Search Results for luke 10

Found 575 Results for luke 10
How Can We Embrace the Power of Prayer?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Truthfully speaking, prayer is the most powerful force or weapon on earth. You can be in one place and impact situations around the world simply by asking God to intervene. That’s why it is important ...

How Do You Pray the Sinner's Prayer?

Bethany Verrett

The Sinner’s Pray is not a single, uniform prayer. Instead it is an outline, or series of statements, that can be put together in a prayer. ...

What Is the Spiritual Significance of an Alabaster Box?

Emma Danzey

Alabaster box (or referred to as jar) is mentioned in three places in the Bible. The reference is to the woman Mary of Bethany....

Why Should We Also Pay Attention to Jairus in the Story about His Daughter?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Jairus is significant in the Bible because Jesus raised his daughter from the dead. Jesus had just healed a man who was demon-possessed....

What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus’ Genealogy?

Heather Adams

Honestly, I used to be confused and put off by these “family trees” myself. But as I started to read more of the Bible, they started to come alive.  Each member is part of a beautiful tapestry wo...

Why Does the Bible Say that a Little Leaven Leavens the Whole Lump?

Linda Lyle

Have you ever heard the phrase "a little leaven leavens the whole lump"? Or wondered why it appears in the Bible?...

What Is the Meaning of Modesty in the Bible?

Meg Bucher

Knowledge of who we are in Christ is crucial to a life of biblical modesty. Modesty is simplicity. Jesus sets the example of the life we are to lead in the pages of Scripture. Living a simple and mode...

7 Ways God Is Truly Our Good Father

Frank Santora

When it comes to "goodness," God is uniquely good.  God does good and gets nothing in return. He simply is good; He loves us and enjoys being good. His goodness is unmatched, unparalleled, u...

What Does It Mean that God Loves a Cheerful Giver?

Britt Mooney

God calls us to do certain things, but he wants us to obey from love rather than obligation. That’s why the apostle Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver....

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

What is Eschatology and Why Should Christians Care to Understand It?

Jessica Brodie

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is precisely why it is important for Christians to be aware of eschatology, for the entire purpose of the Christ is wrapped up in God’s final plan for humanity. Jesus Christ...

Why Exactly Were Tax Collectors so Hated?

Joel Ryan

For Jews living in Jerusalem and the surrounding regions during the first century, paying taxes to the Roman Empire was understandably a source of great consternation and displeasure. Those responsibl...

Can Christians Take Biblical Stewardship Too Far?

Stephen Baker

Stewardship refers to the act of managing someone else’s property that they have entrusted to your care for a time. ...

How Does the Bible Caution Us about Toxic People?

Heather Adams

God’s Word gives us examples of those who not only disregarded His Ways, but openly tried to turn others against Him. Some were willing to repent and become aligned again with the Lord, but others stu...

What Does It Mean that Christians Live Under a New Covenant?

Britt Mooney

For the people of God today, what does it mean for us to live under the new covenant?...

The Rich Young Ruler Reflects Our Own Struggles with Money

Frank Santora

Jesus’ statement challenges the idea of working hard and climbing the ladder of success, and confronts the current of independence and materialism that is foundational to our modern society....

Is Jesus the Son of God? Discover the Biblical Evidence and Meaning

Is Jesus the Son of God? Discover the biblical evidence and meaning regarding the relationship between God and Jesus. Although it is a foundational confession for all Christians, much of the theologic...

What Is a Parable and How Should We Read Them?

Madison Hetzler

Sprinkled throughout the teachings of Jesus, we find tales of mustard seeds and swine, pearls and wineskins. Narratives of coins and stray sheep, buried treasure and banquets collect within the page...

Does the Phrase Fly in the Ointment Come from the Bible?

Linda Lyle

Does fly in the ointment come from the Bible or from Shakespeare?...

What Do Widows in the Bible Teach Us about Loss?

Dr. Julie Barrier

Many women say losing a mate is like losing a limb. It's a torturous, treacherous journey. Only by the grace of God can one survive it. The Bible is filled with stories of widows who show us the way b...