Genèse 12:1-4

1 Et l'Éternel avait dit à Abram: Va-t'en hors de ton pays, et de ta parenté, et de la maison de ton père, vers le pays que je te montrerai.
2 Et je te ferai devenir une grande nation, et je te bénirai, et je rendrai ton nom grand, et tu seras une bénédiction.
3 Et je bénirai ceux qui te béniront, et je maudirai ceux qui te maudiront; et toutes les familles de la terre seront bénies en toi.
4 Et Abram s'en alla, comme l'Éternel le lui avait dit, et Lot alla avec lui. Et Abram était âgé de soixante et quinze ans quand il sortit de Charan.

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Genèse 12:1-4 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter an account is given of the call of Abram to depart from his own country, with a promise of a divine blessing, Ge 12:1-3 of his obedience to it, Ge 12:4,5 of his journey through the land of Canaan, and of the Lord's appearance to him in it, and his promise of it to his seed, and of Abram's building altars in it, and calling on the name of the Lord, Ge 12:6-9 and of a famine there, which occasioned him to go into Egypt, Ge 12:10 where, through fear of being slain, he desired his wife to call herself his sister, Ge 12:11-13 and she being greatly admired by the Egyptians for her beauty, it went well with Abram for her sake, Ge 12:14-16 but the Egyptians were plagued because of her, who, when they understood she was Abram's wife, sent them both away, and all that belonged to them, Ge 12:17-20.

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The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.