Search Results for jesus christ

Found 280 Results for jesus christ

David Jeremiah points out that, "In a Sports Illustrated interview, baseball hero Mickey Mantle once described his long battle with alcohol and his heartbreaking problems with his family. The intervie...

Sacrifice of Christ

Leslie B. Flynn told a story that illustrates a great truth. An orphaned boy was living with his grandmother when their house caught fire. The grandmother, trying to get upstairs to rescue the boy, pe...

The Cost Of Evangelism

We are always impressed with the fervor of the apostle Paul. Nothing could keep him from winning souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. When they put him in jail he converted the jailer. What is less well kn...

Conversion, Name

In a recent sermon, Leith Anderson asked, "Did you see the movie Air Force One starring Harrison Ford? The President's Boeing 747 is hijacked by terrorists. The President is a former soldier who fight...


Some find it impossible to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Christians find it impossible not to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. If the world's best Man did not survive death, if the world'...

Miley Cyrus and the Disappearance of Childhood

Sometimes I think the late Neil Postman is the prophet for out time. After reading about the Miley Cyrus photo fiasco, I am convinced of this. If you have a pre-teen daughter, you know that Miley is t...

Illustration: Light, Christmas

Let your light so shine that the world sees Christ in you, and the darkness is cast away from such radiance....

Spiritual Failure

By current standards of success, Jesus might be considered failure. Let's look at how Jesus measured up to these standards: Was he popular? No. He was not will-liked. In fact, after one of his...

Sermon Illustration: Christmas

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this prayer for Christmas: “Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds and the worship of t...

To Illustrate: Conviction

Recently some of Anne Rice's fans were shocked that she had returned to the Catholic faith of her childhood....

Overcoming Difficulties

Hans Christian Andersen, whose stories have thrilled millions of children, suffered from dyslexia. Winston Churchill, noted for his oratory, had a problem with stuttering. He wrote his speeches carefu...


The Queen of England has two birthdays. Her actual birthday is April 21, but the decision makers wanted to celebrate it when the weather is more pleasant, so her official birthday is the second Saturd...

Unpopular Promises

There are hundreds or even thousands of promises in the Bible, depending on who is counting....

Illustration: Christmas—Gift of Eternity

Receive eternity this Christmas....

Third Sunday of Advent (B): The True Meaning of Christmas

Santa Claus, sleigh bells, reindeer. Snow falling, icicles forming, Christmas music playing. Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Christmas presents. Shopping, planning, cooking, eating, visiting with f...

Christian Life

Ben Kingsley starred as the main character in the motion picture Gandhi. He spent months preparing for the role, visiting the various Indian locales Gandhi had frequented. He even learned to spin cott...