Search Results for john 17:3

Found 26 Results for john 17:3
Will We Recognize Friends in Heaven?

Will we have personal identity in heaven? And will we recognize family and friends?...

What Is Soteriology and Why Is it Essential for All Christians to Know?

Jean Wilund

Soteriology isn’t uniquely Christian, but it is biblical. Paul demonstrates the use of soteriology in his letter to the Corinthian church....

What Does It Really Mean to Know Christ?

Ruth Clemence

How do we get to know someone? By spending time with them. Listening to them. Sharing life together. When we trust in Jesus, He gives us His Spirit to live within us (1 John 4:13). We become His frien...

Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?

Colin Smith

David knew that he would see his son again in the presence of the Lord, and knowing that he would be reunited with the son he loved brought him comfort in his bereavement....

10 Biblical Truths about Real Friendship

Drew Hunter

What does the Bible say about friendship? Perhaps more than we may have thought. The theme of friendship weaves through the whole storyline of Scripture, climaxing at the cross of Jesus Christ and str...

Can You Believe in God But Not Believe in Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

"I'm spiritual but not religious." "I love God, but I don't really trust the Bible." "All that Jesus stuff happened so long ago, you know?" Can a person say these things and still be a Christian? What...

Be Encouraged That God Looks at Our Heart, not Outward Appearances

Lisa Loraine Baker

We humans cannot do anything with complete purity because our sinful hearts lead us into areas of vast sin, and there is only one way they can be fixed: Jesus Christ. He is the only way toward a pure ...

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

Was Jesus Really Born in a Manger?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Read what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus Christ. Was He really born in a manger or is that just part of the Christmas story we hear today?...

How Should We Respond When Our Faith Is Criticized?

Heather Adams

Christians are called to live and speak differently than those “of the world.” But many believers find themselves worrying that if they fully live out their faith, others will judge or criticize them....

Who Is Malachi the Prophet, the Last Writer of the Old Testament?

Britt Mooney

The book of Malachi is the end of the Old Testament. But God makes it clear that it is not the end of the Story He is telling. The best is yet to come....

How Can We Have an Eternal Mindset Here on Earth?

Ed Jarrett

It is a mindset that understands the physical world is not all there is. There is a greater reality that is unknowable to our human senses. This greater reality, particularly the kingdom of God, is re...

What Does God Look Like?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

What does God look like? Perhaps, following the psalmist, we turn to poetry and hymnody to answer. When you know your sins are forgiven, and the God of all Creation is your own Father, God looks like ...

7 Miraculous Observations on the Genealogy of Jesus

Emma Danzey

Think back on the names of your relatives. How far back have you gotten? I tried once to compile the names of family members, and could only get back a few generations. The Scriptures provide 42 gener...

What Believers Need to Know about the Whore of Babylon in Revelation

Lucas Hagen

In Revelation, we're introduced to 'mother of prostitutes,' often referred to as the 'whore of Babylon.' Let's focus on the big picture of John's description, and what we must know, allowing that to g...

Faithful Promises for Modern Singers of a Beloved Hymn

Alyssa Roat

For more than 200 years, congregations have been singing these familiar words: How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word! “How Firm a Fou...

What Does the Bible Say about Eternal Life - What it Is and Is Not

Stephen Baker

How did this prove eternal life was real? Notice God spoke to Moses in the present tense, not the past tense. ...

How Did Jesus' Death Pay the Penalty for Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is called the Lamb of God and the Last Adam. These two titles help us understand how Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin. As the Lamb of God, He fulfilled the Law as the perfect sacrifice....

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...