Search Results for conscience

Found 96 Results for conscience
What Does Freedom Look Like in the Christian Life?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Since you have encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you are free from the bondage of sin, guilt, and shame. This liberation enables you to embrace the abundant life that God intends for you, ...

What Does the Bible Say about Cloning?

Hope Bolinger

Would a clone have a soul? What does a creator think about someone distorting His creation? Contemplating what the Bible says about life's sanctity and the nature of evil goes a long way to helping us...

Does Halloween Glorify Evil?

Mike Leake

Halloween is now a diverse celebration with a wide range of traditions and interpretations. It might be a day of harmless fun, a time to express creativity, and to engage the community. It might provi...

What Are We to Make of Peter's Vision of Animals in Acts 10?

Mike Leake

If you just open your Bible up to Acts 10, this will be a rather confusing section. Why is God so concerned with Peter eating these animals? What does this have anything to do with the good news of Je...

Does Ecclesiastes 5:2 Mean We Can’t Be Honest in Our Prayers?

Jessica Brodie

Sometimes when we pray, we go on and on about our needs and desires and concerns and problems, and we often get so caught up in the expressing that we don’t pause to listen to the sometimes-still and ...

What Is a Mortal Sin?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Mortal sin is an old concept, but is it actually in the Bible?...

Is it Wrong for Christians to Visit a Haunted House?

Candice Lucey

I’m not saying it’s ‘wrong,’ and my aim isn’t to ‘scare you.’ But maybe it’s best not to visit any haunted “Houses” this Halloween. Take advice from Philippians 4:8; fill your minds with “whatever is ...

3 Mighty Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Bethany Verrett

It is not sinful to ask the Holy Spirit to help with something that is under its domain during prayer. It indwells each believer to sanctify, convict, and prepare Christians for eternity in Heaven, an...

Does "Thou Shalt Not Kill" Only Apply to Murder?

Bethany Verrett

The 10 Commandments, passed to Moses from God Himself, was the first written code of law in the world. Most of us know some of these rules, and seemingly the easiest to obey is "thou shalt not kill." ...

Why Is Hope an Anchor for Our Souls?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Our hope is in God through Jesus Christ. He Whom we can trust in everything and every way, never changes, always fulfills His promises, will never leave us or forsake us, and cannot lie. ...

The Thanatos Syndrome: What the Bible Says about Euthanasia

Dr. Michael A. Milton

God hates the murderous taking of human life. Therefore, God abhors that wicked and deceitful deed that men call "The Good Death.” Our unequivocal statement is derived from many places in God’s Word. ...

What Makes Covenant Theology So Important?

Andy Lee

There are lots of obscure religious positions that don't affect our beliefs in major ways, but also some prominent ones that make a big difference. Covenant theology is one of the big ones, so here's ...

What Is a Pagan?

Mike Leake

Paganism was often equated with unbelief. Because of this, it can be difficult to nail down the central beliefs of paganism. What makes someone a pagan? Is it simply unbelief, or is there a set of bel...

5 Courageous Women from the Bible You May Have Forgotten

Mary Carver

You may have forgotten these women of the Bible (or perhaps you’ve never heard of them before now), but putting yourself in their sandals will allow you to walk through the hardest days with the coura...

What Does the Bible Say about Beauty?

Pamela Palmer

God has made all things beautiful in their time. He is the author of beauty and it is God’s designation that makes something beautiful. Truly, beauty is more than outer appearance or something nice to...

Is Our Faith Feelings or Fact?

Bethany Verrett

Faith is seeing the facts, taking the next step to believe in the miraculous, and learning how to love God in a personal and emotional way. ...

What Can Christians Learn from the Reformation Phrase Soli Deo Gloria?

Lisa Loraine Baker

How does Soli Deo Gloria, a Latin phrase coined centuries ago, impact our lives today?...

For Lent, Give Up Lent

Jesse Johnson

I can’t help but notice a growth in evangelicals who want to celebrate Lent by “giving something up.” I’ve heard of Christians giving up sugar, soda, Angry Birds, and Netflix (ok, I made up the last o...

"Who the Son Sets Free Is Free Indeed" - What Does it Mean to Have Freedom in Christ?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesus assures us in the book of John that "if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed." But what do these words mean for our everyday lives? As believers, what have we been freed from? And just ...