Search Results for ������ 127 : 2

Found 22 Results for ������ 127 : 2
What Does Psalm 127:3-5 Actually Mean?

Dawn Wilson

In a society that increasingly views children as burdens or inconvenient disruptions rather than treasures to be appreciated and desired, the idea that children are a blessing sent from God is counter...

Beyond Sunday: He Gives Sleep

Faith brings calm with it, and banishes the disturbers who both by day and by night murder peace. ...

6 Reasons Why Trusting God Helps You Sleep Better

Cindi McMenamin

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” Thomas Payne once said. These are also the times that can steal your sleep and stress you out.If you’ve been laid off, had to close a business, lost a loved...

Finding Encouragement for Our Journey in the Psalms of Ascent

Mike Leake

Along this journey from displaced to finally dwelling with God we find a group of fifteen psalms known as the Psalms of Ascent. These psalms (120-134) are all about getting back home—they are about dw...

Is There Cannibalism Found in the Bible, and if so, Why?

Connor Salter

Unless you were that Sunday School student who liked looking up Bible stories that no one mentions, you probably never asked “is cannibalism in the Bible?” ...

Biblical Encouragement for Those Facing Infertility

Bethany Verrett

Infertility is not a punishment from God, but a byproduct of living in a fallen world; it can also be an opportunity to get to know the Lord better, and pursue different kinds of opportunities to crea...

Why Should We Know the Bible's Definition of Vanity?

Meghan Trapp

How can the Bible's definition of vanity show us what matters?...

23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Father’s Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To find inspiration as a father there is no better place to turn than God’s word and the timeless wisdom found in the Scriptures. God's Word provides a wellspring of encouragement and guidance for you...

What Is the Meaning of BC and AD? What Does Jesus Have to Do with It?

Mike Leake

If it had not been for a monk named Dionysius the year could have very easily been A.U.C. (which marks time by the start of the Roman Empire) or any other previously used dating system, rather than AD...

What Is the Meaning of Hesed, God's Unconditional Love for Us?

Jenna Brooke Carlson

The meaning of hesed is special and different than the type of love we see portrayed in the culture. Hesed demonstrates true commitment without strings attached....

21 Bible Verses for Sleep and Rest When Your Soul Needs Peace

Debbie McDaniel

Many of us have been there. Middle of the night. Darkness surrounds. All is quiet. All should be at peace. Except we can’t sleep. Recently when our family walked through a very difficult trial, I foun...

How Do We Put on the Armor of God's Helmet of Salvation Today?

Sharon Simms

The helmet of salvation may be the most important piece in the armor of God. Here's why it matters so much and how we put it on today....

8 Psalms to Claim When You Feel Like You Can’t Take One More Thing

Micah Maddox

Discouragement and frustration can mount to unexpected heights and faith can feel like it is falling apart. Life is just hard sometimes. But there is hope! And help! Life might be filled with chaos, h...

What Does the Bible Say about Relationships?

Kristi Woods

What does the Bible say about relationships? We all have them—with friends, spouses, parents, children, and more. Some flow easily and bring much joy. Others not so much. What, then, should we...

What Happens Unless the Lord Builds the House?

Melissa Henderson

One of the Bible's more sobering lessons is that our plans will not progress "unless the Lord builds the house." So what do we do to make sure the Lord is building our house?...

What Is the Longest Verse in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Verse length gives the reader an indication of the theme which is being laid out by the author. And, just as in common literature, long verses seek to develop an idea or truth. Our key passage’s lengt...

A Mother's Day Prayer for the Woman Who Longs to Be a Mom

Pamela Palmer

God blesses the family model, and He has orchestrated having children. Therefore, it can be particularly painful when a woman is not able to have children. Some women are unable to conceive, while oth...

How to Use Scripture on the Nights You Just Can’t Sleep

Allie Boman

Next time you find yourself awake in the dark hours, unable to sleep, consider walking through the steps of Philippians 4. If you finish that and still can’t sleep, get out of bed and copy down a Psal...

Was Vashti Really in the Wrong in Esther's Story?

Annette Griffin

King Xerxes approved the decree and Queen Vashti was thereby stripped of her title and banished from the king’s presence forever, to make way for someone more “worthy” of the title of Queen....