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Found 660 Results for god is
How to Make Your Preaching Worship

Whitney Hopler

Worship is so much more than just the time your congregation sings during your church’s weekend services. ...

God Exisits

There is a wonderful story making the rounds about a man who went to the barbershop. While he was there he got into a theological discussion with his barber. The barber said, "I don't believe that ...

Does God Really Talk to People?

In this week's sermon, you'll discover how to know God's voice when He speaks to us....

The Extravagance of God

We serve an extravagant God. On a clear night with the unaided eye you can see 2,000 stars. Astronomers think that in the universe as a whole there are billions of stars. God made 200,000 kinds of flo...

Illustration: God, Whimsical Creator

God values what seemingly is insignificant by our human estimation....


D.L. Moody described love as "the dome of the temple of the graces" and as "the crown of crowns worn by the triune God." "We cannot work for God without love," he observed. "It is the only tree tha...

Ice Cream is Good for the Soul

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank...

Belief in God

The Harris poll recently discovered that nearly half of Americans are not sure God exists.The survey records that 42 percent of adults in the United States are not "absolutely certain" there is a God....

Preaching: Exposing God's Glory

Contrary to popular wisdom, good preaching has little to do with eloquence, fashion, or the length of a sermon. Good preaching is all about content and posture. ...

Eternal God

A mother was approached by her young son, who asked, "Mommy, did God make Himself?" Realizing that such questions by children are very important and must be answered, she dropped what she was doing an...

How Great Is Our God!

Our planet is on the outer edge of our galaxy, The Milky Way. Light from stars on the opposite edge takes 100,000 years to reach us—and that is traveling more than 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is...

Why the Angels Worshiped at Christmas

Ever see a frightening angel in a nativity scene? Me neither. But biblically speaking, angels were frightful creatures... (Read more) ...

Gratitude To God

The Christian's "Taste Berry" It is said that in Africa there is a fruit called the "taste berry," because it changes a person's tastes so that everything eaten tastes sweet and pleasant. Sour fruit, ...

How Does God Vindicate Us When We're Wronged?

Eric C. Redmond

How does God want you to respond when you are wronged, when you are in need of vindication?...

Fatherhood of God

Recently there was a story on the radio about a bank in Pennsylvania that has never had a foreclosure. ...

Static on the Line

This week we'll learn about how to clear the static on the line when it comes to hearing God speak. ...

Perfection Of God

A Pumpkin Tree? Oppressed by the noonday heat, a tired farmer sat under a walnut tree to rest. Relaxing, he looked at his pumpkin vines and said to himself, "How strange it is that God puts such big h...