Search Results for isa 2

Found 2418 Results for isa 2
Revelation 21:2

Then I, John, saw the holy city This is one of five places in the book of Revelation where John refers to himself by name (Rev. Rev. 1:1+, Rev. 1:4+, ...

Psalms 87

PSALM 87 Psalms 87:1-7 . This triumphal song was probably occasioned by the same event as the the glory of the Church, as the means of spirit...


TENDER ten'-der: The usua1 (11 out of 16 times) translation of rakh, soft, delicate, with the noun rokh, in Deuteronomy 28:56 and the verb rakhakh, i...

Zacarias 10

ZACARIAS 10DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNKJVNRSVTEVNJBRestauraci?n de Jud? e Israel.10:1-210:3-12Solamente el Se?or controla la n...

Cantar de los Cantares 2


Lucas 3

Lucas 3Divisi?n por P?rrafos en las Traducciones ModernasUBS4NKJVNRSVTEVNJBLa Predicci?n de Juan el Bautista3:1-63:7-143:15-20El Bautismo de Jes?s3:21...

2.33. Inspired

The source of all Scripture is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit is God, by His very nature He is completely without error. Th...

Deuteronomio 14

DEUTERONOMIO 14DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNKJVNRSVTEVNJBLuto impropio14:1-2Carne limpia e impura14:3-814:9-1014:11-2014:21Princ...


Weakness While the Gospels often use the word weakness to describe the many illnesses Jesus healed, the concept of weakness is seldom used in a physic...

Revelation 20:14

Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire Death (representing the bodies of the dead which had lain in the earth and sea) and Hades (the p...

Revelation 12:14

was given Again, we see the sovereignty of God Who provides for her. See commentary concerning God?s sovereignty at Revelation 6:2. two wings of a gre...

Revelation 14:11

the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever This phrase speaks of eternal judgment, like that which will ultimately befall the land of Edom a...


Necromancy [N]Form of divination in which a person calls upon the dead to receive communication that clarifies knowledge. Ugaritic texts from the midd...

20.6.1. Births, Deaths, and Resurrections

Scripture knows of two births, two deaths, and two resurrections. Everyone is physically born once. Those who do not undergo the second birth, the sp...

10.6. Israel, the Church, the New Jerusalem

As we have seen, the OT represents Israel as the wife of Jehovah. Although she has been unfaithful and divorced by her Husband, a time is coming when...

7.1. Which Face, Which Gospel

In criticism of this association, some note the variations found among the church fathers in assigning the faces to the gospels:The church Father Ire...

Revelation 18:1

In the previous chapter, John was shown The Great Harlot who sits on many waters (Rev. Rev. 17:1+). She was identified as Babylon the Great (Rev. Rev...

Revelation 19:11

Now I saw heaven opened Opened is ?????????? [?ne?gmenon] , perfect tense participle: having been opened. Heaven was now open when John saw it, havin...

Age, Ages

Age, Ages The Greek aion [aijwvn] in the Septuagint and New Testament corresponds to the Hebrew olam ['l/[] of the Old Testament. Both words usually d...

Jonah 4:6

Overview - Jonah 4 1?Jonah repining at God's mercy, 4?is reproved by the type of a gourd. Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeJonah 4:6??(King James Versi...