Search Results for matt 14

Found 1299 Results for matt 14
Mark 13

MARK. CHAPTER XIII. Christ's Discourse on the Last Days. SUMMARY.--The Destruction of the Temple Foretold. The Persecution of the Saints. The Gos...

Lake of Fire

Lake of Fire God's final retributive punishment. After Armageddon the beast and false prophet will be tossed into this lake of burning sulfur, joined...

Mark 2

MARK. CHAPTER II. The First Conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees. SUMMARY.--The Palsied Man Healed. The Charge of Blasphemy. The Calling of M...

Luke 5

LUKE. CHAPTER V. Christ Teaching and Healing. SUMMARY.--Christ Teaching from Peter's Boat. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Called to Be Fisher...


Burial [N] [T] [E]Burial was a matter of great importance in the Old Testament. The story of Abraham's negotiation to purchase a cave for Sarah's buri...

Abomination That Causes Desolation, the

Abomination That Causes Desolation, the An expression that occurs three times in the Septuagint of Daniel (9:27; 11:31; 12:11) and twice in the words ...


World [N]The biblical concept of world falls into five categories: the physical world, the human world, the moral world, the temporal world, and the c...


Demon [E] [S]Spirit being who is unclean and immoral in nature and activities. When demons were created, how they came to be demonic, and their organi...

Luke 14

LUKE. CHAPTER XIV. Teaching in Parables. SUMMARY.--Healing on the Sabbath. The Chief Seats at a Wedding Feast. The Rule for Inviting Guests. Th...

Mark 9

MARK. CHAPTER IX. The Transfiguration. SUMMARY.--The Coming of the Kingdom. The Transfiguration. Moses and Elias. The Elias That Must Come. Th...


Hypocrisy [N]Although no distinct Hebrew word for hypocrisy occurs in the Old Testament, the concept doesprimarily in terms of insincere worship. The ...


Hell [N] [T] [E] [S]Place of God's final retributive punishment. Scripture progressively develops this destiny of the wicked: the Old Testament outli...

Hear, Hearing

Hear, Hearing Most Old Testament words for hear(ing) come from the root sm [[;m'v], hear, or zn [;z'a], (give) ear, although qsb [b;v'q], pay attent...


Pit [N] [E] [S]The Old Testament. Pit denotes a large hole in the ground. Pits were used to catch wild animals ( Eze 19:1-8 ) or to collect water for ...

King, Christ as

King, Christ as The Old Testament. Beginning with Genesis 1:1, the Bible portrays God as the Lordand Sovereign over all creation, God Most High ( Gen ...


Deliver The Old Testament. The concept of deliverance occurs in the Old Testament with two meanings. The first is in a nontheological sense signifying...


Blessedness Condition or state of being in God's grace or favor. The Bible contains the words bless, blessing, and blessed, but not the noun blesse...

Kill, Killing

Kill, Killing The Old Testament. The Old Testament uses many terms to refer to the act ofkilling, some of which can be used interchangeably (see 2 Sa...


Capstone An architectural term denoting the top stone in a building or wall. If it caps an arch it is called a keystone. The expression is used twice ...

Luke 18

LUKE. CHAPTER XVIII. Parables Concerning Prayer. SUMMARY.--The Widow and the Unjust Judge. The Pharisee and the Publican. Little Children Brough...