Search Results for *** 1:7

Found 171 Results for *** 1:7
Who Was St. Stephen and Why Did He Die?

Hope Bolinger

In Acts, after the early church begins to convert thousands of people to the Christian faith in a matter of days, we meet for a brief time a man by the name of Stephen. He has a short introduction i...

What Does the Bible say about Adoption?

Hope Bolinger

The Bible seems to have a lot to say about adoption, but churches don’t often dive into this much beyond saying that Christians are adopted into the family of Christ when they accept Jesus as ...

4 Blessings of a Disciplined Faith

Kirstyn Mayden

Maybe it was a New Years resolution. Maybe it was an inspirational friend pushing you to do more. Maybe it was a convicting sermon. Regardless, you had high hopes to eat healthier, communicate better,...

5 Verses to Motivate You for the Day

Micah Maddox

We all have those days when we want to pull the covers back up over our heads and hit the snooze button one more time. There is the occasional day that we wake up motivated and ready to conquer the ...

Living Your Faith under Pressure

Even though Daniel experienced suffering, anxiety, humiliation, and persecution as a captive of the Babylonians, God had a plan for Daniel's life. And he has one for you ... no matter what you face....

How God Uses Stress for Our Good and His Glory

Randy Alcorn

Stress is an effective tool in the hands of our God, a tool that is intended both for His glory and our good. In this article we will look at some ways God uses stress....

Why Does Jesus Care so Much about His Lost Sheep?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

During his ministry, Jesus often talks in parables, or stories. Some, like the Good Samaritan, are incredibly popular even in our modern culture. But there are quite a few smaller parables that are of...

What Is the Rapture and Is it Biblical?

Ed Jarrett

You've probably seen the movies or heard rumors of the rapture. Faithful believers are whisked away to heaven, while the rest of mankind is left behind in confusion. But what is the rapture, really? I...

What Do Our Children Learn about Faith from Us?

Micah Maddox

The little eyes in your home are always watching and learning from you, for better or worse. The best way to teach your kids about faith is to model it for them. So what exactly are they learning from...

3 Important Lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes

Jessica Udall

The book of Ecclesiastes provides relevant wisdom for Christians today who struggle with the seeming meaninglessness of life. Why are we here? What is it all for? Does what we do even matter? What is ...

What Is the Refiner's Fire in Malachi?

Pamela Palmer

In the book of Malachi, we find the passage that mentions a refiner’s fire. “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a laundere...

What Is Parousia? - The Second Coming of Christ

Hope Bolinger

Parousia doesn't always refer to Christ's second coming. It could also mean coming in general, the entrance of something. But typically it refers to when Christ will come again....

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

Mark Altrogge

What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths....

What Does it Mean That God Is Wise?

Aaron Brown

Would you consider yourself wise or a fool? What would other people estimate about you? Scripture speaks plenty about wisdom, and multiple times portrays the wise in direct contrast with the foolish....

What Is Biblical Discipline, and How Can We Grow This Virtue?

Bethany Verrett

For someone who has put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life and has the Holy Spirit indwelling, they can rely on God to help them grow in discipline in both personal and spiritu...

What Can the Jars of Clay Bible Verse Teach Us Today?

Melissa Henderson

Why does the Bible use "jars of clay" to talk about something Jesus gave us?...

What Does Trespass Mean throughout the Bible?

Emma Danzey

When we consider the words “No trespassing” in our modern culture, this means that there is a clear boundary established that we are not legally allowed to break. In a similar way, and biblically spea...