Search Results for matthew 18:15 - 17

Found 316 Results for matthew 18:15 - 17
John 18

18:1? When Jesus had spoken these words1, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Kidron, where was a garden, into which he entered, himself a...


FORGIVENESS for-giv'-nes (kaphar, nasa', calach; apoluein charizesthai, aphesis paresis): 1. Etymology 2. Pagan and Jewish Ideas 3. The Teaching of...

Matthew 18

Chapter 1818:2 1 And Jesus called a a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, (1) Humbleness of mind is the right way to preeminence....

Job 20

CHAPTER 20 SECOND SERIES. Job 20:1-29 . REPLY OF ZOPHAR. 2. Therefore--Rather, the more excited I feel by Job's speech, the more for that...

Isaiah 11

CHAPTER 11 Isaiah 11:1-16 . From the local and temporary national deliverance the prophet passes by the law of suggestion in an easy transit...

John the apostle

John the apostle was the son of Zebedee, a fisherman on the Lake of Galilee, and of Salome, and brother of James, also an apostle. Peter and James an...

Mark 10

CHAPTER 10 Mark 10:1-12 . FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEE--DIVORCE. ( = Matthew 19:1-12 Luke 9:51 ). Mark 10:13-19 ....

Song of Solomon 5

CHAPTER 5 Solomon 5:1-16 . 1. Answer to her prayer ( Isaiah 65:24 , Revelation 3:20 ). am come--already ( Solomon 4:16 ); come ( Genesis 28:...

Jesus Makes His First Disciples.

3-4. JESUS MAKES HIS FIRST DISCIPLES. (Bethany beyond Jordan, Spring A. D. 27.) d?JOHN 1:35-51. ? ? ? d?35 Again on the morrow [John's direct ...

Luke 18

18:1? And he spake a parable unto them to the end that they ought always to pray, and not to faint2;PARABLE OF THE IMPORTUNATE WIDOW. Luke 18:1-8 ...


Discipline [N]The Old Testament Concept of Discipline. The notion of the discipline of God, and eventually the concept of the community and its leader...

Matthew 18

18:1? In that hour came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven1?FALSE AMBITION VERSUS CHILDLIKENESS. (Capern...

John 18

CHAPTER 18 John 18:1-13 . BETRAYAL AND APPREHENSION OF JESUS. 1-3. over the brook Kedron--a deep, dark ravine, to the northeast of Jerusalem,...

Mark 10

10:1? And he arose from thence1 and cometh into the borders of Judaea and beyond the Jordan2: and multitudes come together unto him again3; and, as he...

Isaiah 6

CHAPTER 6 Isaiah 6:1-13 . VISION OF JEHOVAH IN HIS TEMPLE. Isaiah is outside, near the altar in front of the temple. The doors are supposed ...


Priests First notice of persons acting as Genesis 4:3 Genesis 4:4 During patriarchal age heads of families acted as Genesis 8:20 ; 12:8 ; 3...

Peter, Simon

PETER, SIMON pe'-ter, si'-mon): 1. Name and Early Career 2. First Appearance in Gospel History 3. Life-Story (1) First Period (2) Second Period ...

Teach, Teacher

Teach, Teacher Although several Hebrew words are translated teach in English translations of the Old Testament, two words predominate: yara [h'ry], to...

Luke 22

LUKE. CHAPTER XXII. The Last Supper. SUMMARY.--The Rulers Take Steps to Slay the Lord. Judas Bargains to Betray Christ. The Passover Prepared. ...

John 1

1:1? In the beginning was the Word1, and the Word was with God2, and the Word was God3.JOHN'S INTRODUCTION. John 1:1-18 The Word. A title for Jesu...