Génesis 25

1 Abraham volvió a tomar mujer, y su nombre era Cetura.
2 Y ella le dio a luz a Zimram, a Jocsán, a Medán, a Madián, a Isbac y a Súa.
3 Jocsán engendró a Seba y a Dedán. Y los hijos de Dedán fueron Asurim, Letusim y Leumim.
4 Y los hijos de Madián fueron Efa, Efer, Hanoc, Abida y Elda. Todos estos fueron los hijos de Cetura.
5 Abraham dio a Isaac todo lo que poseía;
6 y a los hijos de sus concubinas Abraham les dio regalos, viviendo aún él, y los envió lejos de su hijo Isaac hacia el este, a la tierra del oriente.
7 Estos fueron los años de la vida de Abraham: ciento setenta y cinco años.
8 Abraham expiró, y murió en buena vejez, anciano y lleno de días, y fue reunido a su pueblo.
9 Y sus hijos Isaac e Ismael lo sepultaron en la cueva de Macpela, en el campo de Efrón, hijo de Zohar heteo, que está frente a Mamre,
10 el campo que Abraham compró a los hijos de Het; allí fue sepultado Abraham con Sara su mujer.
11 Y sucedió que después de la muerte de Abraham, Dios bendijo a su hijo Isaac. Y habitó Isaac junto a Beer-lajai-roi.
12 Estas son las generaciones de Ismael, hijo de Abraham, el que Agar la egipcia, sierva de Sara, le dio a luz a Abraham;
13 y estos son los nombres de los hijos de Ismael, nombrados por el orden de su nacimiento: el primogénito de Ismael, Nebaiot, después, Cedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
14 Misma, Duma, Massa,
15 Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Nafis y Cedema.
16 Estos son los hijos de Ismael, y éstos sus nombres, por sus aldeas y por sus campamentos, doce príncipes según sus tribus.
17 Estos fueron los años de la vida de Ismael: ciento treinta y siete años; y expiró y murió, y fue reunido a su pueblo.
18 Y habitó desde Havila hasta Shur, que está enfrente de Egipto, según se va hacia Asiria; se estableció allí frente a todos sus parientes.
19 Estas son las generaciones de Isaac, hijo de Abraham: Abraham engendró a Isaac.
20 Tenía Isaac cuarenta años cuando tomó por mujer a Rebeca, hija de Betuel, arameo de Padán-aram, hermana de Labán arameo.
21 Y oró Isaac al SEÑOR en favor de su mujer, porque ella era estéril; y lo escuchó el SEÑOR, y Rebeca su mujer concibió.
22 Y los hijos luchaban dentro de ella; y ella dijo: Si esto es así, ¿para qué vivo yo? Y fue a consultar al SEÑOR.
23 Y el SEÑOR le dijo: Dos naciones hay en tu seno, y dos pueblos se dividirán desde tus entrañas; un pueblo será más fuerte que el otro, y el mayor servirá al menor.
24 Y cuando se cumplieron los días de dar a luz, he aquí, había mellizos en su seno.
25 Salió el primero rojizo, todo velludo como una pelliza, y lo llamaron Esaú .
26 Y después salió su hermano, con su mano asida al talón de Esaú, y lo llamaron Jacob . Isaac tenía sesenta años cuando ella los dio a luz.
27 Los niños crecieron, y Esaú llegó a ser diestro cazador, hombre del campo; pero Jacob era hombre pacífico, que habitaba en tiendas.
28 Y amaba Isaac a Esaú porque le gustaba lo que cazaba, pero Rebeca amaba a Jacob.
29 Un día, cuando Jacob había preparado un potaje, Esaú vino del campo, agotado;
30 y Esaú dijo a Jacob: Te ruego que me des a comer un poco de ese guisado rojo, pues estoy agotado. Por eso lo llamaron Edom .
31 Pero Jacob le dijo: Véndeme primero tu primogenitura.
32 Y Esaú dijo: He aquí, estoy a punto de morir; ¿de qué me sirve, pues, la primogenitura?
33 Y Jacob dijo: Júramelo primero; y él se lo juró, y vendió su primogenitura a Jacob.
34 Entonces Jacob dio a Esaú pan y guisado de lentejas; y él comió y bebió, se levantó y se fue. Así menospreció Esaú la primogenitura.

Génesis 25 Commentary

Chapter 25

Abraham's family by Keturah, His death and burial. (1-10) God blesses Isaac The descendants of Ishmael. (11-18) The birth of Esau and Jacob. (19-26) The different characters of Esau and Jacob. (27,28) Esau despises and sells his birth-right. (29-34)

Verses 1-10 All the days, even of the best and greatest saints, are not remarkable days; some slide on silently; such were these last days of Abraham. Here is an account of Abraham's children by Keturah, and the disposition which he made of his estate. After the birth of these sons, he set his house in order, with prudence and justice. He did this while he yet lived. It is wisdom for men to do what they find to do while they live, as far as they can. Abraham lived 175 years; just one hundred years after he came to Canaan; so long he was a sojourner in a strange country. Whether our stay in this life be long or short, it matters but little, provided we leave behind us a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord, and a good example to our families. We are told that his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him. It seems that Abraham had himself brought them together while he lived. Let us not close the history of the life of Abraham without blessing God for such a testimony of the triumph of faith.

Verses 11-18 Ishmael had twelve sons, whose families became distinct tribes. They peopled a very large country that lay between Egypt and Assyria, called Arabia. The number and strength of this family were the fruit of the promise, made to Hagar and to Abraham, concerning Ishmael.

Verses 19-26 Isaac seems not to have been much tried, but to have spent his days in quietness. Jacob and Esau were prayed for; their parents, after being long childless, obtained them by prayer. The fulfilment of God's promise is always sure, yet it is often slow. The faith of believers is tried, their patience exercised, and mercies long waited for are more welcome when they come. Isaac and Rebekah kept in view the promise of all nations being blessed in their posterity, therefore were not only desirous of children, but anxious concerning every thing which seemed to mark their future character. In all our doubts we should inquire of the Lord by prayer. In many of our conflicts with sin and temptation, we may adopt Rebekah's words, "If it be so, why am I thus?" If a child of God, why so careless or carnal? If not a child of God, why so afraid of, or so burdened with sin?

Verses 27-28 Esau hunted the beasts of the field with dexterity and success, till he became a conqueror, ruling over his neighbours. Jacob was a plain man, one that liked the true delights of retirement, better than all pretended pleasures. He was a stranger and a pilgrim in his spirit, and a shepherd all his days. Isaac and Rebekah had but these two children, one was the father's darling, and the other the mother's. And though godly parents must feel their affections most drawn over towards a godly child, yet they will not show partiality. Let their affections lead them to do what is just and equal to every child, or evils will arise.

Verses 29-34 We have here the bargain made between Jacob and Esau about the right, which was Esau's by birth, but Jacob's by promise. It was for a spiritual privilege; and we see Jacob's desire of the birth-right, but he sought to obtain it by crooked courses, not like his character as a plain man. He was right, that he coveted earnestly the best gifts; he was wrong, that he took advantage of his brother's need. The inheritance of their father's worldly goods did not descend to Jacob, and was not meant in this proposal. But it includeth the future possession of the land of Canaan by his children's children, and the covenant made with Abraham as to Christ the promised Seed. Believing Jacob valued these above all things; unbelieving Esau despised them. Yet although we must be of Jacob's judgment in seeking the birth-right, we ought carefully to avoid all guile, in seeking to obtain even the greatest advantages. Jacob's pottage pleased Esau's eye. "Give me some of that red;" for this he was called Edom, or Red. Gratifying the sensual appetite ruins thousands of precious souls. When men's hearts walk after their own eyes, ( Job 31:7 ) , and when they serve their own bellies, they are sure to be punished. If we use ourselves to deny ourselves, we break the force of most temptations. It cannot be supposed that Esau was dying of hunger in Isaac's house. The words signify, I am going towards death; he seems to mean, I shall never live to inherit Canaan, or any of those future supposed blessings; and what signifies it who has them when I am dead and gone. This would be the language of profaneness, with which the apostle brands him, ( Hebrews 12:16 ) ; and this contempt of the birth-right is blamed, ver. ( 34 ) . It is the greatest folly to part with our interest in God, and Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honours, and pleasures of this world; it is as bad a bargain as his who sold a birth-right for a dish of pottage. Esau ate and drank, pleased his palate, satisfied his appetite, and then carelessly rose up and went his way, without any serious thought, or any regret, about the bad bargain he had made. Thus Esau despised his birth-right. By his neglect and contempt afterwards, and by justifying himself in what he had done, he put the bargain past recall. People are ruined, not so much by doing what is amiss, as by doing it and not repenting of it.

Footnotes 3

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains an account of Abraham's marriage with another woman, and of the children he had by her and of their posterity Ge 25:1-4; of Abraham's disposal of his substance; and his sons, Ge 25:5,6; of the years of his life, his death and burial, Ge 25:7-11; of the children of Ishmael, and of the years of his life, and of his death, Ge 25:12-18; and of the sons of Isaac the fruit of prayer, and of the oracle concerning them before they were born, and of their temper and disposition, conduct and behaviour, Ge 25:19-34.

Génesis 25 Commentaries

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