Search Results for love

Found 1918 Results for love
What Is Maundy Thursday?

Good Friday, we know. And Easter (Resurrection Sunday) most certainly. But what is Maundy Thursday? It is the Thursday before Easter, believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover wi...

Limit Your Liability, Lose Your Freedom

Colin Smith

Why would anyone who had found freedom in Christ want to turn back to the law? Why would anyone let themselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery? Why would anyone want to be under the law?...

What Does the Bible Say about Racism?

Pamela Palmer

Scripture teaches that God created all human beings in his image. There is no exception to that, and being made in God’s image makes each person valuable and precious. There is no hierarchy of human b...

6 Universal Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Steve Arterburn

As individual people, we can make a mess of our lives and relationships in ways so unique to us personally. But the marks of a healthy relationship are universal and recorded in God’s Word....

Love by Recognizing Gifts Rather Than Faults

Cliff Young

If we continue to practice finding wrong with each other, how do we expect to have strong meaningful relationships for ourselves?...

31 Amazing Verses That Show Us God’s Character

Bethany Verrett

In order for people to know Him, God reached out to humanity in many ways. He speaks through the Holy Spirit; God the Son took on flesh and lived as a man; He left His fingerprint all over nature. Fin...

Is It True that “Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God?”

Ashley Hooker

My husband often talks about when he was a little boy and went shopping with his mom, he would play a joke on her. He would leave her side and go to the customer service desk and say he was lost. Then...

Why Do Christians Say "Church Family"?

Pamela Palmer

Believers are members of God’s household, or God’s family. The phrase “church family” captures the depth of life that people share when they attend the same church. Believers who go to the same church...

Beyond Sunday: The Requirement of Justice - And Love

Just? Surely then he will punish; no, for this very reason he will pardon. ...

What Does "Do unto Others" Mean in the Bible?

Danielle Bernock

The verse in the Bible, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is commonly known as The Golden Rule. It’s found in both Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31. Jesus said this Golden Rule “sums up th...

What Is the Meaning of the Prodigal Son Story in Luke ?

Aaron Brown

There are moments when we separate ourselves from God in sin, and “squander” in our own unique ways. However, God’s love is not contingent on our behaviors and His mercies are new every morning....

What Hosea's Daughter Lo-Ruhamah Teaches Us about God's Love and Mercy

Sylvia Schroeder

Yet, through what Hosea's daughter Lo-Ruhamah teaches us about God's love and mercy, this attribute of God’s character shines....

Who Is the Bride of Christ?

Jessica Udall

All the great love stories of the world echo this greatest of love stories. And just like a good husband acts, God’s actions towards the Church are always full of love....

What Does the Bible Say about Sex before Marriage?

Bethany Verrett

Love has many types of expressions, designed by God to be wonderful, to create bonds, and to be outward demonstrations about the depth of His love. Even romantic love is a mechanism for the world to g...

What Does 'Spare the Rod Spoil the Child' Mean in Proverbs 13?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

 If we are going to be honest and understand this proverb, then we must acknowledge that God’s love for us is proven by his discipline just as your love for your child is proven in the same way. ...

Goodness to All

Stephen Davey

Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but it is what God did for us....

How Can We Model the Love of Jesus by Showing Compassion?

Sheila Alewine

One of the most visible character attributes of God, as seen in Scripture, is His compassion. Both the Old Testament and New Testament testify to the unconditional love and mercy that arises from His ...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Emma Danzey

His kindness came to us. Jesus, the incarnate deity, came to earth to show us the greatest act of kindness and love on the cross at Calvary. Death was defeated and not only that, by the Holy Spirit we...

Why it Matters So Much That God Is "Slow to Anger"

Meg Bucher

“The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the...

Solomon's Song of Love

The Song of Solomon teaches that intimacy within marriage is received with thanksgiving, as all of God’s created gifts should be. Here right love is rightly exalted. Here desire and the fulfillment of...