Search Results for take every thought

Found 295 Results for take every thought
Why Was Jesus Baptized and Did He Need to Be?

Pamela Palmer

Baptism is an important event in the life of the believer. It signifies rebirth into one's faith and a commitment to the Lord. But Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, and is one part of the Trinity. S...

Did Giants, Descendants of Anak, Actually Exist?

Hope Bolinger

We've heard that giants, descendants of Anak, traversed the pages of Scripture. But was the Bible exaggerating, or were they actually giants?...

What Are the Oaks of Righteousness and Why Do They Give Us Hope?

Emma Danzey

Isaiah 61 talks about believers being oaks of righteousness. As we study the concept of an oak tree today, may we have a greater appreciation for the meaning of this statement....

What Can Christians Learn from the Fate of the Ishmaelites?

Britt Mooney

Just how important are the Ishmaelites in the Bible?...

What Does "Love the Lord with All Your Heart" Mean in the Bible?

Jennifer Heeren

When Jesus was asked about the most important commandment, he made it very simple for us when he said, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your ...

Living by Faith in an Uncertain World

So what does it mean to live by faith in an uncertain world? The life of Abraham can provide some key points to remember....

7 Reasons to Start Your Day with God

Pamela Palmer

Starting your day with God simply means spending time with Him. You can do this in various ways, but however you do it, the most important thing is to start cultivating this rhythm in your life. There...

Why We Should Rejoice at What Happened on Pentecost

Kristi Walker

Pentecost occurs on the seventh Sunday after Easter, and commemorates the day that Jesus was taken up to Heaven. But what exactly happened on this day, and what it meant for the growth of the modern C...

Why Is 'Peace Be Still' so Important during the Storms of Life?

Kathy Collard Miller

All of us struggle to stay calm when faced with trials and problems. That’s why it’s so important that we remember Jesus said, “Peace! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). ...

What Does the Bible Say about How to 'Train Up a Child'?

Heather Riggleman

I understand what it means to “Train up a child in the way that he should go…” Despite being a child myself, God saw it fit to give me three amazing, free-thinking, strong-willed children. ...

Why Do We Remember John Bunyan Today?

Ken Curtis

How did John Buyan go from being a troublemaker to a preacher who wouldn't stop sharing God's message?...

Jesus Teaches Us How to Interact with People in the LGBT Community

Allie Boman

If we want to know how to treat people like neighbors — even people very different from us — we can watch how our older brother Jesus did it. He didn’t really treat everyone “the same.” He met them wh...

5 Ways Counting Your Blessings Can Change the Trajectory of Your Day

Meg Bucher

Even on the hardest days, we are all blessed if we have air to breath, food to eat, and a Savior who loves us completely. But let's be honest, some days it is much harder to remember that than others....

At Jacob's Well

Tim Challies

That’s a place and a context I had not thought about too much until I read Richard Phillips’ book Jesus the Evangelist. Based on a series of expositional sermons, this book teaches the principles and ...

7 Important Things to Know about Circumcision in the Bible

Jessica Van Roekel

The state of our hearts before the Lord is vital to our relationship with him, which is why we must cut away anything that hinders us from loving him with our whole heart. ...

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

Emma Danzey

If we want to live out the goodness of God, we need to be filled up by the Holy Spirit every day. When we show goodness or live out righteously, those around us will see the testimonies of Christ in u...

Of Legacies and New Year's Resolutions

I have mixed feelings about making New Year's resolutions. In the first place, I'm not certain that it's biblical. But if anyone should have reason to make a New Year's resolution, it should be Christ...

What Is the Difference between Faith and Belief?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Faith has to do with confidence. But it doesn’t stop there. Faith in its truest from is when you have confidence in God to the point that it causes you to act, which reinforces our initial point about...