Psalm 119

1 Glückselig, die im Wege untadelig sind, die da wandeln im Gesetze Jehovas!
2 Glückselig, die seine Zeugnisse bewahren, die von ganzem Herzen ihn suchen,
3 Die auch kein Unrecht tun, in seinen Wegen wandeln!
4 Du hast deine Vorschriften geboten, um sie fleißig zu beobachten.
5 O daß meine Wege gerichtet wären, um deine Satzungen zu beobachten!
6 Dann werde ich nicht beschämt werden, wenn ich achthabe auf alle deine Gebote.
7 Preisen werde ich dich in Aufrichtigkeit des Herzens, wenn ich gelernt habe die Rechte deiner Gerechtigkeit.
8 Deine Satzungen werde ich beobachten; verlaß mich nicht ganz und gar!
9 Wodurch wird ein Jüngling seinen Pfad in Reinheit wandeln? Indem er sich bewahrt nach deinem Worte.
10 Mit meinem ganzen Herzen habe ich dich gesucht: laß mich nicht abirren von deinen Geboten!
11 In meinem Herzen habe ich dein Wort verwahrt, auf daß ich nicht wider dich sündige.
12 Gepriesen seiest du, Jehova! Lehre mich deine Satzungen!
13 Mit meinen Lippen habe ich erzählt alle Rechte deines Mundes.
14 An dem Wege deiner Zeugnisse habe ich mich erfreut wie über allen Reichtum.
15 Ãœber deine Vorschriften will ich sinnen und achthaben auf deine Pfade.
16 An deinen Satzungen habe ich meine Wonne; deines Wortes werde ich nicht vergessen.
17 Tue wohl an deinem Knechte, so werde ich leben; und ich will dein Wort bewahren.
18 Öffne meine Augen, damit ich Wunder schaue in deinem Gesetz!
19 Ein Fremdling bin ich im Lande, verbirg nicht vor mir deine Gebote!
20 Zermalmt ist meine Seele vor Verlangen nach deinen Rechten zu aller Zeit.
21 Gescholten hast du die Übermütigen, die Verfluchten, welche abirren von deinen Geboten.
22 Wälze von mir Hohn und Verachtung! Denn deine Zeugnisse habe ich bewahrt.
23 Sitzen auch Fürsten und bereden sich wider mich, dein Knecht sinnt über deine Satzungen.
24 Deine Zeugnisse sind auch meine Wonne, meine Ratgeber.
25 Am Staube klebt meine Seele; belebe mich nach deinem Worte!
26 Meine Wege habe ich erzählt, und du hast mich erhört; lehre mich deine Satzungen!
27 Laß mich verstehen den Weg deiner Vorschriften, und sinnen will ich über deine Wundertaten.
28 Vor Traurigkeit zerfließt in Tränen meine Seele; richte mich auf nach deinem Worte!
29 Wende von mir ab den Weg der Lüge und gewähre mir dein Gesetz!
30 Den Weg der Treue habe ich erwählt, habe vor mich gestellt deine Rechte.
31 Ich hange an deinen Zeugnissen; Jehova, laß mich nicht beschämt werden!
32 Den Weg deiner Gebote werde ich laufen, wenn du Raum gemacht haben wirst meinem Herzen.
33 Lehre mich, Jehova, den Weg deiner Satzungen, und ich will ihn bewahren bis ans Ende.
34 Gib mir Einsicht, und ich will dein Gesetz bewahren und es halten von ganzem Herzen.
35 Laß mich wandeln auf dem Pfade deiner Gebote! Denn an ihm habe ich meine Lust.
36 Neige mein Herz zu deinen Zeugnissen und nicht zum Gewinn!
37 Wende meine Augen ab, daß sie Eitles nicht sehen! Belebe mich in deinen Wegen!
38 Bestätige deinem Knechte deine Zusage, welche deiner Furcht entspricht!
39 Wende ab meinen Hohn, den ich fürchte! Denn deine Rechte sind gut.
40 Siehe, ich verlange nach deinen Vorschriften; belebe mich in deiner Gerechtigkeit!
41 Und laß über mich kommen deine Gütigkeiten, Jehova, deine Rettung nach deiner Zusage!
42 So werde ich Antwort geben dem mich Höhnenden; denn ich vertraue auf dein Wort.
43 Und entziehe meinem Munde nicht gänzlich das Wort der Wahrheit! Denn ich harre auf deine Rechte.
44 Und halten will ich dein Gesetz beständig, immer und ewiglich.
45 Und ich werde wandeln in weitem Raume; denn nach deinen Vorschriften habe ich getrachtet.
46 Und vor Königen will ich reden von deinen Zeugnissen und mich nicht schämen.
47 Und ich werde meine Wonne haben an deinen Geboten, die ich liebe,
48 und werde meine Hände aufheben zu deinen Geboten, die ich liebe; und über deine Satzungen will ich sinnen.
49 Gedenke des Wortes an deinen Knecht, auf welches du mich hast harren lassen!
50 Dies ist mein Trost in meinem Elende, daß deine Zusage mich belebt hat.
51 Die Übermütigen haben mich über die Maßen verspottet; von deinem Gesetz bin ich nicht abgewichen.
52 Ich gedachte, Jehova, deiner Rechte von alters her, und ich tröstete mich.
53 Zornglut hat mich ergriffen wegen der Gesetzlosen, die dein Gesetz verlassen.
54 Deine Satzungen sind meine Gesänge gewesen im Hause meiner Fremdlingschaft.
55 Des Nachts habe ich deines Namens gedacht, Jehova, und ich habe dein Gesetz gehalten.
56 Dies ist mir geschehen, weil ich deine Vorschriften bewahrt habe.
57 Mein Teil, Jehova, habe ich gesagt, ist, deine Worte zu bewahren.
58 Von ganzem Herzen habe ich dich angefleht; sei mir gnädig nach deiner Zusage!
59 Ich habe meine Wege überdacht, und meine Füße gekehrt zu deinen Zeugnissen.
60 Ich habe geeilt und nicht gesäumt, deine Gebote zu halten.
61 Die Bande der Gesetzlosen haben mich umgeben; dein Gesetz habe ich nicht vergessen.
62 Um Mitternacht stehe ich auf, um dich zu preisen wegen der Rechte deiner Gerechtigkeit.
63 Ich bin der Gefährte aller, die dich fürchten, und derer, die deine Vorschriften beobachten.
64 Von deiner Güte, Jehova, ist die Erde erfüllt; lehre mich deine Satzungen!
65 Du hast Gutes getan an deinem Knechte, Jehova, nach deinem Worte.
66 Gute Einsicht und Erkenntnis lehre mich! Denn ich habe deinen Geboten geglaubt.
67 Bevor ich gedemütigt ward, irrte ich; jetzt aber bewahre ich dein Wort.
68 Du bist gut und guttätig; lehre mich deine Satzungen!
69 Lügen haben die Übermütigen wider mich erdichtet; ich bewahre deine Vorschriften von ganzem Herzen.
70 Ihr Herz ist dick geworden wie Fett; ich habe meine Wonne an deinem Gesetz.
71 Es ist gut für mich, daß ich gedemütigt ward, damit ich deine Satzungen lernte.
72 Besser ist mir das Gesetz deines Mundes als Tausende von Gold und Silber.
73 Deine Hände haben mich gemacht und bereitet; gib mir Einsicht, und ich will deine Gebote lernen.
74 Die dich fürchten, werden mich sehen und sich freuen; denn ich habe auf dein Wort geharrt.
75 Ich weiß, Jehova, daß deine Gerichte Gerechtigkeit sind und daß du mich gedemütigt hast in Treue.
76 Laß doch deine Güte mir zum Troste sein, nach deiner Zusage an deinen Knecht!
77 Laß deine Erbarmungen über mich kommen, so werde ich leben; denn dein Gesetz ist meine Wonne.
78 Laß beschämt werden die Übermütigen! Denn sie haben mich gebeugt ohne Grund; ich, ich sinne über deine Vorschriften.
79 Laß sich zu mir kehren, die dich fürchten und die deine Zeugnisse kennen!
80 Laß mein Herz untadelig sein in deinen Satzungen, damit ich nicht beschämt werde!
81 Meine Seele schmachtet nach deiner Rettung, ich harre auf dein Wort.
82 Meine Augen schmachten nach deiner Zusage, indem ich spreche: Wann wirst du mich trösten?
83 Denn wie ein Schlauch im Rauche bin ich geworden; deine Satzungen habe ich nicht vergessen.
84 Wie viele werden der Tage deines Knechtes sein? Wann wirst du Gericht üben an meinen Verfolgern?
85 Die Übermütigen haben mir Gruben gegraben, sie, die nicht nach deinem Gesetz sind.
86 Alle deine Gebote sind Treue. Sie haben mich verfolgt ohne Grund: hilf mir!
87 Wenig fehlte, so hätten sie mich vernichtet auf der Erde; ich aber, ich habe deine Vorschriften nicht verlassen.
88 Belebe mich nach deiner Güte, und ich will bewahren das Zeugnis deines Mundes.
89 In Ewigkeit, Jehova, steht dein Wort fest in den Himmeln;
90 von Geschlecht zu Geschlecht währt deine Treue; du hast die Erde festgestellt, und sie steht.
91 Nach deinen Verordnungen stehen sie heute da, denn alle Dinge dienen dir.
92 Wäre nicht dein Gesetz meine Wonne gewesen, dann würde ich umgekommen sein in meinem Elende.
93 Nimmermehr werde ich deine Vorschriften vergessen, denn durch sie hast du mich belebt.
94 Ich bin dein, rette mich! Denn ich habe nach deinen Vorschriften getrachtet.
95 Die Gesetzlosen haben mir aufgelauert, um mich umzubringen; ich achte auf deine Zeugnisse.
96 Von aller Vollkommenheit habe ich ein Ende gesehen; sehr ausgedehnt ist dein Gebot.
97 Wie liebe ich dein Gesetz! Es ist mein Sinnen den ganzen Tag.
98 Weiser als meine Feinde machen mich deine Gebote, denn immer sind sie bei mir.
99 Verständiger bin ich als alle meine Lehrer, denn deine Zeugnisse sind mein Sinnen.
100 Mehr Einsicht habe ich als die Alten, denn deine Vorschriften habe ich bewahrt.
101 Von jedem bösen Pfade habe ich meine Füße zurückgehalten, damit ich dein Wort bewahre.
102 Nicht bin ich von deinen Rechten gewichen, denn du, du hast mich unterwiesen.
103 Wie süß sind meinem Gaumen deine Worte, mehr als Honig meinem Munde!
104 Aus deinen Vorschriften empfange ich Einsicht; darum hasse ich jeden Lügenpfad.
105 Dein Wort ist Leuchte meinem Fuße und Licht für meinen Pfad.
106 Ich habe geschworen und halte es aufrecht, zu beobachten die Rechte deiner Gerechtigkeit.
107 Ich bin über die Maßen gebeugt; Jehova, belebe mich nach deinem Worte!
108 Laß dir doch wohlgefallen, Jehova, die freiwilligen Opfer meines Mundes, lehre mich deine Rechte!
109 Mein Leben ist stets in meiner Hand, aber dein Gesetz habe ich nicht vergessen.
110 Die Gesetzlosen haben mir eine Schlinge gelegt, aber von deinen Vorschriften bin ich nicht abgeirrt.
111 Deine Zeugnisse habe ich mir als Erbteil genommen auf ewig, denn meines Herzens Freude sind sie.
112 Ich habe mein Herz geneigt, deine Satzungen zu tun ewiglich bis ans Ende.
113 Die Doppelherzigen hasse ich, und ich liebe dein Gesetz.
114 Mein Bergungsort und mein Schild bist du; auf dein Wort harre ich.
115 Weichet von mir, ihr Übeltäter: ich will die Gebote meines Gottes bewahren.
116 Unterstütze mich nach deiner Zusage, so werde ich leben; und laß mich nicht beschämt werden in meiner Hoffnung!
117 Stütze mich, so werde ich gerettet werden; und ich will stets schauen auf deine Satzungen.
118 Verworfen hast du alle, die von deinen Satzungen abirren; denn Lüge ist ihr Trug.
119 Wie Schlacken hast du hinweggeräumt alle Gesetzlosen der Erde; darum liebe ich deine Zeugnisse.
120 Vor deinem Schrecken schaudert mein Fleisch, und ich fürchte mich vor deinen Gerichten.
121 Ich habe Recht und Gerechtigkeit geübt; überlaß mich nicht meinen Bedrückern!
122 Sei Bürge für deinen Knecht zum Guten; laß die Übermütigen mich nicht bedrücken!
123 Meine Augen schmachten nach deiner Rettung und nach der Zusage deiner Gerechtigkeit.
124 Handle mit deinem Knechte nach deiner Güte, und lehre mich deine Satzungen!
125 Dein Knecht bin ich, gib mir Einsicht, so werde ich deine Zeugnisse erkennen.
126 Es ist Zeit für Jehova zu handeln: sie haben dein Gesetz gebrochen.
127 Darum liebe ich deine Gebote mehr als Gold und gediegenes Gold;
128 darum halte ich alle deine Vorschriften für recht; jeden Lügenpfad hasse ich.
129 Wunderbar sind deine Zeugnisse, darum bewahrt sie meine Seele.
130 Die Eröffnung deines Wortes erleuchtet, gibt Einsicht den Einfältigen.
131 Ich habe meinen Mund weit aufgetan und gelechzt, denn ich habe verlangt nach deinen Geboten.
132 Wende dich zu mir und sei mir gnädig, nach dem Rechte derer, die deinen Namen lieben!
133 Befestige meine Schritte in deinem Worte, und laß kein Unrecht mich beherrschen!
134 Erlöse mich von der Bedrückung des Menschen, und ich will deine Vorschriften beobachten.
135 Laß dein Angesicht leuchten über deinen Knecht, und lehre mich deine Satzungen!
136 Wasserbäche fließen herab aus meinen Augen, weil sie dein Gesetz nicht halten.
137 Gerecht bist du, Jehova, und gerade sind deine Gerichte.
138 Du hast in Gerechtigkeit deine Zeugnisse geboten und in Treue gar sehr.
139 Verzehrt hat mich mein Eifer, denn meine Bedränger haben deine Worte vergessen.
140 Wohlgeläutert ist dein Wort, und dein Knecht hat es lieb.
141 Gering bin ich und verachtet; deine Vorschriften habe ich nicht vergessen.
142 Deine Gerechtigkeit ist eine ewige Gerechtigkeit, und dein Gesetz ist Wahrheit.
143 Angst und Bedrängnis haben mich erreicht; deine Gebote sind meine Wonne.
144 Gerechtigkeit sind deine Zeugnisse ewiglich; gib mir Einsicht, so werde ich leben.
145 Von ganzem Herzen habe ich gerufen; erhöre mich, Jehova! Ich will deine Satzungen beobachten.
146 Zu dir habe ich gerufen, rette mich! Und ich will deine Zeugnisse bewahren.
147 Der Morgendämmerung bin ich zuvorgekommen und habe geschrieen; auf dein Wort habe ich geharrt.
148 Meine Augen sind den Nachtwachen zuvorgekommen, um zu sinnen über dein Wort.
149 Höre meine Stimme nach deiner Güte; Jehova, belebe mich nach deinen Rechten!
150 Es haben sich genaht, die bösen Plänen nachjagen; fern sind sie von deinem Gesetz.
151 Du bist nahe, Jehova; und alle deine Gebote sind Wahrheit.
152 Von alters her habe ich aus deinen Zeugnissen gewußt, daß du sie gegründet hast auf ewig.
153 Sieh an mein Elend und befreie mich! Denn dein Gesetz habe ich nicht vergessen.
154 Führe meinen Rechtsstreit und erlöse mich! Belebe mich nach deiner Zusage!
155 Fern ist von den Gesetzlosen Rettung, denn nach deinen Satzungen trachten sie nicht.
156 Deiner Erbarmungen sind viele, Jehova; belebe mich nach deinen Rechten!
157 Viele sind meiner Verfolger und meiner Bedränger; von deinen Zeugnissen bin ich nicht abgewichen.
158 Die Treulosen habe ich gesehen, und es ekelte mich an, weil sie dein Wort nicht bewahrten.
159 Sieh, daß ich deine Vorschriften lieb habe; nach deiner Güte, Jehova, belebe mich!
160 Die Summe deines Wortes ist Wahrheit, und alles Recht deiner Gerechtigkeit währt ewiglich.
161 Fürsten haben mich verfolgt ohne Ursache; aber vor deinem Worte hat mein Herz sich gefürchtet.
162 Ich freue mich über dein Wort wie einer, der große Beute findet.
163 Lüge hasse und verabscheue ich; ich liebe dein Gesetz.
164 Siebenmal des Tages lobe ich dich um der Rechte deiner Gerechtigkeit willen.
165 Große Wohlfahrt haben die, die dein Gesetz lieben, und kein Fallen gibt es für sie.
166 Ich habe auf deine Rettung gewartet, Jehova; und deine Gebote habe ich getan.
167 Meine Seele hat deine Zeugnisse bewahrt, und ich liebe sie sehr.
168 Deine Vorschriften und deine Zeugnisse habe ich bewahrt, denn alle meine Wege sind vor dir.
169 Laß mein Schreien nahe vor dich kommen, Jehova; gib mir Einsicht nach deinem Worte!
170 Laß vor dich kommen mein Flehen; errette mich nach deiner Zusage!
171 Meine Lippen sollen dein Lob hervorströmen lassen, wenn du mich gelehrt hast deine Satzungen.
172 Meine Zunge soll laut reden von deinem Worte, denn alle deine Gebote sind Gerechtigkeit.
173 Laß deine Hand mir zu Hilfe kommen! Denn ich habe deine Vorschriften erwählt.
174 Ich sehne mich nach deiner Rettung, Jehova; und dein Gesetz ist meine Wonne.
175 Laß meine Seele leben, und sie wird dich loben; und deine Rechte mögen mir helfen!
176 Ich bin umhergeirrt wie ein verlorenes Schaf; suche deinen Knecht! Denn ich habe deine Gebote nicht vergessen.

Images for Psalm 119

Psalm 119 Commentary

Chapter 119

The general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the Divine law, and make it honourable. There are ten words by which Divine revelation is called in this psalm, and each expresses what God expects from us, and what we may expect from him. 1. God's law; this is enacted by him as our Sovereign. 2. His way; this is the rule of his providence. 3. His testimonies; they are solemnly declared to the world. 4. His commandments; given with authority. 5. His precepts; not left as indifferent matters to us. 6. His word, or saying; it is the declaration of his mind. 7. His judgments; framed in infinite wisdom. 8. His righteousness; it is the rule and standard of what is right. 9. His statutes; they are always binding. 10. His truth or faithfulness; it is eternal truth, it shall endure for ever.

Verses 1-8 This psalm may be considered as the statement of a believer's experience. As far as our views, desires, and affections agree with what is here expressed, they come from the influences of the Holy Spirit, and no further. The pardoning mercy of God in Christ, is the only source of a sinner's happiness. And those are most happy, who are preserved most free from the defilement of sin, who simply believe God's testimonies, and depend on his promises. If the heart be divided between him and the world, it is evil. But the saints carefully avoid all sin; they are conscious of much evil that clogs them in the ways of God, but not of that wickedness which draws them out of those ways. The tempter would make men think they are at them out of those ways. The tempter would make men think they are at liberty to follow the word of God or not, as they please. But the desire and prayer of a good man agree with the will and command of God. If a man expects by obedience in one thing to purchase indulgence for disobedience in others, his hypocrisy will be detected; if he is not ashamed in this world, everlasting shame will be his portion. The psalmist coveted to learn the laws of God, to give God the glory. And believers see that if God forsakes them, the temper will be too hard for them.

Verses 9-16 To original corruption all have added actual sin. The ruin of the young is either living by no rule at all, or choosing false rules: let them walk by Scripture rules. To doubt of our own wisdom and strength, and to depend upon God, proves the purpose of holiness is sincere. God's word is treasure worth laying up, and there is no laying it up safe but in our hearts, that we may oppose God's precepts to the dominion of sin, his promises to its allurements, and his threatenings to its violence. Let this be our plea with Him to teach us his statutes, that, being partakers of his holiness, we may also partake of his blessedness. And those whose hearts are fed with the bread of life, should with their lips feed many. In the way of God's commandments there is the unsearchable riches of Christ. But we do not meditate on God's precepts to good purpose, unless our good thoughts produce good works. I will not only think of thy statutes, but do them with delight. And it will be well to try the sincerity of our obedience by tracing the spring of it; the reality of our love by cheerfulness in appointed duties.

Verses 17-24 If God deals in strict justice with us, we all perish. We ought to spend our lives in his service; we shall find true life in keeping his word. Those that would see the wondrous things of God's law and gospel, must beg him to give them understanding, by the light of his Spirit. Believers feel themselves strangers on earth; they fear missing their way, and losing comfort by erring from God's commandments. Every sanctified soul hungers after the word of God, as food which there is no living without. There is something of pride at the bottom of every wilful sin. God can silence lying lips; reproach and contempt may humble and do us good, and then they shall be removed. Do we find the weight of the cross is above that we are able to bear? He that bore it for us will enable us to bear it; upheld by him we cannot sink. It is sad when those who should protect the innocent, are their betrayers. The psalmist went on in duty, and he found comfort in the word of God. The comforts of the word of God are most pleasant to a gracious soul, when other comforts are made bitter; and those that would have God's testimonies to be their delight, must be advised by them. May the Lord direct us in exercising repentance of sin, and faith in Christ.

Verses 25-32 While the souls of the children of this world cleave to the earth as their portion, the children of light are greatly burdened, because of the remains of carnal affections in their hearts. It is unspeakable comfort to a gracious soul, to think with what tenderness all its complaints are received by a gracious God. We can talk of the wonders of redeeming love, when we understand the way of God's precepts, and walk in that way. The penitent melts in sorrow for sin: even the patient spirit may melt in the sense of affliction, it is then its interest to pour out its soul before God. The way of lying means all false ways by which men deceive themselves and others, or are deceived by Satan and his instruments. Those who know and love the law of the Lord, desire to know it more, and love it better. The way of serious godliness is the way of truth; the only true way to happiness: we must always have actual regard to it. Those who stick to the word of God, may in faith expect and pray for acceptance with God. Lord, never leave me to do that by which I shall shame myself, and do not thou reject my services. Those that are going to heaven, should still press forward. God, by his Spirit, enlarges the hearts of his people when he gives them wisdom. The believer prays to be set free from sin.

Verses 33-40 Teach me thy statutes, not the mere words, but the way of applying them to myself. God, by his Spirit, gives a right understanding. But the Spirit of revelation in the word will not suffice, unless we have the Spirit of wisdom in the heart. God puts his Spirit within us, causing us to walk in his statutes. The sin here prayed against is covetousness. Those that would have the love of God rooted in them, must get the love of the world rooted out; for the friendship of the world is enmity with God. Quicken me in thy way; to redeem time, and to do every duty with liveliness of spirit. Beholding vanity deadens us, and slackens our pace; a traveller must not stand gazing upon every object that presents itself to his view. The promises of God's word greatly relate to the preservation of the true believer. When Satan has drawn a child of God into worldly compliances, he will reproach him with the falls into which he led him. Victory must come from the cross of Christ. When we enjoy the sweetness of God's precepts, it will make us long for more acquaintance with them. And where God has wrought to will, he will work to do.

Verses 41-48 Lord, I have by faith thy mercies in view; let me by prayer prevail to obtain them. And when the salvation of the saints is completed, it will plainly appear that it was not in vain to trust in God's word. We need to pray that we may never be afraid or ashamed to own God's truths and ways before men. And the psalmist resolves to keep God's law, in a constant course of obedience, without backsliding. The service of sin is slavery; the service of God is liberty. There is no full happiness, or perfect liberty, but in keeping God's law. We must never be ashamed or afraid to own our religion. The more delight we take in the service of God, the nearer we come to perfection. Not only consent to his law as good, but take pleasure in it as good for us. Let me put forth all the strength I have, to do it. Something of this mind of Christ is in every true disciple.

Verses 49-56 Those that make God's promises their portion, may with humble boldness make them their plea. He that by his Spirit works faith in us, will work for us. The word of God speaks comfort in affliction. If, through grace, it makes us holy, there is enough in it to make us easy, in all conditions. Let us be certain we have the Divine law for what we believe, and then let not scoffers prevail upon us to decline from it. God's judgments of old comfort and encourage us, for he is still the same. Sin is horrible in the eyes of all that are sanctified. Ere long the believer will be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. In the mean time, the statutes of the Lord supply subjects for grateful praise. In the season of affliction, and in the silent hours of the night, he remembers the name of the Lord, and is stirred up to keep the law. All who have made religion the first thing, will own that they have been unspeakable gainers by it.

Verses 57-64 True believers take the Lord for the portion of their inheritance, and nothing less will satisfy them. The psalmist prayed with his whole heart, knowing how to value the blessing he prayed for: he desired the mercy promised, and depended on the promise for it. He turned from by-paths, and returned to God's testimonies. He delayed not. It behoves sinners to hasten to escape; and the believer will be equally in haste to glorify God. No care or grief should take away God's word out of our minds, or hinder the comfort it bestows. There is no situation on earth in which a believer has not cause to be thankful. Let us feel ashamed that others are more willing to keep from sleep to spend the time in sinful pleasures, than we are to praise God. And we should be more earnest in prayer, that our hearts may be filled with his mercy, grace, and peace.

Verses 65-72 However God has dealt with us, he has dealt with us better than we deserve; and all in love, and for our good. Many have knowledge, but little judgment; those who have both, are fortified against the snares of Satan, and furnished for the service of God. We are most apt to wander from God, when we are easy in the world. We should leave our concerns to the disposal of God, seeing we know not what is good for us. Lord, thou art our bountiful Benefactor; incline our hearts to faith and obedience. The psalmist will go on in his duty with constancy and resolution. The proud are full of the world, and its wealth and pleasures; these make them senseless, secure, and stupid. God visits his people with affliction, that they may learn his statutes. Not only God's promises, but even his law, his percepts, though hard to ungodly men, are desirable, and profitable, because they lead us with safety and delight unto eternal life.

Verses 73-80 God made us to serve him, and enjoy him; but by sin we have made ourselves unfit to serve him, and to enjoy him. We ought, therefore, continually to beseech him, by his Holy Spirit, to give us understanding. The comforts some have in God, should be matter of joy to others. But it is easy to own, that God's judgments are right, until it comes to be our own case. All supports under affliction must come from mercy and compassion. The mercies of God are tender mercies; the mercies of a father, the compassion of a mother to her son. They come to us when we are not able to go to them. Causeless reproach does not hurt, and should not move us. The psalmist could go on in the way of his duty, and find comfort in it. He valued the good will of saints, and was desirous to keep up his communion with them. Soundness of heart signifies sincerity in dependence on God, and devotedness to him.

Verses 81-88 The psalmist sought deliverance from his sins, his foes, and his fears. Hope deferred made him faint; his eyes failed by looking out for this expected salvation. But when the eyes fail, yet faith must not. His affliction was great. He was become like a leathern bottle, which, if hung up in the smoke, is dried and shrivelled up. We must ever be mindful of God's statutes. The days of the believer's mourning shall be ended; they are but for a moment, compared with eternal happiness. His enemies used craft as well as power for his ruin, in contempt of the law of God. The commandments of God are true and faithful guides in the path of peace and safety. We may best expect help from God when, like our Master, we do well and suffer for it. Wicked men may almost consume the believer upon earth, but he would sooner forsake all than forsake the word of the Lord. We should depend upon the grace of God for strength to do every good work. The surest token of God's good-will toward us, is his good work in us.

Verses 89-96 The settling of God's word in heaven, is opposed to the changes and revolutions of the earth. And the engagements of God's covenant are established more firmly than the earth itself. All the creatures answer the ends of their creation: shall man, who alone is endued with reason, be the only unprofitable burden of the earth? We may make the Bible a pleasant companion at any time. But the word, without the grace of God, would not quicken us. See the best help for bad memories, namely, good affections; and though the exact words be lost, if the meaning remain, that is well. I am thine, not my own, not the world's; save me from sin, save me from ruin. The Lord will keep the man in peace, whose mind is stayed on him. It is poor perfection which one sees and end of. Such are all things in this world, which pass for perfections. The glory of man is but as the flower of the grass. The psalmist had seen the fulness of the word of God, and its sufficiency. The word of the Lord reaches to all cases, to all times. It will take us from all confidence in man, or in our own wisdom, strength, and righteousness. Thus shall we seek comfort and happiness from Christ alone.

Verses 97-104 What we love, we love to think of. All true wisdom is from God. A good man carries his Bible with him, if not in his hands, yet in his head and in his heart. By meditation on God's testimonies we understand more than our teachers, when we understand our own hearts. The written word is a more sure guide to heaven, than all the fathers, the teachers, and ancients of the church. We cannot, with any comfort or boldness, attend God in holy duties, while under guilt, or in any by-way. It was Divine grace in his heart, that enabled the psalmist to receive these instructions. The soul has its tastes as well as the body. Our relish for the word of God will be greatest, when that for the world and the flesh is least. The way of sin is a wrong way; and the more understanding we get by the precepts of God, the more rooted will be our hatred of sin; and the more ready we are in the Scriptures, the better furnished we are with answers to temptation.

Verses 105-112 The word of God directs us in our work and way, and a dark place indeed the world would be without it. The commandment is a lamp kept burning with the oil of the Spirit, as a light to direct us in the choice of our way, and the steps we take in that way. The keeping of God's commands here meant, was that of a sinner under a dispensation of mercy, of a believer having part in the covenant of grace. The psalmist is often afflicted; but with longing desires to become more holy, offers up daily prayers for quickening grace. We cannot offer any thing to God, that he will accept but what he is pleased to teach us to do. To have our soul or life continually in our hands, implies constant danger of life; yet he did not forget God's promises nor his precepts. Numberless are the snares laid by the wicked; and happy is that servant of God, whom they have not caused to err from his Master's precepts. Heavenly treasures are a heritage for ever; all the saints accept them as such, therefore they can be content with little of this world. We must look for comfort only in the way of duty, and that duty must be done. A good man, by the grace of God, brings his heart to his work, then it is done well.

Verses 113-120 Here is a dread of the risings of sin, and the first beginnings of it. The more we love the law of God, the more watchful we shall be, lest vain thoughts draw us from what we love. Would we make progress in keeping God's commands, we must be separate from evil-doers. The believer could not live without the grace of God; but, supported by his hand, his spiritual life shall be maintained. Our holy security is grounded on Divine supports. All departure from God's statutes is error, and will prove fatal. Their cunning is falsehood. There is a day coming which will put the wicked into everlasting fire, the fit place for the dross. See what comes of sin Surely we who fall so low in devout affections, should fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into heavenly rest, any of us should be found to come short of it, ( Hebrews 4:1 ) .

Verses 121-128 Happy is the man, who, acting upon gospel principles, does justice to all around. Christ our Surety, having paid our debt and ransom, secures all the blessings of salvation to every true believer. The psalmist expects the word of God's righteousness, and no other salvation than what is secured by that word, which cannot fall to the ground. We deserve no favour form God; we are most easy when we cast ourselves upon God's mercy, and refer ourselves to it. If any man resolve to do God's will as his servant, he shall be made to know his testimonies. We must do what we can for the support of religion, and, after all, must beg of God to take the work into his own hands. It is hypocrisy to say we love God's commandments more than our worldly interests. The way of sin is a false way, being directly contrary to God's precepts, which are right: those that love and esteem God's law, hate sin, and will not be reconciled to it.

Verses 129-136 The wonders of redeeming love will fix the heart in adoration of them. The Scriptures show us what we were, what we are, and what we shall be. They show us the mercy and the justice of the Lord, the joys of heaven, and the pains of hell. Thus they give to the simple, in a few days, understanding of those matters, which philosophers for ages sought in vain. The believer, wearied with the cares of life and his conflicts with sin, pants for the consolations conveyed to him by means of the sacred word. And every one may pray, Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. We must beg that the Holy Spirit would order our steps. The dominion of sin is to be dreaded and prayed against by every one. The oppression of men is often more than flesh and blood can bear; and He who knoweth our frame, will not refuse to remove it in answer to the prayers of his people. Whatever obscurity may appear as to the faith of the Old Testament believers, their confidence at the throne of grace can only be explained by their having obtained more distinct views of gospel privileges, through the sacrifices and services of their law, than is generally imagined. Go to the same place, plead the name and merits of Jesus, and you will not, you cannot plead in vain. Commonly, where there is a gracious heart, there is a weeping eye. Accept, O Lord, the tears our blessed Redeemer shed in the days of his flesh, for us who should weep for our brethren or ourselves.

Verses 137-144 God never did, and never can do wrong to any. The promises are faithfully performed by Him that made them. Zeal against sin should constrain us to do what we can against it, at least to do more in religion ourselves. Our love to the word of God is evidence of our love to God, because it is designed to make us partake his holiness. Men's real excellency always makes them low in their own eyes. When we are small and despised, we have the more need to remember God's precepts, that we may have them to support us. The law of God is the truth, the standard of holiness, the rule of happiness; but the obedience of Christ alone justifies the believer. Sorrows are often the lot of saints in this vale of tears; they are in heaviness through manifold temptations. There are delights in the word of God, which the saints often most sweetly enjoy when in trouble and anguish. This is life eternal, to know God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent, ( John 17:3 ) . May we live the life of faith and grace here, and be removed to the life of glory hereafter.

Verses 145-152 Supplications with the whole heart are presented only by those who desire God's salvation, and who love his commandments. Whither should the child go but to his father? Save me from my sins, my corruptions, my temptations, all the hinderances in my way, that I may keep thy testimonies. Christians who enjoy health, should not suffer the early hours of the morning to glide away unimproved. Hope in God's word encourages us to continue in prayer. It is better to take time from sleep, than not to find time for prayer. We have access to God at all hours; and if our first thoughts in the morning are of God, they will help to keep us in his fear all the day long. Make me lively and cheerful. God knows what we need and what is good for us, and will quicken us. If we are employed in God's service, we need not fear those who try to set themselves as far as they can out of the reach of the convictions and commands of his law. When trouble is near, God is near. He is never far to seek. All his commandments are truth. And God's promises will be performed. All that ever trusted in God have found him faithful.

Verses 153-160 The closer we cleave to the word of God, both as our rule and as our stay, the more assurance we have of deliverance. Christ is the Advocate of his people, their Redeemer. Those who were quickened by his Spirit and grace, when they were dead in trespasses and sins, often need to have the work of grace revived in them, according to the word of promise. The wicked not only do not God's statutes, but they do not even seek them. They flatter themselves that they are going to heaven; but the longer they persist in sin, the further it is from them. God's mercies are tender; they are a fountain that can never be exhausted. The psalmist begs for God's reviving, quickening grace. A man, steady in the way of his duty, though he may have many enemies, needs to fear none. Those that hate sin truly, hate it as sin, as a transgression of the law of God, and a breaking of his word. Our obedience is only pleasing to God, and pleasant to ourselves, when it comes from a principle of love. All, in every age, who receive God's word in faith and love, find every saying in it faithful.

Verses 161-168 Those whose hearts stand in awe of God's word, will rather endure the wrath of man, than break the law of God. By the word of God we are unspeakable gainers. Every man hates to have a lie told him, but we should more hate telling a lie; by the latter we give an affront to God. The more we see the beauty of truth, the more we shall see the hateful deformity of a lie. We are to praise God even for afflictions; through grace we get good from them. Those that love the world have great vexation, for it does not answer what they expect; those that love God's word have great peace, for it outdoes what they expect. Those in whom this holy love reigns, will not perplex themselves with needless scruples, or take offence at their brethren. A good hope of salvation will engage the heart in doing the commandments. And our love to the word of God must subdue our lusts, and root out carnal affections: we must make heart work of it, or we make nothing of it. We must keep the commandments of God by obedience to them, and his promises by reliance on them. God's eye is on us at all times; this should make us very careful to keep his commandments.

Verses 169-176 The psalmist desired grace and strength to lift up his prayers, and that the Lord would receive and notice them. He desired to know more of God in Christ; to know more of the doctrines of the word, and the duties of religion. He had a deep sense of unworthiness, and holy fear that his prayer should not come before God; Lord, what I pray for is, what thou hast promised. We have learned nothing to purpose, if we have not learned to praise God. We should always make the word of God the rule of our discourse, so as never to transgress it by sinful speaking, or sinful silence. His own hands are not sufficient, nor can any creature lend him help; therefore he looks up to God, that the hand that had made him may help him. He had made religion his deliberate choice. There is an eternal salvation all the saints long for, and therefore they pray that God would help their way to it. Let thy judgments help me; let all ordinances and all providences, (both are God's judgments,) further me in glorifying God; let them help me for that work. He often looks back with shame and gratitude to his lost estate. He still prays for the tender care of Him who purchased his flock with his own blood, that he may receive from him the gift of eternal life. Seek me, that is, Find me; for God never seeks in vain. Turn me, and I shall be turned. Let this psalm be a touchstone by which to try our hearts, and our lives. Do our hearts, cleansed in Christ's blood, make these prayers, resolutions and confessions our own? Is God's word the standard of our faith, and the law of our practice? Do we use it as pleas with Christ for what we need? Happy those who live in such delightful exercises.

Chapter Summary


This psalm is generally thought to be written by David, but when is uncertain; very probably towards the decline of life; and, as some think, for the sake or his son Solomon. It seems to be a collection of observations on the word of God and its precepts, the usefulness and excellency of it, he had made in the course of his life; interspersed with various petitions for the grace of God, to enable him to observe it. The psalm is a very extraordinary one; partly on account of the unusual length of it, it being more than double the length of the longest psalm in the whole book; and partly on account of its curious composition. It consists of twenty two parts, according to the number of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet; the names of which letters stand between each part; and every part consists of eight verses, all of which begin with the same letter: thus, for instance, the first eight verses begin with the letter a, "aleph", and the second eight verses begin with the letter b, "beth", and so on throughout; hence the Masorah calls this psalm the Great Alphabet. This the psalmist did, perhaps to excite attention to what he said, and also to help the memory. And it is observable that there are very few verses in the whole, not more than one or two, but what has something in it concerning the word of God, and its precepts and ordinances; there are nine or ten different words used relative to it, which signify much one and the same thing; as laws, statutes, judgments, testimonies Luther {m} observes, that neither Cicero, nor Virgil, nor Demosthenes, are to be compared with David for eloquence, as we see in the hundred nineteenth Psalm, where he divideth one sense and meaning into twenty two sorts. And it may also be remarked, that there is nothing in it concerning the tabernacle worship, or the rites and ceremonies of the legal dispensation; so that it seems to be calculated for, and is suited to, the word of God, and the ordinances of it, as we now have them in their full perfection: and the design of the whole is to show the fervent affection the psalmist had for the word of God, and to stir up the same in others.

{m} Mensal. Colloqu. c. 32. p. 365.

a, \\ALEPH.--The First Part\\.

Psalm 119 Commentaries

The Elberfelder Bible is in the public domain.