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Found 856 Results for trust
How to Tune up Your Christian Walk

Christians often want to go “deeper” in their walk with God. How can we get there? It starts with tuning up our relationship. ...

What Does It Mean to Put on a Garment of Praise?

Heather Adams

When we are going through difficult circumstances, it can certainly be challenging to set our minds and hearts to give praise. But passages like this remind us that God is our Rescuer and Comforter, w...

Is It True That "the Heart Is Deceitful above All Things"?

Jessica Brodie

The concept of listening to our hearts — trusting our minds, our inclinations, our intuitions — when it comes to decision-making is foolish. Instead of trusting our ways, which are false and misguided...

How Can We Be Renewed Day by Day, Even though We Are "Wasting Away"?

Blair Parke

Some might see this verse and think that it should disappoint us in acknowledging that our bodies will fail, and we will eventually die. But the opposite is true; we should be encouraged to know that ...

Why Does Jesus Tell Us to Pray for Our Daily Bread?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You may have a job or money in the bank, but those things are resources that can come and go, as recent events in our society have proven. By relying on God for provision, you are acknowledging him as...

Jesus Still Speaks "Peace, Be Still!" Over Your Life Today

Jennifer Heeren

Mark 4:39 gives an example of the power of Jesus and why we should trust in Him....

Why Does Paul Ask “Death Where Is Your Victory”?

Pamela Palmer

Although this is a powerful verse that believers can trust, it may be difficult to fully understand what this verse means. The reality is that people – Christians included – die every day. What this p...

Exploring the 10 Commandments: The Second Command

Emma Danzey

As we approach the second commandment, may we remember that even if we are not physically fashioning an idol to worship, that our hearts can quickly turn towards other gods to fill spaces where we neg...

7 Ways God Is Your Healer

Cindi McMenamin

God wants to heal every aspect of your being—heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit. Some aspects are healed immediately, others He heals over time as a way of transforming us into Christ's likeness. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

Rylie Fine

Depending on your church background, what the Bible says about predestination may have been a big discussion. Few would dispute that predestination is a biblical concept, the question is how it works....

God Has a Plan for You - 10 Encouraging Scriptures

Meg Bucher

Though we continue to be a people that rebel against God and struggle with sin, salvation in Christ secures our eternal place in heaven. Jesus will return to earth to complete the restoration of God’s...

 "Honor Your Father and Mother": A Biblical Command We Never Outgrow

Meg Bucher

Halfway through the Ten Commandments, God instructs His people to honor their fathers and mothers. Peter repeats in Ephesians 6:1, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.&...

The Stings of Death (An Article Not Just for Old People)

Nathan Eshelman

The Lord Jesus has taken away the sting of death through his resurrection. Believers know that for all who are in union with Jesus, their bodies will be united to Christ after death and they anticipat...

Conquer Fear with the Lord as Your Light and Salvation

Heather Adams

"The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1).It's said that when we have a problem, we can choose to hav...

Prayers for Healing That Bring Daily Strength and Comfort

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

In Jeremiah 17:14 we hear the cry "heal me Lord, and I will be healed...", and in Jeremiah 30:17 we hear God say "I will restore your health, I will heal your wounds." James 5:13 tells us "a prayer of...

7 Ways to Honor Your Pastor’s Wife

Ron Edmondson

Many pastor’s wives are facing burnout, a sense of loneliness, and some even struggle to come to church. That should not be. Here are 7 ways you can offer real encouragement....

Forgiveness: The Very Essence of Our Faith

Forgiveness is something all of us want to receive but most of us hesitate to give. Jesus makes it clear, however, that we can’t have it without giving it....

What Does Jesus Mean by "Blessed Are the Meek" in Matthew 5:5?

Meg Bucher

The Beatitudes are radical and difficult to apply to our lives. God never promised that following Jesus would be easy, but we are assured a full life and an eternal inheritance when we pursue Christ. ...

Why Love Keeps No Record of Wrong

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We know the Bible tells us "love keeps no record of wrong," but how do we actually practice that? Do we need to practice that when dealing with toxic people? Fortunately, the Bible gives us further in...

Heaven - What Is it Like and Where Is it?

Everyone wants to know about heaven and everyone wants to go there. The Bible tells us everything we can know for certain about heaven....