What Does Freedom Look Like in the Christian Life?

Contributing Writer
What Does Freedom Look Like in the Christian Life?

I have good news for you today. If you are in Christ, he has set you free. While that statement may resonate in some people’s hearts, many are not always aware of what this freedom looks like. Sometimes the laws of the land and the happenings in society blind us to the truth of what freedom looks like in the Christian life. For this reason, I want to examine the idea of freedom, not just so you will know what it is, but so that you will walk in it.

What Have You Been Set Free From?

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1-2).

Let me explain what you have been set free from. In short, you have been set free from condemnation and the law of sin and death. To make sure you understand what that means, let me clarify it for you in a simple statement. You are guilty of sin under the law, and you deserve to die as punishment for that sin. Even simpler: you sin, you die.

From the beginning, sin and death were always connected. Remember what God told Adam: the day you eat of that fruit, you will die. Though the law was not given at this time, that in essence sums up the law. When you sin, the penalty rightfully deserved for your sin is death. This death is an eternal separation from God.

Here is where your freedom in Christ comes in. First, you are free because you no longer stand condemned under the law. You have been tried and found not guilty, because you have put your faith in Christ. He has fulfilled all the requirements of the law on your behalf. Also, in law, there is something called double jeopardy. This means you cannot be prosecuted twice for the same crime. Because you are in Christ, and Christ has dealt with your sin, he will not retry you for sins that have already been forgiven. You have no more condemnation.

You are also free from the law of sin and death, which means you no longer have to live up to the standards of the law. The problem we had was not the law, but our ability to keep it. Yet when you received Christ’s salvation, he released you from having to live up to the standards required under the law to obtain righteousness. Your righteousness is because of Christ, and you live by the power of the Holy Spirit. Once you understand that, you are on your way to walking in freedom.

But what should result from your freedom in Christ?

Freedom in the Christian Life Should Make You More Gracious, not Less

In order to truly appreciate freedom, sometimes it helps to remember what bondage is. So often in our Christian walk, we forget we were slaves to sin. For some, the further removed you are from your sinful life before Christ, the less grace you have for those trapped in sin. Even more so for fellow believers who may be struggling. It is easy to forget what you were before Christ and when you do, it lends itself to becoming less gracious and more self-righteous. 

When I was younger, I was very dogmatic. There were certain aspects of walking with Jesus that felt came easy to me. So much so that I could not empathize with or appreciate the struggle of my fellow believers. This made me almost heartless towards other Christians because I could not understand what they were going through. This all changed when I wrestled with my own struggle. Thankfully, I overcame it and that made me more gracious, not less.

This is what your freedom in Christ should do. It should allow you to view people through the lens of the grace that you yourself have received, and walk with them through the challenges they may experience in this life.

Freedom in the Christian Life Releases You from Your Past

One of the biggest hurdles you will ever face in your Christian life is dealing with your past. I get so many emails from people who are living with regret over their past. Listen, I can totally understand that because I have some regrets of my own. However, here is something you need to know about your past. You don’t have to lament over it because God doesn’t.

When God forgave you, he gave you a clean slate. This means whatever existed before no longer exists in his eyes now. When he sees you, he doesn’t see your past; he sees your present and your future. God will never remind you of sins you have repented of. Satan will, but God won’t. Since you have been forgiven and you have a clean slate, then stop living in your past sins and mistakes. All that does is keep you trapped in yesterday and it prevents you from moving forward into the life God has planned for you.

“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Hebrews 9:14).

Freedom in the Christian Life Empowers You in the Present

Freedom in the Christian life is not a distant or future-oriented concept but a transformative reality that empowers you right now. This is a practical truth that should affect your life every day. 

Since you have encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you are free from the bondage of sin, guilt, and shame. This liberation enables you to embrace the abundant life that God intends for you, right here and now. The freedom you now have in Christ empowers you to live with purpose, hope, and confidence.

To key to really living this life of freedom is the Holy Spirit in you. He is the one who gives you the ability to walk in this freedom and not return to the bondage you used to be in. The Holy Spirit gives you the strength to overcome the challenges and struggles you face. He helps you to resist temptation, to break free from destructive habits, and to pursue righteousness and holiness. Without his help, we cannot enjoy freedom in Christ because we would be left to our own strength, and that did not work out so well the first time. Trust me, it won’t work out so well now either.

Because you are free in Christ, that means there is nothing external that can hinder you from living out the purpose God has called you to. If you find you are struggling to do that, then it means you need to tap into more of the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. You have been washed in the blood of Jesus. Your conscience has been cleansed. You have been set free and empowered by the Holy Spirit. This means there is nothing that can stop you from being the person God has created you to be.

Embrace Your Freedom

When you get on an airplane, you must buckle your seatbelt during takeoff. However, after a certain amount of time, the pilot will make the announcement that he has turned off the seatbelt sign and you are free to move about the cabin. This is what your freedom in Christ looks like. The seatbelts of guilt, shame, condemnation and death have been turned off and you are free to be who God created you to be. 

There is only one thing left to do. You must embrace this freedom. For some people, it is uncomfortable because you must let go of some things. But you will discover when you do, God has an incredible journey waiting for you in this life and he has turned off the seatbelt sign. I encourage you to get up and move freely in your life in Christ. Set your heart to follow the plan God has for you. Know that in Christ, you have been set free and your freedom allows you to walk into the purpose God has for your life.

So what are you waiting for? You are free now. Go live like it.

Photo credit: Pexels/Julian Jagtenberg

Clarence Haynes 1200x1200Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will help you understand how God leads you into his will. His most recent book is The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. Clarence is also committed to helping 10,000 people learn how to study the Bible and has just released his first Bible study course called Bible Study Basics. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com