Search Results for is 7-8

Found 139 Results for is 7-8
Philippians 3: The Best New Year's Resolution

There isn’t a better New Year’s resolution than what starts in the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:7-8....

How Is Satan Getting Us to Hate Instead of Love?

Kristi Walker

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1).Hate is defined as an extreme dislike or disgust (hostility...

Powerful Verses for When You Feel Discouraged

Sheila Alewine

Discouragement is a part of life. We live in a fallen world. We are imperfect people, weak in our flesh – created beings who have little control over the circumstances of life.As followers of Jesus, h...

7 Short but Mighty Lessons from the Book of James

Blair Parke

When people think about the book of James, they can probably attest to one or two words of wisdom they have gained from James that have impacted them.James, believed to be one of the brothers of ...

3 Ways We See Jesus in the Psalms

Dawn Wilson

Messianic psalms offer details about the Messiah’s ancestry, birth, nature, ministry, purpose, death, resurrection, and exaltation. Some of the most well-known prophecies — such as those by Isaia...

Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

How to Find Yourself after Losing Your Way

Frank Santora

“The eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the gar...

Goodness to All

Stephen Davey

Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but it is what God did for us....

What Does the Bible Say about Magic, and Is It Really That Serious?

Michael Jakes

Magic and things supernatural are real, and they can have a lasting effect on the unsaved and unsuspecting of any age. The world would have us believe that there can be no residual effe...

Where Does the Bible Say 'Today if You Hear His Voice'?

Britt Mooney

The voice of God is precious, but what does the Bible verse “Today if you hear his voice . . .” tell us about its preciousness?...

How Does the Bible Encourage Us to Pursue Humility?

Heather Adams

Some people think showing humility is a sign of weakness. But actually, it reflects maturity - having a strong sense of self-acceptance and a love for others. Humbleness comes from acknowledging that ...

3 Empowering Reminders as We Seek Grace for the Grind

Frank Santora

Paul was not boasting, rather he was trying to protect new Christians who were being led astray from the faith by some false apostles. In doing so he gives us some tremendous insight into the Christia...

On Earthquakes and End Times

Craig Blomberg

What’s crucial is to read the text carefully. Wars and rumors of wars should not alarm God’s people. The end is still to come. Such portents do not herald the end!...

How Does James 1:7-8 Define a Double Minded Man?

Ashford Sonii

No one wants to be called a "double minded man." But how do we avoid behaving like one?...

Unworthy of the Cross

Randy Alcorn

The fact that Christ died for us is never given in Scripture as a proof of our value as wonderful people, but a demonstration of his unfathomable love. So unfathomable that he would die for rotten peo...

4 Beautiful Truths the Bible Teaches about Sex

Shelby Turner

It’s often thought about, but rarely talked about. Yes, we’re going there. Let’s talk about sex. I’ve been in enough youth group meetings, women’s small groups and...

Did You Catch These Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms?

Bethany Verrett

David was a shepherd and a king, but he was also a prophet. There were prophecies the Messiah would fulfill throughout the Book of Psalms. They were highly specific, and the Lord Jesus would explain h...

What Is the Meaning of the Cross?

Sarah Coleman

The Cross means many things to many people. Some have it displayed on their mantel, others wear it around their neck. What is the Cross?...

Is it Okay for Christians to Pray to Mary? Editorial Staff

The Bible is clear that Mary’s unique position as the mother of Jesus did not give her any more access to God than another believer in Christ is given. Therefore, Mary is not worthy of receiving praye...

8 Comforting Things Jesus Says about Soul Rest

Micah Maddox

There are specific instructions Jesus gives that help us clarify how we can receive and practice true rest. Walk with me through each phrase of Matthew 11:28-30 and let’s uncover the truth tucked with...