Search Results for teach

Found 76 Results for teach

Protect Your Child 1. Keep your child in sight at all times; when your child is away from you, know whom he or she is with and where. 2. Teach your child not to wander off and to avoid lonely places....

Example Of Lying

A little boy asked his mother, "Mommy, what is a lie?" His mother answered by saying, "Son, a lie is an abomination unto the Lord…but a very present help in time of need!" Sad to say too often w...

To Illustrate: Repentance

In Johnstown, Pa., a tool-supply company received in the mail a $45 check to pay for a stolen hammer. ...


A teacher was trying to teach a group of college students how to deal with some "story problems" when she said, "If you had $23 in one pocket and $56 in the other pocket, what would you have?" One stu...

Mistakes, Teaching

A high school senior saw an inspirational advertisement on television about becoming a teacher. She called the number shown: 1.800.45TEACH. After a woman answered, the student immediately began talkin...


How we live in relation to one another is becoming increasingly important, even in our parenting. According to one source, "Politeness is making a comeback. Growing numbers of Americans say that paren...

Illustration: Men, Cultural Change

Men will be boys...long after they should be taking responsibility for their lives and maturing professionally, personally and spiritually....

What Subway Can Teach the Church

Dr. James Emery White

“We’re continually looking at just about any opportunity for someone to buy a sandwich, wherever that might be,” says Don Fertman, Subway’s Chief Development Officer. ”The closer we can get to the cu...

How Can Young Pastors Disciple Older Believers?

Here are three tips I have found helpful from myself going to pastor a church at the age of 29 where most the members were between the ages of 70-90 years old....

Illustration: Irrational Fear

Life experiences teach us not to fear what can do us no harm....

Illustration: Values

Rodney Dillard was a key member of the progressive bluegrass group, The Dillards. ...

Kindness, Words, And Wrath

Here's an illustration from the classic movie To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), courtesy of The Big Idea: There is power in a kind word. Scene Setup:Scout, Jem, and Dill are coming ho...

Illustration: MLK Day

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King......


Just inside the magnificent walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, stands the bell tower. It marks the beginning of the Stradun, the city's main street. Two iron figures strike the bell each hour. The bel...

Parents, Parenting

Erma Bombeck once said that raising children is similar to flying kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless. . .they crash. . .you a...

Parental Example

In a study several years ago it was learned that more than half of those who became Christian ministers had decided on this vocation by the age of eleven. Now, more than ever before or after, the pare...

Instruction Of Children

In ancient China, the people desired security from the barbaric hordes to the north; so they built the great Chinese wall. It was so high they knew no one could climb over it and so thick that nothing...

Sermon Illustration: Christmas

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this prayer for Christmas: “Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds and the worship of t...

Proverbs, Humor

A first grade school teacher in Virginia presented each child in her classroom the first half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb......