Search Results for repentance,

Found 352 Results for repentance,
5 Comforting Verses to Reaffirm God's Grace

Kirstyn Mayden

Grace is a free gift given to Christians at salvation. Despite our sinful nature, God’s grace and favor is available. Why is it important to receive God’s grace and view it as the amazin...

Why Did Jesus Say John the Baptist Was the Greatest Prophet?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

John the Baptist was a great prophet. His birth was foretold in Luke 1. He is the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth. He would eventually be the one who baptized our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ...

Why Was Jesus Baptized and Did He Need to Be?

Pamela Palmer

Baptism is an important event in the life of the believer. It signifies rebirth into one's faith and a commitment to the Lord. But Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, and is one part of the Trinity. S...

Do You Have to Be Baptized to Take Communion?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Communion is only for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not say you must be baptized to receive communion, and I won’t say it either....

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Emma Danzey

His kindness came to us. Jesus, the incarnate deity, came to earth to show us the greatest act of kindness and love on the cross at Calvary. Death was defeated and not only that, by the Holy Spirit we...

What Does the Bible Say about Judging Others?

Feeling the eyes of judgement makes most people squirm. And yet, in our sinful minds it's so easy to jump to conclusions about people and sling words of judgement without a second thought. But what d...

Who Baptized Jesus?

Heather Adams

“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John” (Matthew 3:13).The ritual of baptism was familiar to the Jewish people by the start of Jesus’ ministry. At that time, priests were b...

8 Powerful Lessons from the Famous Sermon ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’

Jessica Brodie

Perhaps you’ve heard of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” thought to be one of the most famous sermons of all time. Hugely influential in Christianity’s Great Awakening, a period in 18th-century...

3 Standout Lessons in Faith from John the Baptist

Heather Adams

John the Baptist was a key figure in the life of Jesus as he was the one helping "prepare a way" for the Savior. But despite this, his life was filled with hardships and ended in violence. But a close...

Is It True that “Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God?”

Ashley Hooker

My husband often talks about when he was a little boy and went shopping with his mom, he would play a joke on her. He would leave her side and go to the customer service desk and say he was lost. Then...

What Does Psalm 135:6 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Stephanie Englehart

Friends do not let God's good pleasure, in any matter, scare you away or harden your hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold your heart to His—let it help you see the greatness of who God ...

Scripture Reminds Us That God Is Patient – until He Isn’t

Dawn Wilson

We must not mistake God’s patience for His grace. A person who continues in sinful habits without experiencing immediate judgment may falsely reason there will be no consequences. Though God is incred...

Studying Mark's Gospel: Beginnings

The long awaited time had finally come: God, in the fullness of time, came to our world in the person of His Son. ...

Were There Prophets in the New Testament?

Britt Mooney

While the Old Testament possesses several whole books by people we regard as prophets, what about during the early church? Were there prophets in the New Testament? ...

3 Powerful Life Lessons from the Baptism of Jesus

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The baptism, or anointing, of our Lord Jesus spans Eternity Past and Eternity Future. The ceremonial act fulfills the signs and symbols anticipated in the Old Testament priesthood and looks toward His...

How to Seek God with a "Broken and Contrite Heart"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

After King David is confronted with his sin with Bathsheba, he writes Psalm 51 and offers a sacrifice to God: "a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." David is writin...

Zephaniah: A Brutal Warning and a Powerful Hope

Brad Simon

Zephaniah’s prophecy would play a pivotal role in the spiritual awakening that swept across the land. As the nation turned back to God in repentance, revival swept across the land. Hearts and minds we...

5 Purposeful Prayers for the Easter Season

Jessica Brodie

Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is the most important holiday in the life of the church. That’s because its entire purpose is to commemorate and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ...

Beyond Sunday: The Weight of God's Hand

Under terrors of conscience, men have little rest by night, for the grim thoughts of the day dog them to their rooms and haunt their dreams, or else they lie awake in a cold sweat of dread....

How to Distinguish a True Christian from a Hypocrite

Founders Ministries Blog

How can you tell whether you’re a genuine believer or a false believer? Here are 5 signs of a hypocrite and 5 signs of a true follower of Jesus....