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Found 206 Results for cover
What Does the Bible Say about Head Coverings?

Bethany Verrett

Some of this debate is brought on by theologians who remove the original cultural context in which Paul’s letter was written. Where was Paul from? Who were the people he was writing to? What was the c...

What Is the Significance of the Tabernacle Furnishings?

Ed Jarrett

The author of Hebrews tells us that the sacrifices, especially the sacrifice of atonement, pointed to what Jesus did on the cross. He became the High Priest taking the blood of the sin offering into t...

What Does the Bible Really Say about Seeking and Offering Forgiveness? 

Larry White

Forgiveness is a rather large topic covered in the Bible. You could read the Bible from cover to cover and come to the conclusion that it is all about forgiveness. There are layers to the conversation...

10 Books of the Bible that Rarely Get Quoted

Dawn Wilson

It’s easier to devour the Gospels, apply the Epistles, and linger in the Psalms than to dig into unfamiliar biblical books. Yet Augustine said, “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old Testament and ...

12 Ways to Live Deeply in a Surface Society

Whitney Hopler

Our culture relentlessly pressures you to cover up your imperfections with the veneer of an image that shows worldly success. But no matter how hard you may work to seem successful, you can still feel...

How to Help Your Singles Bible Study Thrive

Hope Bolinger

How do single Christians mix with Christians who have engaged in a monogamous marital relationship? One could argue that personal Bible study practices vary a great deal from one Christian to anothe...

Why Is Lying Such a Big Deal?

Paula Marsteller

No one had to teach me how to lie; I was spinning the truth almost as soon as I learned to talk. It came naturally, as you can see from this funny example my mom journaled about when I was just three ...

25 Comforting Prayers for the Dying and for Their Families and Loved Ones

Melissa Henderson

Prayers for the dying are one way we can draw closer to God. There may be times when words won’t come. ...

Tackling the Sickness of Pride Like Naaman

Hope Bolinger

For those of us who attended Sunday school as kids, we may have heard a story about Naaman. This man, who had leprosy, washed himself in the Jordan river seven times, according to what Elisha the prop...

40 Prayers for First Responders for Safety and Protection

Melissa Henderson

Prayers for first responders for safety and protection are appreciated and needed. Have you heard the sound of sirens approaching or seen the red lights of a fire truck or ambulance flashing? ...

Where Should We Start Reading the Bible?

Melissa Henderson

Scripture is the Word of God shared through various translations, versions, chronologically, and more. But how do we know where to start reading the Bible? ...

What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Tell Us about Jesus?

Stephanie Pavlantos

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is one of the most important events in the Jewish calendar, and vital to understanding what really happened when Jesus was in Jerusalem over Passover season....

5 Inspiring Prayers for When Life Is Unexpected

Kirstyn Mayden

Navigating unexpected circumstances can be challenging, but we don’t have to go through them alone. If you are facing an unexpected new move, illness, job loss, strained relationship, or change of cou...

What are Seraphim and What Power Do They Have?

Annette Griffin

There are several different angelic beings mentioned in the Bible, but Seraphim are perhaps the most difficult for us to wrap our heads around. Even the prophet Isaiah was terrified by just the sound ...

Why Does Ezekiel Prophecy to a Valley of Dry Bones?

Hope Bolinger

One of the oddest and most famous passages in Ezekiel (found in chapter 37) has inspired numerous Sunday school lessons, sermons, and even a song. In the chapter, the prophet Ezekiel is led by God i...

What Does Substitutionary Atonement Mean?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Salvation comes by only one means, and that is by placing your complete faith and trust in this finished work of Jesus Christ. You must acknowledge him as Savior and Lord and recognize what he did is ...

"The Lord Will Provide:" Why Is God Called Jehovah Jireh in the Bible?

Barnabas Piper

“Provision” isn’t a word most Americans think much about. It’s a weightless word to us. We may use it euphemistically when we stock up on “provisions” for a road trip, meaning Twizzlers and combos. We...

How Long, O Lord?

If you have ever experienced the glory of God, you know that nothing else will ever satisfy your soul like God. And like Isaiah, we want this joy, not just for ourselves, but for others... even when i...

Why Is Abel Included in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”?

Brad Simon

Abel’s faith was characterized by his genuine devotion and obedience to God’s command. As Christians, we are called to emulate this kind of faith – a faith accompanied by sincere actions of love for G...

Is Judging Others a Sin?

Pamela Palmer

We've all heard it: "you can't judge me!" Or maybe, "only God can judge me." But is that Biblical advice? After all, Matthew 7:1 says "“Do not judge, or you too will be judged."One of the significant ...