Search Results for jonah 2

Found 74 Results for jonah 2
Wordplay in Jonah

What is a “bank”? Is it the land beside a river? A financial institution? Yes, depending. It’s ambiguous until you know the context. In a similar (but more sophisticated) way, the author of Jonah play...

When God Calls

The man Jonah is indeed like us in a number of ways. Learning to identify with him is our key to the meaning of his story—and our big mistake if we fail to do so....

3 Remarkable Lessons in Grace from Jonah

Michael Jakes

While the spotlight seems to be on Jonah and his response to the call of God and the eventual outcome, there are other things in this story that deserve our attention. When we look at all that takes p...

Are You Suffering from the Jonah Syndrome?

As shocking as it is to see the wickedness of Jonah’s heart, many of us are just like him. I call it the Jonah Syndrome, and in times past, it has affected me too. Let me explain exactly what I mean....

Our Salvation: A Study In Jonah

The book of Jonah may be studied for many reasons, but a chief reason is for what it teaches about God's sovereignty. Sovereignty is a problem for some Christians in certain areas....

Dive into the Book of Jonah to Find Unexpected Gospel Connections

Mike Leake

There are invitations for us to put ourselves in that ditch of despair and realize the stupidity of our racism, the ignorance of our self-focus, the rebellious nature of our tribalism, and to call us ...

Was Jonah Really Swallowed by a Fish?

Bethany Verrett

When analyzing a story with about something as difficult to believe as Jonah being swallowed by a whale, it is important to remember that, while the Bible does have parables and metaphors in it, it is...

Who Are the Ninevites in Your Life?

Hope Bolinger

We can easily laugh at Jonah, or roll our eyes at him. After all, why couldn't he allow God to save the people of Nineveh? But how often do we have someone we don't want to see redemption?...

If Foreknowledge Exists, Does Free Will?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Jesus refers to foreknowledge in John 1:47-48. When he saw Nathanael coming, he said, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” ...

Will God Ever Ask You to Do Something You Can't Do?

Ashley Hooker

God has always been asking His people to obey commands. In each situation, God’s instruction is doable because He has already set his plan into motion. God did not leave Moses, Esther, Jonah, or his d...

Why Would God Want to Use Me?

We are like Abraham. There is nothing in us to commend us to God. And yet God loves us. Just as He sought Abraham, He seeks to draw us into fellowship with Himself....

6 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck in Life

Ruth Clemence

Life has a funny habit of continually moving forward whether we like it or not. Christian author and speaker Elisabeth Elliot once said, “the secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circu...

9 Encouraging Reasons You Should Pray the Scriptures

Pamela Palmer

Prayer and Bible reading are not separate activities. The Bible is full of real, powerful prayers from faith warriors, and we can borrow their words in our own prayers. Let's take a look at what this ...

Does the Bible Condemn Casting Lots?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Casting lots was a practice that was used in the ancient world to attempt to decipher what was the divine will in a particular matter. Because the outcome produced by casting lots was random, the resu...

Why Is Babylon Famous in the Past and in the End Times?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Babylon in the Bible was an important city-state on the banks of the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia (the southern part of modern Iraq). ...

Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?

Britt Mooney

How do the two witnesses in Revelation 11 both reveal a future event and inspire us today?...

How Does the Bible Say We Should Respond to Bitterness?

Bethany Verrett

As humans, we experience a wide range of emotions, sometimes all in one day. God gets this, and he understands those strong feelings. But when those strong feelings morph into things like hatred, bitt...

What Is a Revival?

Jessica Brodie

Put simply, a revival is typically a gathering of Christians that reflects an urgent and bold spiritual awakening, where hearts and lives are transformed and people commit themselves anew to following...

7 Loves That Tempted Peter Away from Christ

Kristi Walker

The disciple who walked to Jesus on the water was the same one who denied Jesus three times. Simon Peter (Simon son of John/Jonah, given the name Peter, Petros, or Cephas meaning “rock” ...