Search Results for ps 30

Found 1046 Results for ps 30
Homily 14

Homily XIV.Homily XIV. Hebrews viii. 1, 2.-Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an High Priest; who is set down on the...

Homily VII.

Homily VII.Homily VII. John chapter 1, verse 9.-That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.[1.] The reason, O childr...

The Established View of the Capacities of the Soul

THE ESTABLISHED VIEW OF THE CAPACITIES OF THE SOUL, Sec. VII. Where, then, it will be asked, are the capacities of perception and representation,...


NOTES. 1. In Hebrew there are two words translated by perfect The one, torn, from a root meaning to end, to finish off, to complete. It is used of th...

Psalms 5

Chapter?5The psalm is a prayer, a solemn address to God, at a time when the psalmist was brought into distress by the malice of his enemies. Many such...

2 Chronicles 14

Chapter?14In this and the two following chapters we have the history of the reign of Asa, a good reign and a long one. In this chapter we have, I. His...

Isaiah 31

Chapter?31This chapter is an abridgment of the foregoing chapter; the heads of it are much the same. Here is, I. A woe to those who, when the Assyrian...


\\INTRODUCTION TO MATTHEW\\ The subject of this book, and indeed of all the writings of the New Testament, is the Gospel. The Greek word \~euaggelio...

Psalm 119:175

?EXPOSITION Verse 175. Let my soul live. Fill it full of life, preserve it from wandering into the ways of death, give it to enjoy the indwelling of t...

Interpretation of Scripture

Only the believer's union with Christ gives him possession of Christ's Spirit, and enables him properly to interpret Scripture. This is only to say th...

5.4. Sequence of Events

Scripture does not give great detail concerning the sequence of events during the Campaign of Armageddon. Most of the passages concerning this time a...

3.2.4. Seven HeadsKings - Daniel saw Seven Heads In the book of Daniel, all we find mentioned in relation to the sequence of kingdoms is the four beasts and the cor...

Revelation 17:16

the ten horns which you saw on the beast The TR stands alone in having the ten horns on the beast. Both MT and NU texts say ?the ten horns which you s...

Psalms 6

Chapter?6David was a weeping prophet as well as Jeremiah, and this psalm is one of his lamentations: either it was penned in a time, or at least calcu...

Homily III.

Homily III.Homily III. 2 Timothy i. 13-18.-Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus....

The Fifth Book


2 Samuel 3

Chapter?3The battle between Joab and Abner did not end the controversy between the two houses of Saul and David, but it is in this chapter working tow...

16.5.8. Dome of the Rock

In our day, the most striking presence upon the Temple Mount is the Islamic Dome of the Rock.Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock 1 The Dome of the...

Deuteronomy 11

Chapter?11With this chapter Moses concludes his preface to the repetition of the statutes and judgments which they must observe to do. He repeats the ...

Chapter VI

We now reach a most important change in the theocratic constitution. The advanced years of Samuel, and the bad character of his sons, added to the vi...