ford? The President's Boeing 747 is hijacked by terrorists. The President is a former soldier who fight...

Illustration: Excellence, Commitment, Work

The difference in the two approaches is the difference between working man's way and working God's way; working in light of the end of the day versus working in light of the end of life; working for i...

Medical Ethics

In a Nov. 12 article in The Daily Standard (webzine of The Weekly Standard), Wesley J. Smith writes, "Most of the time, we never know for sure what a starved or dehydrated person experiences. But in a...

9 Warning Signs of a Pastor Losing His Way

The pathway to being lost in the middle of your own ministry story is a road that has been traveled by many. Inspecting their journey can help you understand yours....

God Provides Resources

Lewis' is a large department store in Birmingham, England. Some years ago, the store wanted to expand, and one of their projected building areas held a Friends Meeting House, a small Quaker chapel. A ...

Things to Ponder About Our World

If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter? If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from? Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines?...

Things To Ponder About In Our World

If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter? If corn oil comes from corn where does baby oil come from? Why do they put Braille on the number pads of drive-through bank machines? ...

Too Good to be True

Sometimes the resurrection seems to good to be true, but this Easter sermon challenges us to be the living proof. The world needs an appearance of Jesus and a word from Him. Will it come from you and...

Illustration: Value, Self-Worth

In a recent post on his blog, Mike Glenn wrote: “The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard told a story of thieves who broke into a jewelry store and didn’t steal anything; they simply rearranged the p...

Preaching Is Two-Way Communication

Rick Whitter

The next time you are hearing a preacher, consider it a one-on-one conversation. While you can’t talk as much as he does, you still have a very important role to play in the talk....

A Blessed Silence

In his sermon “Whistling in the Dark,” Frederick Buechner says: “You have to be quiet to hear …"...

An Alphabet of Grace

A 26-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years ...

How Can I Heal After an Abusive Church Experience?

Joe McKeever

With God's help, you can leave behind the painful memories of difficult church experience....

Preaching for Life Change

Are there some particular insights you’ve gained during the years that help you preach for life change?...

7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Bible and Bible Reference Survey 2007

Each year brings a continuing flow of various study bibles and this one has been no different. Some such Bibles seem merely to be the result of marketing efforts, but others are truly helpful....