Search Results for mr 1

Found 32 Results for mr 1

In the “Flo and Friends” comic, a younger woman is talking to an older man called Mr. O. She asks, “Do you ever hold grudges, Mr. O?” He replies, “Absolutely Not! Never!&...

Sharing the Burden

F.W. Boreham shares a story about his mentor J.J. Doke moving from New Zealand to South Africa and collaborating with Mahatma Gandhi....

Illustration: Forgiveness

The scene is a courtroom trial in South Africa. A frail black woman stands slowly to her feet. She is more than 70 years old. Facing her from across the room are several white security police officers...


At a flower shop in rural West Virginia, Campbell's Creek, an isolated mining hollow, the owner is a chap named Bill Grayolis, 41. A while back Mr. Grayolis lost weight and whispers started ar...

Generosity, Miserliness

Once a year, Charles H. Spurgeon preached "for his orphans." At that event, an offering would be received for his orphanage. After one of these meetings a person accosted him with the charge, "Why, Mr...

Knowing Too Much

A small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial -- a grandmotherly, elderly woman.He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes...


A story is told of Abraham Lincoln. One day the President summoned to the White House a surgeon in the Army of the Cumberland from the state of Ohio. The major assumed that he was to be commended for ...


Mike Duffy, writing in the Detroit Free Press, makes this observation: "For many people, blue Monday is merely the follow-up to blah Sunday." Although it might be difficult to pin down one specific re...


When D.L. Moody was conducting evangelistic meetings, he frequently faced hecklers who were in violent disagreement with him. In the final service of one campaign, an usher handed the famous preacher ...

Confidence in God's Provison

The Great Depression hit Mr. J. C. Penney particularly hard, endangering his very health. Anxious and desperate because of huge financial losses, he felt he had nothing to live for. Even his family an...

Illustration: Christmas, Incarnation

Back in 1891, Robert Louis Stevenson, author of such classics as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped, gave a rather odd gift to the daughter of a friend of his. This friend, Henry Ide, once joked th...


A few years ago a friend of ours visited with hotel entrepreneur Conrad Hilton. As they separated an exchange of calling cards took place. Our friend shares Mr. Hilton's quote, "Food for Thought," whi...

Humble Leaders

The really great man never thinks of his own importance. William Carey, who began life as a cobbler, was one of the greatest missionaries and certainly one of the greatest linguists the world ...

Illustration: Making an Exception

Rules were made to be broken, especially if it means saving face....


According to The Executive Speechwriter Newsletter (vol. 12, no. 3), "Desire kept young W. Clement Stone on Chicago's street corners selling newspapers. Desire later made him one of the wealthiest peo...

Parental Influence

Does it really matter that much: good Christian parents, good Christian homes? I turn to the most revealing proof of which I know - Jonathon Edwards and Max Jukes. Jonathon Edwards was an outstanding ...

Proverbs, Humor

A first grade school teacher in Virginia presented each child in her classroom the first half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb......

Marriage Commended

Another reason for where our young people are today is the lack of intimacy. A little over a year ago I debated the co-founder of Playboy on television for three hours. He agreed with me on this point...

Preparation For Death

In his book Spirit Life, D. Stuart Briscoe writes, "When I moved to the United States, I was impressed with the number of total strangers who visited my home to wish me well…they all sold ins...