Search Results for luke 5

Found 609 Results for luke 5
Who Decided What Went into the Bible?

Hal Seed

Just about everyone wants to know how the sixty-six books got chosen to be in the Bible. Why these sixty-six? Why not a few more (or a few less)? Why these books and not others?...

5 Ways Christians Can Apply the Parable of the Good Samaritan Today

Meg Bucher

The Bible story of the Good Samaritan reminds us to take time to notice, and inconvenience ourselves to stop and sacrifice our precious minutes and resources to love our neighbor the way we’re called ...

How Does Sanctification Work?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We’ve all read and/or heard about butterflies and how God, in His perfect and glorious will, transforms something ugly into an incredible thing of beauty. A monarch butterfly, thought to be one o...

If Jesus Is God, Why Does Jesus Pray to God?

Mike Leake

If we think of prayer as the action where we ask God for stuff, then it might seem a bit unnecessary for Jesus to be praying. After all, He’s God, shouldn’t He be able to do it Himself? Yet, if we con...

4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth

Sheila Alewine

The story is primarily understood to describe the various effects of the gospel message of salvation that Jesus was teaching. But I believe there is additional wisdom to be gained by those of us who h...

What Does it Mean to “Love Your Enemies”?

Danielle Bernock

Loving our enemies is a foreign concept. Love and enemies are words that seem mutually exclusive. Putting the two together raises questions. When the Bible tells us to love our enemies what does that ...

6 Things You Didn't Know about Paul in the Bible

Kathy Howard

Paul’s life stands as a testimony to God’s power and grace working in the lives of His people to carry out His purposes....

What Is the Second Week of Advent Candle's Meaning?

G. Connor Salter

Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related ide...

How Should We Celebrate the Birth of Christ?

There are plenty of decorations to buy and parties to attend during this season... but how should we really celebrate Christmas? The question is important because of the significance of the day and be...

The Gospel in Joshua

The spotlight is not on Joshua’s moral example or on timeless principles of conduct but on Yahweh’s fulfillment of a historical promise. Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself t...

What Christians Need to Know about Fasting and Prayer

Heather Riggleman

Fasting and prayer are often linked together. Fasting without praying isn't fasting. It is dieting or deprivation. The only reason to fast is to make space for you to seek the Lord with greater urgenc...

What Is the Right Way to Pass Judgement?

Christine Carter

Christians are sometimes stereotyped as stodgy and too judgmental in the eyes of the world. The phrase "judge not" or "only God can judge me" have become so commonplace, we often wonder how much Bibli...

Why Does Jesus Say "It Is Finished"?

Hope Bolinger

“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30). Tetelestai, it is finished. We've no doubt heard these words during ...

How the Meaning of Maundy Thursday Reminds Us to Love Others

Pamela Palmer

Holy Week is a sacred and blessed time for Christians around the globe. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is one that helps Christians focus on the cross in heart and spirit by recounting the final...

6 Reminders for Facing Temptation Like Jesus

Micah Maddox

Jesus gives us the example to follow in the face of temptation through His own temptation in the wilderness. He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and His flesh was weak. Mentally I cannot imagine t...

What Can We Learn from the Woman with the Issue of Blood?

Jennifer Heeren

The woman with the issue of blood is mentioned in three of the gospels—Mark, Luke, and Matthew....

What Is the Lord's Prayer, and How Does It Guide Our Prayers?

Pamela Palmer

This demonstration of prayer taught by Jesus was simple, yet it shows us how we can come to God in prayer. Jesus was often seen going away from crowds to pray and spend time with the Father. He recogn...

Why Does the Bible Say that a Little Leaven Leavens the Whole Lump?

Linda Lyle

Have you ever heard the phrase "a little leaven leavens the whole lump"? Or wondered why it appears in the Bible?...