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Found 151 Results for reads
How Can Suffering Be a Gift?

Britnee Bradshaw

One morning during a recent quiet time, I was meditating on 1 Corinthians 13:4. The verse struck my heart in such a profound way. The scripture, according to the King James Version, reads: “Charity su...

How to Study the Bible Like Billy Graham (7 Powerful Habits to Cultivate)

iBelieve Contributors

  In his recent tribute to the late Reverend Billy Graham, pastor and Desiring God founder John Piper notes Graham’s incredible habit of Bible study (taken from John Pollock’s bio...

A Picture of Our Need and God's Compassion in the Life of Absalom

Meg Bucher

Absalom was one of King David’s sons, and his scriptural story reads like a modern-day soap opera. Known for his good looks, in particular his long hair, he is best remembered for avenging his si...

Is Jesus Preparing “Many Mansions” for Us in Heaven?

Mike Leake

“I heard about a mansion he has built for me in glory…” so goes the old hymn Victory in Jesus. The author, of course, heard about that mansion from the text of Scripture. In John 14:2 (KJV) we read:“I...

Daily Bible Reading Is a Joyful Task That Is Never Complete

John Greco

As I’ve listened to the testimonies of men and women who’ve lost their faith, I’ve been struck by the fact that the questions and doubts they raise are not actually insurmountable....

10 Common Mistakes People Make When Reading Revelation

Cindi McMenamin

The book of Revelation is either the most exciting or the most frustrating book of the Bible to read. It can be exciting when you’re looking at prophecy fulfilled or frustrating when you’re confused a...

10 Ways to Better Enjoy Reading the Bible

Bethany Verrett

The Word of God is full of history, wisdom, poetry, warnings, and truth. When approached with a heart open to the Holy Spirit’s whispers and a mind focused on understanding, the Bible can be one of a ...

What Nehemiah Teaches about Rebuilding after a Disaster Like COVID-19

Hope Bolinger

It is easy to assume that the Bible doesn't have the answer for every modern problem. However, the people in the Bible experienced similar trials and temptations as us, and looking to them will g...

What Will We Do in Heaven?

Jason Soroski

Heaven really is forever, and we will spend that eternity in a place of perfect joy, peace, rest, and hope. It is a house unlike any we have seen before. We will never have to wait for something to ha...

Why We Must “Walk in the Light, as He Is in the Light”

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we want to know and emulate someone, we spend as much time as possible with them. How much more should we take time to read and study God’s Word, for knowing His Word means knowing God. ...

Why Would God Speak to Elijah - and Us - in a “Still, Small Voice”?

Mike Leake

Shortly after becoming a believer, I found myself in a bit of despair. For quite a few months after becoming a Christian, everything felt incredibly intense. My highs felt higher and my lows felt lowe...

Who Are the Edomites in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Jacob and his brother Esau, sons of Isaac and grandsons of Abraham, were said to have come out of the womb fighting. The story of the manipulative way Jacob convinced Esau to forgo his inheritance und...

Why Do Christians Say "Maranatha"?

Lisa Loraine Baker

When Christians get excited about Jesus’ return, we exclaim, “Maranatha!” Likewise, when we grieve the world’s wickedness, our battle cry is “Maranatha!” In the first sense, this word is a joyful...

Faithful Promises for Modern Singers of a Beloved Hymn

Alyssa Roat

For more than 200 years, congregations have been singing these familiar words: How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word! “How Firm a Fou...

Why Is it Important that Jesus Gave His Followers Peace When He Left Them?

Tammy Kennington

Jesus’s gift was intangible and of incalculable value. John 14:27 (NIV) explains, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”...

What Are the Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible?

Ben Reichert

Maybe you've heard about the deuterocanonical books. Are these "extra books of the Bible" that people have forgotten, or something else?...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...