Mateus 12

O Senhor do Sábado

1 Naquela ocasião, Jesus passou pelas lavouras de cereal no sábado. Seus discípulos estavam com fome e começaram a colher espigas para comê-las.
2 Os fariseus, vendo aquilo, lhe disseram: “Olha, os teus discípulos estão fazendo o que não é permitido no sábado”.
3 Ele respondeu: “Vocês não leram o que fez Davi quando ele e seus companheiros estavam com fome?
4 Ele entrou na casa de Deus e, junto com os seus companheiros, comeu os pães da Presença, o que não lhes era permitido fazer, mas apenas aos sacerdotes.
5 Ou vocês não leram na Lei que, no sábado, os sacerdotes no templo profanam esse dia e, contudo, ficam sem culpa?
6 Eu digo a vocês que aqui está o que é maior do que o templo.
7 Se vocês soubessem o que significam estas palavras: ‘Desejo misericórdia, não sacrifícios’,[a] não teriam condenado inocentes.
8 Pois o Filho do homem é Senhor do sábado”.
9 Saindo daquele lugar, dirigiu-se à sinagoga deles,
10 e estava ali um homem com uma das mãos atrofiada. Procurando um motivo para acusar Jesus, eles lhe perguntaram: “É permitido curar no sábado?”
11 Ele lhes respondeu: “Qual de vocês, se tiver uma ovelha e ela cair num buraco no sábado, não irá pegá-la e tirá-la de lá?
12 Quanto mais vale um homem do que uma ovelha! Portanto, é permitido fazer o bem no sábado”.
13 Então ele disse ao homem: “Estenda a mão”. Ele a estendeu, e ela foi restaurada, e ficou boa como a outra.
14 Então os fariseus saíram e começaram a conspirar sobre como poderiam matar Jesus.

O Servo Escolhido de Deus

15 Sabendo disso, Jesus retirou-se daquele lugar. Muitos o seguiram, e ele curou todos os doentes que havia entre eles,
16 advertindo-os que não dissessem quem ele era.
17 Isso aconteceu para se cumprir o que fora dito por meio do profeta Isaías:
18 “Eis o meu servo, a quem escolhi,o meu amado, em quem tenho prazer.Porei sobre ele o meu Espírito,e ele anunciará justice às nações.
19 Não discutirá nem gritará;ninguém ouvirá sua voz nas ruas.
20 Não quebrará o caniço rachado,não apagará o pavio fumegante,até que leve à vitória a justiça.
21 Em seu nome as nações porão sua esperança”.[b]

A Acusação contra Jesus

22 Depois disso, levaram-lhe um endemoninhado que era cego e mudo, e Jesus o curou, de modo que ele pôde falar e ver.
23 Todo o povo ficou atônito e disse: “Não será este o Filho de Davi?”
24 Mas, quando os fariseus ouviram isso, disseram: “É somente por Belzebu, o príncipe dos demônios, que ele expulsa demônios”.
25 Jesus, conhecendo os seus pensamentos, disse-lhes: “Todo reino dividido contra si mesmo será arruinado, e toda cidade ou casa dividida contra si mesma não subsistirá.
26 Se Satanás expulsa Satanás, está dividido contra si mesmo. Como, então, subsistirá seu reino?
27 E, se eu expulso demônios por Belzebu, por quem os expulsam os filhos[c] de vocês? Por isso, eles mesmos serão juízes sobre vocês.
28 Mas, se é pelo Espírito de Deus que eu expulso demônios, então chegou a vocês o Reino de Deus.
29 “Ou, como alguém pode entrar na casa do homem forte e levar dali seus bens, sem antes amarrá-lo? Só então poderá roubar a casa dele.
30 “Aquele que não está comigo está contra mim; e aquele que comigo não ajunta espalha.
31 Por esse motivo eu digo a vocês: Todo pecado e blasfêmia serão perdoados aos homens, mas a blasfêmia contra o Espírito não será perdoada.
32 Todo aquele que disser uma palavra contra o Filho do homem será perdoado, mas quem falar contra o Espírito Santo não será perdoado, nem nesta era nem na que há de vir.
33 “Considerem: Uma árvore boa dá fruto bom, e uma árvore ruim dá fruto ruim, pois uma árvore é conhecida por seu fruto.
34 Raça de víboras, como podem vocês, que são maus, dizer coisas boas? Pois a boca fala do que está cheio o coração.
35 O homem bom do seu bom tesouro tira coisas boas, e o homem mau do seu mau tesouro tira coisas más.
36 Mas eu digo que, no dia do juízo, os homens haverão de dar conta de toda palavra inútil que tiverem falado.
37 Pois por suas palavras vocês serão absolvidos, e por suas palavras serão condenados”.

O Sinal de Jonas

38 Então alguns dos fariseus e mestres da lei lhe disseram: “Mestre, queremos ver um sinal milagroso feito por ti”.
39 Ele respondeu: “Uma geração perversa e adúltera pede um sinal milagroso! Mas nenhum sinal será dado, exceto o sinal do profeta Jonas.
40 Pois assim como Jonas esteve três dias e três noites no ventre de um grande peixe, assim o Filho do homem ficará três dias e três noites no coração da terra.
41 Os homens de Nínive se levantarão no juízo com esta geração e a condenarão; pois eles se arrependeram com a pregação de Jonas, e agora está aqui o que é maior do que Jonas.
42 A rainha do Sul se levantará no juízo com esta geração e a condenará, pois ela veio dos confins da terra para ouvir a sabedoria de Salomão, e agora está aqui o que é maior do que Salomão.
43 “Quando um espírito imundo[d] sai de um homem, passa por lugares áridos procurando descanso. Como não o encontra,
44 diz: ‘Voltarei para a casa de onde saí’. Chegando, encontra a casa desocupada, varrida e em ordem.
45 Então vai e traz consigo outros sete espíritos piores do que ele, e, entrando, passam a viver ali. E o estado final daquele homem torna-se pior do que o primeiro. Assim acontecerá a esta geração perversa”.

A Mãe e os Irmãos de Jesus

46 Falava ainda Jesus à multidão quando sua mãe e seus irmãos chegaram do lado de fora, querendo falar com ele.
47 Alguém lhe disse: “Tua mãe e teus irmãos estão lá fora e querem falar contigo”.[e]
48 “Quem é minha mãe, e quem são meus irmãos?”, perguntou ele.
49 E, estendendo a mão para os discípulos, disse: “Aqui estão minha mãe e meus irmãos!
50 Pois quem faz a vontade de meu Pai que está nos céus, este é meu irmão, minha irmã e minha mãe”.

Mateus 12 Commentary

Chapter 12

Jesus defends his disciples for plucking corn on the sabbath day. (1-8) Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the sabbath. (9-13) The malice of the Pharisees. (14-21) Jesus heals a demoniac. (22-30) Blasphemy of the Pharisees. (31,32) Evil words proceed from an evil heart. (33-37) The scribes and Pharisees reproved for seeking a sign. (38-45) The disciples of Christ are his nearest relations. (46-50)

Verses 1-8 Being in the corn-fields, the disciples began to pluck the ears of corn: the law of God allowed it, ( Deuteronomy 23:25 ) . This was slender provision for Christ and his disciples; but they were content with it. The Pharisees did not quarrel with them for taking another man's corn, but for doing it on the sabbath day. Christ came to free his followers, not only from the corruptions of the Pharisees, but from their unscriptural rules, and justified what they did. The greatest shall not have their lusts indulged, but the meanest shall have their wants considered. Those labours are lawful on the sabbath day which are necessary, and sabbath rest is to froward, not to hinder sabbath worship. Needful provision for health and food is to be made; but when servants are kept at home, and families become a scene of hurry and confusion on the Lord's day, to furnish a feast for visitors, or for indulgence, the case is very different. Such things as these, and many others common among professors, are to be blamed. The resting on the sabbath was ordained for man's good, ( Deuteronomy 5:14 ) . No law must be understood so as to contradict its own end. And as Christ is the Lord of the sabbath, it is fit the day and the work of it should be dedicated to him.

Verses 9-13 Christ shows that works of mercy are lawful and proper to be done on the Lord's day. There are more ways of doing well upon sabbath days, than by the duties of worship: attending the sick, relieving the poor, helping those who need speedy relief, teaching the young to care for their souls; these are doing good: and these must be done from love and charity, with humility and self-denial, and shall be accepted, ( Genesis 4:7 ) . This, like other cures which Christ wrought, had a spiritual meaning. By nature our hands are withered, and we are unable of ourselves to do any thing that is good. Christ only, by the power of his grace, cures us; he heals the withered hand by putting life into the dead soul, works in us both to will and to do: for, with the command, there is a promise of grace given by the word.

Verses 14-21 The Pharisees took counsel to find some accusation, that Jesus might be condemned to death. Aware of their design, as his time was not come, he retired from that place. Face does not more exactly answer to face in water, than the character of Christ drawn by the prophet, to his temper and conduct as described by the evangelists. Let us with cheerful confidence commit our souls to so kind and faithful a Friend. Far from breaking, he will strengthen the bruised reed; far from quenching the smoking flax, or wick nearly out, he will rather blow it up into a flame. Let us lay aside contentious and angry debates; let us receive one another as Christ receives us. And while encouraged by the gracious kindness of our Lord, we should pray that his Spirit may rest upon us, and make us able to copy his example.

Verses 22-30 A soul under Satan's power, and led captive by him, is blind in the things of God, and dumb at the throne of grace; sees nothing, and says nothing to the purpose. Satan blinds the eyes by unbelief, and seals up the lips from prayer. The more people magnified Christ, the more desirous the Pharisees were to vilify him. It was evident that if Satan aided Jesus in casting out devils, the kingdom of hell was divided against itself; how then could it stand! And if they said that Jesus cast out devils by the prince of the devils, they could not prove that their children cast them out by any other power. There are two great interests in the world; and when unclean spirits are cast out by the Holy Spirit, in the conversion of sinners to a life of faith and obedience, the kingdom of God is come unto us. All who do not aid or rejoice in such a change are against Christ.

Verses 31-32 Here is a gracious assurance of the pardon of all sin upon gospel terms. Christ herein has set an example to the sons of men, to be ready to forgive words spoken against them. But humble and conscientious believers, at times are tempted to think they have committed the unpardonable sin, while those who have come the nearest to it, seldom have any fear about it. We may be sure that those who indeed repent and believe the gospel, have not committed this sin, or any other of the same kind; for repentance and faith are the special gifts of God, which he would not bestow on any man, if he were determined never to pardon him; and those who fear they have committed this sin, give a good sign that they have not. The trembling, contrite sinner, has the witness in himself that this is not his case.

Verses 33-37 Men's language discovers what country they are of, likewise what manner of spirit they are of. The heart is the fountain, words are the streams. A troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring, must send forth muddy and unpleasant streams. Nothing but the salt of grace, cast into the spring, will heal the waters, season the speech, and purify the corrupt communication. An evil man has an evil treasure in his heart, and out of it brings forth evil things. Lusts and corruptions, dwelling and reigning in the heart, are an evil treasure, out of which the sinner brings forth bad words and actions, to dishonour God, and hurt others. Let us keep constant watch over ourselves, that we may speak words agreeable to the Christian character.

Verses 38-45 Though Christ is always ready to hear and answer holy desires and prayers, yet those who ask amiss, ask and have not. Signs were granted to those who desired them to confirm their faith, as Abraham and Gideon; but denied to those who demanded them to excuse their unbelief. The resurrection of Christ from the dead by his own power, called here the sign of the prophet Jonah, was the great proof of Christ's being the Messiah. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale, and then came out again alive, thus Christ would be so long in the grave, and then rise again. The Ninevites would shame the Jews for not repenting; the queen of Sheba, for not believing in Christ. And we have no such cares to hinder us, we come not to Christ upon such uncertainties. This parable represents the case of the Jewish church and nation. It is also applicable to all those who hear the word of God, and are in part reformed, but not truly converted. The unclean spirit leaves for a time, but when he returns, he finds Christ is not there to shut him out; the heart is swept by outward reformation, but garnished by preparation to comply with evil suggestions, and the man becomes a more decided enemy of the truth. Every heart is the residence of unclean spirits, except those which are temples of the Holy Ghost, by faith in Christ.

Verses 46-50 Christ's preaching was plain, easy, and familiar, and suited to his hearers. His mother and brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him, when they should have been standing within, desiring to hear him. Frequently, those who are nearest to the means of knowledge and grace are most negligent. We are apt to neglect that which we think we may have any day, forgetting that to-morrow is not ours. We often meet with hinderances in our work from friends about us, and are taken off by care for the things of this life, from the concerns of our souls. Christ was so intent on his work, that no natural or other duty took him from it. Not that, under pretence of religion, we may be disrespectful to parents, or unkind to relations; but the lesser duty must stand by, while the greater is done. Let us cease from men, and cleave to Christ; let us look upon every Christian, in whatever condition of life, as the brother, sister, or mother of the Lord of glory; let us love, respect, and be kind to them, for his sake, and after his example.

Footnotes 5

Mateus 12 Commentaries

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