Search Results for exodus 34

Found 118 Results for exodus 34
5 Mighty Lessons Nahum Has for Believers Today

Brad Simon

Amid the darkness, Nahum exemplified unwavering faith and obedience. Chosen by God, this humble prophet conveys a powerful message to the people of Judah. He sought to awaken the hearts of the people ...

Why Did People in the Bible Offer Burnt Offerings?

Jessica Brodie

People offered burnt offerings as a way to atone for their wrongdoings, to show appreciation for the Lord, and because they saw it as a way to appease God, whose wrath they feared. They hoped it would...

9 Encouraging Reasons You Should Pray the Scriptures

Pamela Palmer

Prayer and Bible reading are not separate activities. The Bible is full of real, powerful prayers from faith warriors, and we can borrow their words in our own prayers. Let's take a look at what this ...

How to Break Generational Curses and Find Freedom for Your Family

Aaron Brown

The best way to identify a generational curse is to find the origin. Parents who behave a certain way may have witnessed such behaviors in their own parents. Without awareness, the cycle will likely c...

What Are the Four Types of Loves?

Heather Adams

The phrase The Four Loves came from the title of a 1960 book penned by C.S. Lewis. Based on a set of radio talks he’d done two years earlier, the book presents and then explores the notion that humans...

Who Are the Edomites in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Jacob and his brother Esau, sons of Isaac and grandsons of Abraham, were said to have come out of the womb fighting. The story of the manipulative way Jacob convinced Esau to forgo his inheritance und...

How Did Ahijah Predict That Israel Would Split?

Connor Salter

Ahijah was a prophet from the town of Shiloh (1 Kings 11:29). Like many prophets, he served as a spokesperson for when God wanted to inform rulers of what he was going to do. ...

What Does the Bible Say about Overthinking?

Whitney Hopler

What does the Bible say about overthinking? Learning that can help you overcome overthinking and experience peace of mind....

Hebrews 4:15 Reminds Us That, Yes, Jesus Gets Us

Jessica Brodie

Hebrews 4:15 encourages us because we know Jesus overcame those temptations, and his example not only made him the perfect, unblemished sacrifice to pay our sin-debt, but it also provides a role model...

When You Pray, Let It Be a Time of Worship

Heather Adams

Prayer is the most intimate way we have of connecting to God. It is an incredible privilege to lift up our thoughts, needs, concerns, and even questions and doubts. Each of those are important to God....

Jesus Still Speaks "Peace, Be Still!" Over Your Life Today

Jennifer Heeren

Mark 4:39 gives an example of the power of Jesus and why we should trust in Him....

20 Powerful Bible Verses to Help You Be Patient

Aaron Brown

Jesus told his disciples then and continues to inform believers today through Scripture, in life, we will face difficulty. We cannot choose a life free of conflict, heartache, or hardship. Though we d...

Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Were Given to Baby Jesus

Scott James

One of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story is the account of wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to honor Jesus, but it’s p...

What Does the Bible Say about Social Justice?

John D. Barry

When you hear the term “social justice,” what emotion do you feel? For some people, the term evokes thoughts of “justice” for them personally or for their community. Other pe...

A Picture of God’s Perfect Grace in the Life of Moses

Sheila Alewine

Moses was a man who walked with God, speaking to Him as a friend, face to face. The name Moses might not come to mind immediately if we’re talking about grace; after all, it was Moses who received the...

Can God Actually Lead Us into Temptation?

Britt Mooney

A question naturally follows. Does God actually lead us into temptation? That seems opposite of a good God who cares about us. It makes us uncomfortable....

Who Are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and Why Are They Important?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The 12 tribes or sons came from Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel in Genesis 32. If you read Genesis 49, you will see the 12 sons or what we now know as the 12 tribes. ...

How Can We Pray for Those Who Persecute Us?

Aaron Brown

The more we can see everyone as being made in God’s image, the less we will see them as an enemy (Genesis 1:26). Praying for others will be easier, and in turn, there may be less persecution, at the v...

Who Were the Moabite People in the Bible - The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Stephen Baker

The Moabites were a pagan nation, which means they did not worship or serve YHWH. Idolatry was one of the innate characteristics of all the nations surrounding Israel, and Chemosh was the national god...